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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Marko picks up his commlink, hearing the message. He was shocked. "Hey, what the hell happened? Where are you right now Connor?" Marko gets up as Mega Vision and Richie look over at him, confused.

In a small room with candles in a circle, and Kelai sitting in the middle, meditating, a knock is heard from the rooms door. "Come in" Kelai says as Luke Cage opens up the door before he even says "Come in". Kelai looks over at him, grinning. "Gee, didnt your mom teach you any manners?" Luke chuckles as he sits down next to Kelai. He looks at Kelai and his dead eye, a wicked scar running straight through the eye and a little over his cheek. Kelai massages his bandaged chest, most of his body bandaged from the fight. "I cant believe I failed. And I killed an innocent. What a punch to my pride" Luke looks over at the candles. "You didnt fail completely. You may have not been able to kill her, but we have been able to get more info on these new Avengers." Kelai grins as he sits back. "Still didnt complete the original mission. Thats fine. Everyone has a small stain on their sheet" Kelai gets, up the pain slowly leaving his body. He gets up and walks out of the room, as Luke Cage looks at the candles. "That boy. There has got to be someone he can trust. Someone he can truly love" Luke Cage gets up and closes the door, all the candles mysteriously going out once the door is closed
Connor leaned back against the wall, "Stark Tower...and ask your buddy Black Fist, he's the one that just took an Avengers life. Real nice friend you got there Marko. Seems like he's not a fan of the registration afterall." Kelai had not only screwed up his plan but the blonde had been unable to stop him, next time things would go different. He was curious as to how this would effect the current conflict. Would things become bloodier or would Hill try to make peace? Either way things couldn't stay the same, they had to go one way or the other.
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Marko looks at Sam, shocked. "Black Fist, an Avenger, just killed one of our avengers." Marko shook his head. Kelai was taking this too far. He knew Luke Cage was his boss, so there had to be some sort of explanation. He was going to plan a visit. "Connor, are you alone? If you are, please come to these coordinates" Marko sends the coordinates through his commlink as Marko looks at Sam "Follow me" And Marko flies towards the set coordinates
Crono said:
Connor leaned back against the wall, "Stark Tower...and ask your buddy Black Fist, he's the one that just took an Avengers life. Real nice friend you got there Marko. Seems like he's not a fan of the registration afterall." Kelai had not only screwed up his plan but the blonde had been unable to stop him, next time things would go different. He was curious as to how this would effect the current conflict. Would things become bloodier or would Hill try to make peace? Either way things couldn't stay the same, they had to go one way or the other.
Maria looked away from the body for a moment, she refused to look anywhere near Bob's body, "Conner....Can you help me with my nephew.... Please?"
"Eh! Wait up" Sam flies up into the air and with a burst of speed manages to catch up to Marko and position himself on Marko's shoulder, holding on tight. "You probably fly faster."
Marko nods at Sam. They continue to fly faster as Marko grabs his commlink again. "If you need to bring anyone with you, bring them. But iif they want revenge, do not bring them. This is only to understand things" Marko continues to fly to the coordinates
Connor nodded, "Yeah." He said into his comm as he got the coordinates, but before he could go Maria asked for help and he turned to look over his shoulder at them. He pulled his long sleeve shirt off with a sigh, revealing his uniform underneath and stepped over and placed it over Bob's face and upper body. "Others will be here soon to deal with the rest, I'm needed elsewhere." He turned once again to leave, "This could've been prevented Hill, all you had to do was defy the registration, or put an end to the rebellion. Pussyfooting around leads to mistakes like this."

