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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri began to speak, but stopped himself. "... Everyone does need to be together. But they need to be together on the right side. The government isn't budging, nor will it, but the resistance signs up, one by one almost every day. You can help me speed that up. Your sacrifice won't be in vain, Marko. Unless, you worsen this war instead of helping me end it."
"Hi uh, should I be listening to this or did you guys forget to shut off your comms," Perry shrugged as he took more pictures with random civilians.
Marko shakes his head "Feel free to listen in.But Dimitri, I do not want a war. And even if I do sign up, what about the others? Time is not always on our side"
"We have to choose the lesser of two evils, and all you're doing is saying my choice is evil. I know it sucks. I know it will be hard. But the contrary is far worse. I could destroy every file of everyone registered, but the government would still be at our doorstep tomorrow morning. We can't fight them. No matter if we won, millions would be dead by then in the chaos. Trust me, a minute in your mind is a week in mine, and I've had months to think about it. This is the right thing."
Marko looks at Richie. Richie whispers to Marko "You might as well join. I know people you cannot trust, and this guy doesnt seem like one of them. Besides, he is one of your friends" Marko whispers back "You are right." Marko stands up and speaks "Mega Vision, Richie and I will join. And put Kelai in, unless he is taken in as a villian
Dimitri smiled. "Attaboy! Marko you're actually the only one you've mentioned that I've met." He handed a folder to everyone. "You can all call me either Mercury or Dimitri, your choice."
"The government's offering villain's to join," Joseph said through his comm. "Oh hi, I was the 'dude' who did the spider attack. Didn't really leave an impact though..." He thought about it. All the other villains either got killed or killed others. He just was defeated.
Perry quickly turned around. One of the fans probably tapped him on the back. "Did any of you guys just tap me?" He asked everyone and they all did a same motion. They shook their heads.
Marko takes the form and fills it out as Richie finishes his up. "Yeah, I am rocket racoons kid, Richie Racoon. And Mega Vision here" Mega Vision nods as he hands his form to Dimitri. Marko finishes his form and hands it over as well "And Kelai?"
"Can't say I know a kelai. I'll leave the decision to you, Mark. I trust your discretion. I want you and your team's focus to be preparing for thanos. I don't want you on the battlefield unless we need you. In the folders are your new earpieces." He collected the folders when they were finished.
Marko was a bit taken back that he didnt remember Kelai, so he thought telling him the truth wouldnt do any harm "He was the guy who butchered that one company by himself in less than a few minutes? It was a slaughter, but Kelai is a good guy" He takes the earpieces and hands them out to Richie and Mega Vision
National said:
Marko was a bit taken back that he didnt remember Kelai, so he thought telling him the truth wouldnt do any harm "He was the guy who butchered that one company by himself in less than a few minutes? It was a slaughter, but Kelai is a good guy" He takes the earpieces and hands them out to Richie and Mega Vision
Ivory rolled his eyes and began to walk away, taking off his mask and piercings while he did so, "By that logic Massacre or Justice were good people, trust me when I say, the Kelai I "remembered" was a lost cause." and with that he left the building to go home to his parents.
It turned out Hill had indeed not returned to Stark Tower yet, not very surprising to Connor. He couldn't very well go hunting her down in the streets, and even if he found her what would happen? A scene most likely, and he didn't exactly need anymore negative light on him. So for now he'd hang out in the tower and wait for her return. As he took a seat on one of the couches outside her office he wondered if she'd come quietly or if she'd put up a fight.

I mean typically one does not simply arrest the Director of Shield but they had probable cause, though Harry's idea to send a former rebel was arguably a fault on his part as she'd probably consider this an act for the rebellion. The blonde shifted in his seat and crossed his arms, whatever the case maybe he guessed this day was going to get longer. And maybe he'd take a short nap on the couch, it was comfy.
Richie goes to give a pounding to Ivory, but Marko holds him back, sighing sadly. He knew no one would understand Kelai. He had to do some pretty horrible things.Marko looks at Dimitri, wondering what he would say about Kelai
"Register Kelai. I'm trusting you on this, Marko. Don't let me down. Savage, I know you're upset, but we've all done things we aren't proud of. You should know that."
Reaper said:
"Register Kelai. I'm trusting you on this, Marko. Don't let me down. Savage, I know you're upset, but we've all done things we aren't proud of. You should know that."
Ivory waved him off, "Okay, fine." He headed down the stairs taking two at a time, arriving at the bottom floor to see Conner, he stepped out to just take in the feeling of being out of costume for a moment, to feel the cool breeze, to finally see the wet pavement without looking through lenses. It felt amazing.

