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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sam stays stock still, kinda freaking out. Being touched by someone so big is bloody scary. He's pretty sure he remembers stories about some of the SHIELD agents who tried to be Ant-Man between the time of Scott Lang and his dad ending up squished accidentally. He shudders slightly.
National said:
(Ever seen your mom or little sister on their time of month? multiply that by 200000000000) Mega Vision moves in even closer, his middle finger brushing against the little figures head before Marko pulls him back "We call this privacy big guy. Sorry, he is still new to the public"
Kelai approaches Connor and Ivory as he looks at Ivory "New look huh? Looks good, minus the thousands of piercings that make you look like edward scissor hands, but what do I know" Many piercings or not, Kelai was just teasing him.
(He took off the piercings though.)

Ivory rolled his eyes, "Whatever, not like I wanted to dress like this, just kinda....Happened."

Maria strolled into the lobby at that moment.
(I swear to god... If one more person touches Perry's suit...)

"Did you guys add a... Creepy circuit to Mega Vision or something cause..." Perry slowly took another bite of his shawarma. He started getting sick of the stuff, but it didn't matter.

(Wait... If Mega Vision is Victoria's uncle and Marko is Mega Vision's dad... Wouldn't that make Marko Victoria's dad? O.o )
"And I'd like to not be bothered by people who accuse me of something with no proof, but neither of us are getting what we want. Tell you what Bobbo, I'll drop the lawsuit against YOU...but not against anything else."
LucianGrey7971 said:
"And I'd like to not be bothered by people who accuse me of something with no proof, but neither of us are getting what we want. Tell you what Bobbo, I'll drop the lawsuit against YOU...but not against anything else."
Bob smiled, "Thanks for that, with that, I shall leave." He began to walk away before he turned around and smiled sheepishly, "Uh....This might sound bad but can I borrow some money? I don't have money on my metro card."


RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
(Mega Vision has discovered Sam's one weakness; anything bigger than him.)
(Sam's one weakness: WEAKNESSES!)
(Huh. And i was gonna make Marko have a crush on Victoria. stop hurting my brain) Marko shakes his head "No, Mega Vision would only do this if he senses something. He must feel something coming from your shoulder" Mega Vision nods as he pulls his hand back

Kelai grins "Cant do anything about it. Anyways, know where I can find Maria Hill? I have a mission that goes a little bit like killing her and bringing her back to my boss. Dont worry though, I am on the registered side" Marko cracks his knuckles
National said:
(Huh. And i was gonna make Marko have a crush on Victoria. stop hurting my brain) Marko shakes his head "No, Mega Vision would only do this if he senses something. He must feel something coming from your shoulder" Mega Vision nods as he pulls his hand back
Kelai grins "Cant do anything about it. Anyways, know where I can find Maria Hill? I have a mission that goes a little bit like killing her and bringing her back to my boss. Dont worry though, I am on the registered side" Marko cracks his knuckles
Ivory watched nervously as he realized that the two people sent to get Maria Hill where right there as she walked in and got into an elevator, "Nope. No idea, nu-uh not me."

LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech looked at Bob and handed him two hundred dollar bills like it was nothing "...What? Do they make smaller bills?"
Bob looked at the bills in shock as he put them in his pocket, "....Showoff." He began to make his way to the door, he stepped to the side of the sidewalk and whistled for a taxi that took him to Stark Tower.
Kelai eyes him suspicously. "Tell you what. Ill give you money for your milkshake and a little extra if you do not lie to me with my next question. Where is Maria Hill?"

Marko and Mega Vision both continue to stare at Perrys shoulder, both confident that someone was there while Richie finishes his Shawarma and asks for the check, slightly freaking out the waitress.
Jordan was laying lazily on a roof looking over the city. "Booored. So boooored! Somebody hit somebody"

(Say on the planet Earth!)
When Kelai strolled up Connor gave him a very half-assed wave, still sore over their last encounter. Connor had watched Maria cross the lobby from behind Kelai, and after his initial. I'm here to kill her. It sounded like a terrible idea to go chasing after with Kelai standing there and he rolled his eyes, especially with Ivory's slight bumble with words. "So your registered and your going after one of the Pro leaders. Sounds to me like your asking to get put on the bad side of the government. Besides, I already gave him the money for his milkshake."
Sam snaps out of it and quickly grows to about an inch and jumps away, wings unfurling as he desperately attempts to fly away. 'This is probably the stupidest idea I've ever had, I mean come on Sam, you're supposed to be some sort of genius! You built this suit didn't you? I'm an idiot...'
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Mega Vision starts to chase after the flying little guy as Marko tries to hold him back as Richie slams down two hundred dollar bills and chases after them

Kelai grins "Whaddya mean? She has been using poor ol Finn. Dont try to make her sound innocent." Kelai concentrates his chi as the chi tracks down Maria "There ya are"
Sam turns his head and yelps as the creepy one is following him. He attempts to speed up but his suit is already on max speed. "Damnit!" His voice sounds all high pitched and cute because he's a tiny person. Mega Vision is quickly gaining on him.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Sorry I was away what has happened?)

(Well Maria left and is currently being hunted down by Connner and Kelai)
Connor narrowed his eyes, "I'm not trying to make her sound like anything. But we deal with her our own way." He stood up, guessing he knew where this was likely going. "Who's this boss of yours? He as bad as Justice was or are you dealing with the slightly less dangerous psychopath's these days?"
Mega Vision grabs the small figure gently before Marko could stop him

Kelai laughs as he starts to walk towards Maria "If you could call Luke Cage a psycho, then sure. And besides, i Was working for him so I could get Marko more info"
National said:
Mega Vision grabs the small figure gently before Marko could stop him
Kelai laughs as he starts to walk towards Maria "If you could call Luke Cage a psycho, then sure. And besides, i Was working for him so I could get Marko more info"
As soon as Kelai got close enough Maria out a gun to his head, "What do you want Black Fist?"

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