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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sam just kinda hangs out on Perry's shoulder at a size practically invisible to the naked eye. He was kinda waiting for this guy to go back to the Avenger's base so he could enter like a badass and register and maybe his dad would actually care about him, but it seems the guy's taking his sweet time about it.
"Comin'!" Perry said and he swung away. He already knew where the shawarma place was. From memory and from the GPS in the suit. He abruptly stopped and landed in front of the place and he recognized Marko and Richie though he other guy seemed very familiar. "Hi guys, sorry I was late. Wait was I late?" He asked them and he took off his mask. "Oh and sorry about the light show going on with me suit. It was the only way I could power it without the suit being really heavy," He shrugged and took a seat.

(Remember in the beginning where he wore a suit that looked like the Noir suit which was pretty much a ski mask and a trenchcoat? Nah I don't either)
Marko whistles "Nice suit. I already ordered you some shawarma. Oh yeah, this is Mega Vision" Richie drinks his Sprite as he chuckles "Daddy Marko took his son out for some lunch" Marko punches Richie in the arm "Oww. That isnt the usual light ones" Marko grins. "Anyways, anything new Perry"
Sam begins to feel as if this plan was incredibly poorly thought out and that he is definitely invading Spiderman's privacy. But if he goes to leave now they will certainly notice him, so he's kinda stuck there, as uncomfortable as he feels with the situation. He's probably learning a very important life lesson right now.
(You better)

"Yah Victoria talked about Mega Vision for a little bit," Perry shrugged and rested his hands on the table. "Anyways yah. I took over my dad's company after... Well I got mind swapped-" He heard the flicker of a comm opening. "Yes, though you had it coming. Pfft, walking around unprotected," Joseph scolded. "Shaddup. No one was supposed to know who Spider-Man was. Anyways nothing really happened other then that. Well actually I visited an underwater city, a bunch of creepy dudes live there and..." Perry started to think of some more noteworthy moments. "Hmm... Nothing else other then a bunch of battles. Oh yeah you might already know that Ivory died his hair a got piecing; goes by the name Rusty-" Perry cut off himself with laughter. He felt mean, but it was funny.
Marko laughs. He had to see this new Ivory. "Thats good. And there are quite a lot of underwater cities. My destroyed ruined inhuman city is now currently under water. Sad days indeed." As they were talking, Mega Vision looked at Perrys shoulder. He felt a presence there, but he didnt know if he should bring it up, as he didnt know if it was normal or not

Kelai zooms through the city on his motorcycle as he spots Ivory and Connor- What happened to Ivorys hair? He shrugged it off as he parked close to the two "Hello my friends" Marko says sarcastically as he walks over to them
Sam stares back at the one staring directly at him, silently praying that he doesn't say anything. Then the guy leans forward and he strugles to get his footing again.
Marko sighs "Oh you know, just getting ready for the big purple prick himself. Thanos is nearing, and we all need to band together to fight him. If not... "Marko takes another bite of Shawarma as Richie stares at a Shitzu that was looking at him weirdly. Mega Vision continues to look at Perrys shoulder at the little one on his shoulder
Sam just stares back at Mega Vision, he's quite creeped out but he feels like he can't look away. 'Someone actually noticed me?' He thinks.
(What if... The Phoenix Force takes over Thanos? O.o @LucianGrey7971 )

"Yep, heard the Phoenix Force is coming too," Perry yawned and he took a bite of his food. "Oh yeah we have a few new members. Well they're not really new to you but you haven't met them yet. A kid named Terry-" He got cut off again. He was started to get angry with these interruptions. "Heyo!" Terry shouted through his comm. "Yah that's him. And someone else named Cindy."
(Doubt it. Archangel Galdreal is playing him, so that wont happen. And Thanos beat Phoenix Force before so no no. And that would just be WAY too op) Marko smiles "That is good. Some fresh meat" Richie chucks a rock that hits the shitzu in the nose as it yelps away. Marko smacks him over his head as Richie snickers. Mega Vision moves his hand close to Perrys shoulder
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech merely sipped her expresso as Bob started to yell at her "My, my...do I need to file a restraining order?"
Bob waved her off and sat down, "You made it so now Im not making rent, the least you could do is pay for my dinner, so pay for me, then I leave."

Meanwhile Maria Hill began to make her way back to the Tower
(Wait Archangel's still active in this Rp? I thought he left ._.)

"Hey uh... Please don't be like Cindy and touch my suit a bunch cause it feels good..." Perry slowly started to back away awkwardly.
Tech stifled a laugh "What a shame! Agents of SHIELD resorting to extortion when they don't get their way...how low the mighty have fallen"
Sam backs up quickly, practically scuttling away from the giant hand like the beetle he has named himself after... although he has to agree the suit does feel nice...
(Ever seen your mom or little sister on their time of month? multiply that by 200000000000) Mega Vision moves in even closer, his middle finger brushing against the little figures head before Marko pulls him back "We call this privacy big guy. Sorry, he is still new to the public"

Kelai approaches Connor and Ivory as he looks at Ivory "New look huh? Looks good, minus the thousands of piercings that make you look like edward scissor hands, but what do I know" Many piercings or not, Kelai was just teasing him.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech stifled a laugh "What a shame! Agents of SHIELD resorting to extortion when they don't get their way...how low the mighty have fallen"
Bob slouched in his chair and shrugged, " First off I am not, and never was an agent of SHEILD, I was a cop and a pretty bad one at that. Second,I'm pissed off and hungry so sue me....Wait you already did!" He picked up a menu, "That said I'd like the turkey burger."

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