Ivory put on his hoodie before leaning against the wall to look at Conner, "So.....What are you doing here, and do you have money for a strawberry milk?.... What?.....It's for my little cousin Perry I swear."
Marko smiles, feeling a bit guilty. Kelai right now was on a mission from Luke Cage to assasinate a large political leader. No one was perfect though. He nods "Kelai will be an angel" Richies cheeks implode as he holds in his laughter, whispering to himself "Little angel my ass." Mega Vision smiles. Marko motions to the two as they start to walk out the building

Kelai sighs as he holds up the head of the political leader, eyeing the dead corpse "Luke better tell me why he needed this guy dead after this" He mutters as he collects the dead corpse and starts to sprint off towards the checkpoint. Once there, Luke Cage walks up to him, shaking Kelais hands as two guards collects the political leaders body and head. "Good job. That guy was a real thorn in Americas leg. Now, Cuba should be able to unite with us just fine" Kelai nods, and says "I am just born to kill Luke. I had to kill my dad for the lords sake." Luke sighs "You are never going to get a girlfriend and kids with that attitude" Kelai laughs at the joke "Truth hurts Luke" Kelai wipes his bloodied hands on a rag as he looks up at the sky. "Besides, what girl would want to date a guy with 350 kills on his record sheet." Luke pulls out a wad of cash and stuffs it into Kelais pocket. "I see peace in you Kelai. I am sure you will find it some day" Kelai smirks at the word "Peace."
"Didn't hear?" Connor asked sitting forwards in his seat. "I'm supposed to arrest the big bad Director of SHIELD." He gave a light shrug as if to play it off. "Just so happens she's not here right now sooo..." He spread his hands out in front of him. "Thought I'd sit and wait for her to show up."

Connor raised an amused brow at Ivory asking for the money for a milkshake. "Didn't you know I was living out of an abandoned warehouse?" He shook his head, having his normal clothes on over his suit had it's advantages, one of which was easy access to his wallet. Shuffling to the side to reach in his back pocket for it before handing him some money. "You don't get paid for working for the government?" Though admittedly a part of him wanted a milkshake now and he internally frowned at the thought.
Crono said:
"Didn't hear?" Connor asked sitting forwards in his seat. "I'm supposed to arrest the big bad Director of SHIELD." He gave a light shrug as if to play it off. "Just so happens she's not here right now sooo..." He spread his hands out in front of him. "Thought I'd sit and wait for her to show up."
Connor raised an amused brow at Ivory asking for the money for a milkshake. "Didn't you know I was living out of an abandoned warehouse?" He shook his head, having his normal clothes on over his suit had it's advantages, one of which was easy access to his wallet. Shuffling to the side to reach in his back pocket for it before handing him some money. "You don't get paid for working for the government?" Though admittedly a part of him wanted a milkshake now and he internally frowned at the thought.
Ivory snorted, "Me? Pay is something I turned down, I figured out after talking to my parents that there might be a chance people could find a way to trace 'Rusty's" paycheck back to Ivory. But lets go back to the whole arresting Maria Hill thing, why is everyone talking about this?"
Marko picks up his Commlink "Of couirse Perry. I will meet you at the Shawarma place" Marko was hungry for some shawarma, so he, Richie and Mega Vision, as the three most awkward looking trio, a small walking raccoon, a large blue man, and an average dude in a superhero suit. They suit down and all order shawarma as they wait for Perry
"I'm surprised your not asking how you can help. I mean she blackmailed you into registering right? The stuff with Finn, the control chips I've heard about, that intel about using the villains. She's going too far, we get her out of the picture and maybe we find a peaceful solution to all of this. Hill's one of the problems with the registration." Connor crossed one leg over the other and rested his arms on his knee. "It's what everyone wants."
Luke Cage looks at Kelai. "You know your next mission, correct? I think I already texted it to you while you were killing this man" Kelai nods. He cracks his knuckles as he grins "Kill Maria Hill. it should be loads of fun." Luke looks at Kelai with a solemn look "Leave as many as you can ALIVE. Not the opposite, you hear kid?" Kelai nods as he gets on his motor cycle and speeds off (I thought Kelai and Connor should meet again. They are both registered, but Kelai always wanted a rematch)
(It's funny how Nick Fury did all that stuff xD He convinced Black Widow to join while he secretly used her trigger scent and... Nah he didn't do the villain stuff... BUT CAPTAIN AMERICA DID THAT TOO)

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