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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Everyone! My spider-sense is going off the charts take-" Perry was soon blinded. He was right, there were more people then he thought before. Then his spider-sense went off again and he moved to the left on instinct. "Yo! Just cause I'm blinded doesn't mean it's a free time to hit me!"
Sam flies straight at Kelai, swerving to avoid the chi whips. "Seriously, you think I wear this helmet because it matches the suit? It's functional."

"Wait...No!" He is then hit by a disoriented wasp and falls out of sight.
Kelai sees Sam fly towards him and continues to walk until he gets close. As he gets close, Kelai fires six large blasts of chi at Sam. Tony sees Perry and fires his pistol at him
Though Perry was good enough to dodge the chi whips on instinct, he wasn't good enough to dodge bullets on instinct. If he didn't have the suit on right now, it would probably be the end of him by now. As his suit kept getting shot, he wondered how long it could last, so he needed something better. "Lab guys engage operation Fenrir!" He shouted and he did the best he could to navigate his way out of the battle. "Yessir!"
"Yeah. Bye." Sam shrinks down out of sight.

"Hey, can someone help me fighting the guy I supposedly can't hurt?" He says over his com. "He's got me pretty pinned down with his chi stuff."
Kelai smirks as he continues to walk to Maria. "The Big Bad Wolf is coommmiinngg" He sings as he stalks towards her.

Tony sees the hulking thing charging towards him, and Tony charges back, slamming against it, nullifying both their tackles
(I am NOT reading 100 posts. So I'm gonna pull the ol tried and true method)

Jordan stood on a roof over looking the city. Things are starting to get out of hand and fast.
Kelai continues to get closer and closer to Maria as he continues to laugh, singing. "Good night, sleep tight, dont let death bite" He cackles as his chi whips around him more and more violently and ruthlessly
"No!" Perry yelled. It sucked how he sounds like Ultron whenever he was in his Avenger buster armor. And he felt bad for copying the Stark's signature name with putting 'buster' at the end of everything. But alas it got the job done. Perry ran at Kelai and slammed a gigantic fast at him.
Kelai grunts as the fist takes a mighty connection to his face. He slides back from the force and returns his own mighty punch
"Oh fuck this. You think your big and tough do ya bad guy?" He starts growing, not stopping at his normal height. "I'll show you big and tough!"
Steve put himself between the fight and Maria since it was clear she was the target, keeping his eyes on the fighting in front of him. "Hill, let's get you out of here while we can." He told her over his shoulder.
Crono said:
Steve put himself between the fight and Maria since it was clear she was the target, keeping his eyes on the fighting in front of him. "Hill, let's get you out of here while we can." He told her over his shoulder.
Maria growled and took out her pistol, "SCREW THAT! THAT BASTARD KILLED MY NEPHEW, IT'S TIME I TOOK HIM OUT!" She stood up and began to run at Kelai.
Tony sees the guy who was growing and growing. He grins. "NOW THAT is big. Lets see how this guy is." Tony sprints towards the large guy and slams his two fist into the guys leg, shocking him with the two gauntlets. The two punches might not have done much, but he knew that the electricity must have done something

Kelai sees Maria running towards him, and he grins. "The sheep runs straight towards the wolf." He sprints towards her as well, pulling his fists back
Out of nowhere three of Perry's suits slammed into Kelai. It was clear that Tech was watching from the shadows and that she wasn't too happy about Bob being killed, plus she liked taking over technology.

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