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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Steve took in a breath as he sat back down on the bench. "Because family is family." He looked up at the sky a moment, "I still half expect to see Tony or Pietro when I go out." He turned back to face her, "You been drinking Director?" He could smell it from here.
Maria shrugged, "Im a grown fucking woman, I can choose how to grieve."
Markos eyes widen as he grabs his commlink. "Perry. Perry please pick up"

The stealth plane hovers over a roof of a building that is next to the park. Kelai, Tony and the other five walk out and they start to stealthly climb down the building. They all turn on their invisible suits as they get behind the trees surrounding Maria and Steve Rogers. Kelai watches, preparing to strike soon
Connor stood quietly in the room, wondering how everyone had forgotten about Jack. Thought to be fair the potential death of the SHIELD director did have a higher priority. "Well while you all figure things out I'll be going out. And ya know, actually doing something other than standing here" He said as he headed for the door, "I'll have my comm on."


Steve shook his head with a smirk, "I'm not judging, just invite me out for drinks next time." He cleared his throat, it was obvious she had more to talk about, he had plenty he wanted to say himself but she was the one that needed to talk, she was the one who was hurting. "Not to change the conversation but I have to ask. Have you seen Connor? I haven't spoken to him in almost a week, says he doesn't want to get me involved. He just doesn't see that I've always been involved."

It took Steve a long time to accept he couldn't fight anymore, plenty of stern talks from his own son about how irresponsible it was to everyone involved. Losing the serum had taken many things from the man, but mainly it'd taken his ability to help people the way he always had. But Connor had taken over the family business so to speak, training from a young age. The man was proud but also worried, Steve could remember countless times he'd almost died himself and he'd had the serum, but his son didn't.
Pyosimros said:
Perry sighed and he walked over to the door. Opening it, he discovered it was Cindy. "Oh hey, is Phoenix with you too?"
"No.... He is livid about the Bob thing." Cindy said. "And besides, I just wanted to check this place out? And I though I should say hi since you were here." She added.
"What's with the old school scuba gear?" John asked the newcomer. He would assume that everyone knew her since they didn't put handcuffs on her.
Marko hears Perrys reply and jumps on it. "Park. Go to the city park. Hurry now!"

Kelai motions to the other five as they all surround Maria and Steve Rogers, still invisible. Tony motions to Kelai and they wait for Kelais signal
Pyosimros said:
"What's with the old school scuba gear?" John asked the newcomer. He would assume that everyone knew her since they didn't put handcuffs on her.
"This is my suit, and I am what my former creators call a "big sister." She stated ad she removed her helmet.
"Coming!" Perry said and he opened up one of the windows. "Yah we'll go after Hill. Hopefully Marko's leading us there," He said quickly and he jumped.

"You should at least get some modern scuba gear," John muttered silently.
Kelai motions his signal, and the other five take off their cloaks and start to fire at Maria and Steve Rogers. Kelai and Tony are still cloaked, waiting a bit longer.
"Suit, prepare venom dose!" Perry shouted as he neared the park. He saw five of them, but there were probably more. "Hey, Featherwing don't touch my hands unless you wanna get paralyzed for around a minute!" He said and he swung a web onto the ground. Their target seemed to be Maria, though there was Captain America too. If he has the serum still on him he could probably beat them all up in a few short seconds but he didn't.
Pyosimros said:
"Coming!" Perry said and he opened up one of the windows. "Yah we'll go after Hill. Hopefully Marko's leading us there," He said quickly and he jumped.
"You should at least get some modern scuba gear," John muttered silently.
Cindy glared at terry, and slaps him. "There is nothing in today that matches my suit!" She exclaimed as she went with perry. Phoenix goes into Maria's office, sniffling out of sadness. "I miss Bob already. He said, coming into the office. @LokiofSP @Crono @Pyosimros.
The 5 men see Perry and start firing at them. Kelai and Tony watch as more people come. Kelai smiled. This was going how he wanted it to.
"Shit! I'm going after big bad!" With that he jumps from Perry's shoulder and starts flying straight at Kalai, shooting a barrage of energy stinger bolts towards him.
Steve might be older and retired but he still had his senses and instincts, he'd noticed they weren't alone the moment the cloaked figures showed up, though he couldn't tell how many there we're. He guessed Maria had noticed as well, he was happy he'd brought his shield along. He trusted Maria not to try anything with him, even if Connor was a rebel, but he still felt he should bring it. Admittedly he expected a chit chat before the attacking, villains used to do that kind of thing right? Or was he losing his mind as well? Either way his reflexes weren't as sharp and he was slow to get his shield into position as he moved to block the shots from the front for both he and Maria, not to mention he guessed they we're behind as well. Not good.


Connor heard Marko over the comm and had sprinted down the stairs and into the street, attempting to follow after Perry who was swinging down the street on his webs. He growled momentarily wishing he had the speed or wings, instead running as fast as his feet would carry him.

@LokiofSP @National
"Hey! You know bullets are bad for one's health right!?" Perry said and he began avoiding most of the bullets. The ones that hit him however didn't really hurt him because of the armor that was on him. One by one, he slowly started knocking each one unconscious, it seemed like this was going to be easy.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]luna looked at Finn and then jumps onto his lap, and then licks his cheek. She really needs someone to pet her, and then she laid her head down on the arm rest of the chair.

Finn sighed and ran his hand through Luna's fur. "So what's going to happen with you. Didn't you used to live with Bob?" He asked quietly.
In that was Sam jumps off of Perry's shoulder and flies at one of the hooded figures, stinger bolts firing in his direction. At the same time a swarm of wasps emerges from a nearby hive and flies towards another of the men.
CasualDragon said:
Finn sighed and ran his hand through Luna's fur. "So what's going to happen with you. Didn't you used to live with Bob?" He asked quietly.
Luna nods as he ran his hand through her fur. She then purs since she enjoyed it.
Kelai grins as he motions to Tony. Tony nods and he throws two flash grenades, blinding everyone. Tony and Kelai put on their gas masks and night goggles. Kelai and Tony turn off their cloaks as Kelai turns on his chi, and Tony puts on his two shock gauntlets. Kelai laughs as his black chi starts whipping at everyone

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