On his way out to a Taxi he pushed the button on his comm again, "Why is it you don't think I'll want revenge?" Normally he might have refused the offer to go, but his curiosity was getting the better of him.
Marko pauses at connors question. "It isnt you that I am worried about revenge. But I just know Kelai made a huge mistake. And I believe you need to have a bit more information about all this." Kelai whispers to himself "Kelai is gonna beat my ass if he finds out" Kelai gets to the coordinates. It was a small town far out from the city. He flies over to a small cherry wood house, the gates surroudning it rusted from the age. Marko sits down on the porch of the abandoned house, waiting for Connor.
It took a while but the Taxi did show up eventually letting Connor out, he paid the guy before turning around to look at the others as the car drove off. "I'm here, so now what?" He asked, unsure of exactly what was going to happen. Marko told him he wanted him here for information but that didn't sound like the full truth to him. He eyed the building in it's dreary state, "Nice place."
Sam waves at Connor from his place on Marko's shoulder. "Um hi. I'm Featherwing. I'm Ant-Man's son and I want to be an Avenger. I happened to be with Mr Boltagon at the time." His wings buzz nervously.
Marko laughed. "Not my place. This is all Kelai" Marko gets up and opens the door."This is Sam, son of Ant Man. After this I am taking him to registration". The living room was dusty and dark. Marko walks through the room and sits down on the couch. "This is the house of Kelai Rand, Black Fist, and the room where he killed Daniel Rand, also known as Iron Fist, also known as Kelais father" Kelai looks down on the floor. "Daniel came back one day, late at night. Daniel and Kelai lived together, Kelai not knowing his mother. When Daniel came back, something was different. He was tainted, his chi was blackened. Kelai felt that his father was corrupted by evil energies. They fought here, and Kelai prevailed, killing his father, and taking the powers of his father. A large curse was planted on Kelai. The wrath of Kahn was inside the Iron Fists, corrupting them into the Black Fist, who is now Kelai. After his father died, Luke Cage and the Punisher came in and took in Kelai. They are who he works for. They wanted Maria dead"
Connor gave him a half wave back, "Didn't see you there at first, I'm Connor Rogers." He gave a light snort, "You picked a fun time to try to join, rebellions, and avengers fighting each other." The blonde shrugged and followed Marko inside. "That explains things." Looking about the room as he crosses his arms over his chest. "So why do they wan't Maria dead exactly? And why is Kelai so eager to follow orders?"
Marko looks up at Connor, his eyes sad. "Why they want Maria dead, I do not know. But the reason he is so eager... Follow me" Marko walks down the hall, past Kelais room, and into Daniel Rands room. He opens up a drawer and shows Connor and Sam a picture. It showed a young Kelai, young Marko, Luke Cage, Tony Cage, Lukes son, The Punisher, Daniel Rand, and no one else. "Luke and the Punisher are basically like his next fathers. They are the only adults he really trusted. He didnt know his mother. He still doesnt." Marko sighs, and he rubs the picture, until a womanly figure is shown, but the face is still hidden. "You can tell she is important. Luke rubbed away her face. I watched him"
"This is his house, right? Is he gonna come back here?" Sam's wings stop their agitated buzzing for a second before starting again at a higher pace. "This is kinda creepy."
"I get it, they're family, but killing for them?" Connor snorted, "First off if they wan't Hill they should do it themselves, and Kelai doesn't get to play both sides. He probably knows that now, sounds like he chose them in the end." He eyed Marko momentarily to gauge where Marko was at with all of this, raising a brow. "So if it comes down to a fight between them and the Avengers whose side do you end up on?"
Marko looks up to the sky. He looks at Sam and Connor, seriousness in his eyes. "If there is a person who has to kill Kelai Rand, it will be me, Marko Boltaggon, not anyone else. I know Kelai. I have known him my whole life. I can tell you this right now. He will be coming back for Maria, and knowing Luke and Punisher, Kelai will be sent for another mission. And also, Connor" Marko faces Connor, his arms shooting up and placing them on Connors shoulders. "Whatch you back. Kelai thinks of you as his rival. He will kill you if given the chance. If you have to fight him, give it your all. Kelai has been trained to kill."
"Wait... You just said you'd be the one to kill him. If he's a trained killer that Connor would have to give his all against then Connor would probably have to kill him to survive..." Sam muses aloud.
"So your telling me that he will likely try to kill me, but if we fight I'm supposed to make sure I don't kill him, because it has to be you?" Connor shook his head briefly, "If it comes down to my life or his, I'm taking his every time. Your guilty conscience isn't really a priority of mine."

Sam's words reiterated what Connor was already thinking and saying and he nodded towards the boy.
Marko sits down on the bed, his head in his hands. "You are right. You can kill him. If you can" Marko looks up at Sams question "Kelai is a deadly assasin, master of martial arts and Chi mastering. If Connor has to fight him, he better bring his all." He looks up at Connor, his eyes deadly serious. "I am being serious about that"
"...a punch to the brain would probably scramble him. If need be. Or an energy bolt... I could stop his heart if I was ingested... or there are probably a bunch of poisonous insects in the vicinity. If it comes to that." He grins behind the helmet and his wings stop buzzing. "I feel better now."
"He is immune to toxins. His chi would keep the bugs away from him. And a punch to his head" Marko laughs "Say goodbye to that arm"

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