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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I've fought him twice, in one day mind you. Though I wasn't alone either time, and I don't know how serious he was." Connor sighs, "I understand that he is your childhood friend, but I'm not going to let him take me down." His eyes wandered about the room before coming back to Marko, "I'm guessing the moment we leave this place your going to talk to him aren't you? Try to convince him to stand down? I may not know too much about you Marko but that sounds like something you'd do."
Marko shakes his head. "The chi would kill you. Rip you to shreds. I would not enter him, unless you want to die inside a human being. That would be weird". Marko looks at Connor. He didnt want Kelai to die. Kelai, Richie, and Tony are his best friends. He couldnt see him die. "You are right. I am going to see if I can make him stand down. I dont want more death"
"Hey! What the hell's going on!?" Perry shouted though his comm over to Marko and he started swinging as fast as he can. He tapped into some S.H.I.E.L.D. transmissions earlier and it didn't sound good.
"He does need to answer for what he's done. Surely, I mean he just killed someone, an Avenger no less. I don't care who he is and what he can do, he can't just get away with this..." Sam flies over and alights on Connor' s shoulder. "Uh, I can stand here, right?"
Marko answers the commlink. "Perry, its me Marko. Kelai has killed an Avenger. Right now, he is registered as a villain" Marko shakes his head as he walks out of the room and towards the front door. "Maybe if I can just talk to him, nothing will happen to him." He says to himself as he gets ready to fly off
Terry flew down as fast he could when he heard what was going on through is comm. And he was thinking he could have a nice nap in space. "Hey, I came as fast as I could. What's up?" He asked as he slowly descended next to them.

Perry was beyond shocked. He was pissed. He's lost a lot of friends lately and he didn't want to lose any more. "Guys!" He shouted and he landed in front of them. "I-Who-" He was caught up on the moment and Perry couldn't talk properly. After a few deep breaths, he talked again. "What happened. Who died!?"
Connor almost shrugged at Sam's question, but prevented it realizing it might not be a good idea with Sam on his shoulder. "Fine by me."

He can see that Marko's ready to leave, "You going alone? Atleast take someone with you in case things do go awry. A backup plan." He cast a glance at Terry before pointing at him, "The kid'll do." He said over Perry's stuttering, and sighed. "It was Bob."
"What?" Terry was confused now. What was the other guy going to do? He had never seen the person Connor was referring to before.

"Oh," Perry looked down sadly. Though he felt relieved in a way, which made him feel more terrible. He has only seen Bob around 3-4 times and probably only kept a conversation with him for a maximum of a minute.
Marko shakes his head. "I have to go alone. If I bring someone with me, they would shoot him down instantly. Unless..." Marko pulls out his phone and texts Kelai. "Old Dojo. Meet me. Thirty Minutes" He nods at Terry and starts to fly towards his location
"Yep," Terry nodded and just stood there. Then he remembered. Where is the old dojo? He never bothered to take lessons and he never thought of it before.

"And you're okay with letting a kid cover for a guy who just murdered my friend!?" Perry complained over to Connor. He can't believe this. "Hey! I'm Nova. My powers are way cooler and stronger then whatever you have," Terry huffed and crossed his arms.
Marko opens his comm link and sends the coordinates of the Old Dojo to Perry. "There. You can come. BUT DO NOT FIGHT with Kelai. Am I understood?" He could already tell Perry was gonna swing at Kelai anyways
Connor narrowed his eyes at Perry, "He was my friend as well." Bob had true enough been there for Connor on multiple occasions, not to mention he'd been a real standup kind of guy. "Go if you want but if your presence makes things worse don't complain to me." Connor waved his hand in annoyance. Turning his head to look at Sam on his shoulder, "Still want to register with this bunch of misfits?"
"Which is why this suit was copied from a template of my dad's stealth suit, yay. Anyways, yah let's let him come over," Perry shrugged and he turned his head so he could see Sam.
Maria watched as the paramedics came FAR to late. She wanted to get a moment to breath but was bombarded with cameras and reporters, she awnsred as best she could and they eventually left.

She didn't have anywhere to go so she simply walked up to her office, sitting in the dark to mull over things, especially Conner's words.

Maybe he was right. Maybe had she not pushed this business her nephew would still be breathing....

Or maybe the one who knows all just hated her
LokiofSP said:
Maria watched as the paramedics came FAR to late. She wanted to get a moment to breath but was bombarded with cameras and reporters, she awnsred as best she could and they eventually left.
She didn't have anywhere to go so she simply walked up to her office, sitting in the dark to mull over things, especially Conner's words.

Maybe he was right. Maybe had she not pushed this business her nephew would still be breathing....

Or maybe the one who knows all just hated her
Luna sat next to maria, rubbing her cheek on her leg as tears ran down. She then looked as the paramedics took bob away. She looked at maria, sharing the same pain as her.
Marko flies down into the old Dojo. The old shambled Dojo where Marko and Kelai practiced fighting was very old and abandoned. Many deaths and wars happened in this land mark. He entered into the largest room, the sensei meeting room. He took off his shoes and sat down on his knees, motioning Terry to do the same.

Kelai was already there, sitting in the same position across Marko and Terry. He looks at Marko. "Hey buddy. What did you call me for?" Marko looks at him. "You should know exactly why. What happened to Bob. Was it an accidental kill or intentional?" "Intentional. I was blinded by my lust to complete my mission"
"Just let me shoot him!" Terry shouted and he was about to stand up in anger. "Shut up kid!" Perry scolded silently and Terry retained a calm exterior as well as he could.
Kelai watches Terry and Perry. "If you shoot, ill make sure that arm that shot at me will be laying next to you, severed." Kelai laughs. Marko watches Kelai. "No anger here. Any questions you want to ask him Perry,Terry?"
The news of Bob's death was a heavy one. Sure he wasn't always the brightest bean on the bean plant, but he had the kindest heart of everyone. Out of the entirety of the Avengers both old and new, Bob had always remained positive and helpful to everyone and everything that came upon his path. Finn made his way back to the tower and made his way to Maria's office. Bob was after all, her nephew. A bit timidly he knocked on the door and peaked his head around. "Maria? Are you alright?"
CasualDragon said:
The news of Bob's death was a heavy one. Sure he wasn't always the brightest bean on the bean plant, but he had the kindest heart of everyone. Out of the entirety of the Avengers both old and new, Bob had always remained positive and helpful to everyone and everything that came upon his path. Finn made his way back to the tower and made his way to Maria's office. Bob was after all, her nephew. A bit timidly he knocked on the door and peaked his head around. "Maria? Are you alright?"
Miriam sighed, a bottle of scotch was now in her hand, "What do you want Finn?"
LokiofSP said:
Miriam sighed, a bottle of scotch was now in her hand, "What do you want Finn?"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You shouldn't have to go through this alone you know." He eyed the bottle of scotch that was in her hand. "Also, that may not be the best way to fix this but I can't tell you what to do." He let himself in and sat down in one of the chairs. "Listen, we've all been a bit harsh on you. We all disagree with your choices, but if we were in your position we would probably have to make them ourselves."
CasualDragon said:
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You shouldn't have to go through this alone you know." He eyed the bottle of scotch that was in her hand. "Also, that may not be the best way to fix this but I can't tell you what to do." He let himself in and sat down in one of the chairs. "Listen, we've all been a bit harsh on you. We all disagree with your choices, but if we were in your position we would probably have to make them ourselves."
Maria shook her head, "Hell no! In my position you wouldn't have people hunt you down!"

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