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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"We have two people in this room who have mega corporations so we can afford a box of donuts," Perry shot back. He seriously didn't want to argue right now when one of his friends just died. "So unless you want to sign..."
"Wait" he said recognizing the tone and look that Perry had when someone died. "Who's dead?" he asked bluntly but in all seriousness he wanted to know just what had happened while he was out messing with some of Maria's soldiers
Dimitri walked to the shelf and grabbed two folders before handing them to featherweight and maniac. "Im sorry jack, but you won't be leaving until you sign up. I'll take a donut though."
Marko and Kelai, now alone, stare at each other. Marko speaks up first. "You cant just kill anyone. You have to be smarter about this Kelai. I heard that soon, it will be broadcasted that you will be a top class villain. Do you really want this?" Kelai laughs angrily, standing up. "Are you really only here to criticize me you idiot?! If he didnt step in, I would have already turned in Marias corpse, and nothing would have happened!" Marko stands up, looking at him. "Please calm down. I have a deal for you. You and me. No powers. Martial arts fight, like old times. If I win, you stand down. If I lose, I will leave you alone. Deal?" Kelai grins. "No super powers? Thats a large handicap for ya Marko. All you have is now your super strength and yadayada." Marko nods and gets in a fighting stance. Kelai grins and charges at Marko with three clean jabs. Marko evades all three and gets two of his own clean jabs right into his stomach. Kelai grunts. Marko was still the stronger of the two, having inhuman super strength. But in martial arts, that doesnt mean anything. Kelai fires two punches. Marko dodges and goes in to get close, only to get launched away with a monstrous uppercut. Marko spits out some blood throws a roundhouse kick at Kelai with remarkable speed. Kelai takes the hit, smiling through all the pain. Markos eyes widen as Kelai pulls Markos leg close to him and snaps it. Marko shouts in pain as Kelai tosses him over his shoulder. Kelai goes to finish this with a punch to the stomach, but Marko slams him away with his legs. Kelai falls back, and Marko barrages him with punches and kicks. Marko was going to win. Kelai stumbles as the barrage pushes him down. Marko fires a traditional right hook to end it. It connects to Kelais face. A powerful punch, the connection making a large sound. Marko sighs in relief. Suddenly, an evil presence spiked up. Marko felt it, and his eyes widened. Kelai stood up with Markos fist in his hand. He crushes Markos ribs with a glorious eight hit combo and slams him in the stomach with a montrous, thunderous Side kick. Marko flies into the stone wall, a large and thunderous smash making a large crater into the wall. Kelai walks over to a bloody and knocked out Marko. "You under estimated me. You couldve won with your powers, but a fair and square martial arts fight? Cmon. I am sorry friend. I am going to kill Maria, and any Avenger in my damn way" He turns on Markos Gps locator for someone to find him, and Kelai walks outside, and the mist consumes him, making him vanish away. The old Dojo creeked as Marko layed unconscious in the stone wall crater
"Dimitri seriously? Downstairs probably has donuts. Harry's probably stashing donuts in his desk," Perry shrugged and gestured over to him.

(OH GEEZ... I do not want to read that but I'm obligated to... Damn you National xD )

"Marko!" Terry shouted and he flew over to him. "Hey! Come on wake up man!" He continued and he started to pick him up. He can't let anyone else die by this guy, he probably could've saved Bob if he wasn't touring around London at that time.
LokiofSP said:
Maria sighed and purée a glass, she handed the glass to Finn before chugging straight from the bottle, she stopped and wiped her mouth, "Ya know, that's easier said then done. I'm in a position where everyone thinks they know better, and because of that I'll always be the bad guy." She took another swig
He set the glass in his hand down on the table. He could have drank it, but he was underage and didn't really feel like drinking. Booze and him didn't mix well. Silently Finn watched Maria knock back the alcohol. There was something foriegn and upsetting about seeing Maria so down. Not knowing what to say, Finn simply sat back in silence and watched.
(Hehehe. The evil of long essay like posts)

Marko coughs up some blood as he looks at Terry. He tried to move, but his destroyed ribs and stomach area held him down. "K-Kelai.. He isnt gonna stop. Maria.. *cough* He wants to kill her, and anyone in his way will have the same fate..." Marko coughs up some blood. "I shoulda fought him with my powers, or used my voice... damnit.. He is more powerful and evil than usual"
CasualDragon said:
He set the glass in his hand down on the table. He could have drank it, but he was underage and didn't really feel like drinking. Booze and him didn't mix well. Silently Finn watched Maria knock back the alcohol. There was something foriegn and upsetting about seeing Maria so down. Not knowing what to say, Finn simply sat back in silence and watched.
Maria slammed the bottle on the table and simply sat there for a few minutes before standing up, "I need to go see an old friend." She grabbed her coat and left, walking out into the night to meet the one person who she thought might be able to help....

Steve Rogers


Reaper said:
(Yea! Pssshhh my characters would never)
(Yeah! Totally never a time where any of your characters could barley talk! Never happened!)
(Okay good :3)

"I need to help you! You're probably going to die by some... Science thing I didn't learn in Grade 7 class!" Terry said and he quickly picked him up. "Hey! Anyone who can here this there's a super-powered murderer after Maria!" He shouted through he comm and he started flying towards the helicarrier.

"Hi guys," John gave a wave and he walked inside Oscorp. He hadn't been in New York for a while and he took a seat. Some people weren't very familiar and others went through costume changes.

(Steve is a wilting old man cause he doesn't have the serum anymore :3
Reaper said:
Dimitri walked to the shelf and grabbed two folders before handing them to featherweight and maniac. "Im sorry jack, but you won't be leaving until you sign up. I'll take a donut though."
("It's Featherwing god damn you! It's the colloquial for the smallest species of insect, look it up! I'll punch you in the brain mate!") Sam kinda just waits awkwardly on Connor's shoulder. (Sorry, for some reason I haven't been getting alerts for the last two hours...)
Dru walked into town carrying a duffel bag over his back his head held high. He was finally returning to the city he had left years ago.
(I feel your pain Loki) Marko barely stays conscious as they get to the helicarrier.

Kelai walks over as Tony runs over to him. "How was Marko? And why are you beat up?" Kelai looks at him. "We had a martial arts bet, and I won. No powers, which was his fatal mistake. Ready to infiltrate? We are leaving tomorrow at night. I am killing Maria" Tony nods as he sprints down the hall to tell the infiltration squad. "Tomorrow at nightfall! Get ready! Search and kill mission" Kelai grins evilly as he enters his room and closes it behind him
"Uhh... Featherwing... You can grow, right? It's alright if you can't, it's just... I need you to fill this out." Dimitri said, trying to not offend him.
Sam just kinda stares at the folder that's bigger than his whole body before giving a start. "Oh uh... right." He steps off Connor's shoulder and grows to regular size before accepting the folder. "Thanks..."
"Hey, Dimitri since you're the boss around here can you tell everyone about how Kelai's going to kill Maria like, right now?" Terry asked over to him and he set Marko down on a medical bed. @Reaper @National

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