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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Luna whimpers as Bob left, but got off the couch and opened the door, locking the knob with her mouth before leaving. She then follows Bob on the rooftops, being sure not to give herself away. @LokiofSP
"You think we should follow Bob?" Perry asked Phoenix. He wasn't sure why he was pursuing that girl later, which made him curious. @Steel Zinogre
(Sorry I have been gone so long. Funeral and summer and stuff. im currently in Argentina so its almost impossible to get a computer to talk to you kiddos)
Pyosimros said:
"You think we should follow Bob?" Perry asked Phoenix. He wasn't sure why he was pursuing that girl later, which made him curious. @Steel Zinogre
"Yeah, but we should also see what is going on." Phoenix said as he walked with perry.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech sat at a nice restaurant getting a lot of strange looks from regulars
Rain began to pour as Bob angrily stomped through the streets, hoping to find Tech and give her a piece of his mind, he stopped as he passed a nearby restaurant, his hunger coming back momentarily. He finally decided to postpone his search and eat, and as soon as he stepped inside he saw familiar blue hair. He yelled, "YOU SON OF A-" as he began to stomp towards her
"Same, let's go-" Perry was cut off by a very faint yell. "I hear Bob. He's uh... Somewhere that way," He pointed North. It was very vague but it was a start.
Marko smiles as he walks with Richie down to a large hospital located in a different universe. Richie was able to get a squadron of professional scientists and doctors from some of the most highly intelligent races in the world. He was grinning so widely Richie laughs. "You getting really excited for how your little experiment is gonna go?" Marko nods "Not an experiment. He is a super powered version of Vision, Mega Vision. He has personality like you do Richie. Probably more than you do" Marko teases, laughing. Richie smirks, then his face gets serious "You know, Kelai and I have been talking. This plan.. there is not any other way?" Marko sighs sadly as he takes off his mask and ruffles his hair. They both knew what was going to happen, and he felt bad that they couldnt do anything about it. Marko looks at Richie and shakes his head. He puts his mask back on so he can talk. "That damn allseer, it does not lie. Earth needs time, and this is the only way." Richie groans, and he looks up at Marko, smiling "Kelai and I are not gonna stop you, only help ya. Lets go check out this new Mega Vision now" Marko smiles. They walk into the hospital. Instantly, they are greeted by two blue skinned aliens. They are led to a hidden door that takes them to a large room, and multiple doctors are in the room crowding a large tube. An old, shriveled, purple skinned alien waddles over to Marko and holds up his small gloved hand to Marko. Marko shakes it as the old alien speaks "Hello Marko Boltaggon. We have finished Mega Vision. It was tough, but all infinity gems are inside him. He is prime and alive. Please, follow me" Marko and Richie follows the old alien to the tube. The large, metallic tube opens up, and Mega Vision steps down. The humanoid figure looked similar to Vision, except his skin was a light blue, and his eyes were a golden hazel color. He was wearing a dark blue cape and a golden black version of Visions uniform. Mega Vision looks over at Marko and Richie, and walks over to him. Mega vision opens his mouth and speaks in a tone similar to Vision, but deeper. "Hello Marko, or should I call you, creator?" Marko grins "Hello Mega Vision. Yes, you could say I am like your dad." Richie holds in his laughter as he whispers "Awww, Markos a daddy" Marko punches Richie in the arm lightly as he looks up at Mega Vision "What is your main mission Mega?" Mega Vision looks up at the ceiling "Help Marko Delay Thanos" Marko grins "Good job kiddo"
Connor wasn't sure what to think as he stepped out into the lobby. Things weren't exactly going as planned and he wasn't sure what was up with Dimitri but the blonde wasn't a fan, it was frustrating to say the least but he wasn't about to get into with anyone for now. If he wasn't careful he'd probably end up in a cell himself, they could easily throw him in one for suspicion, he was apart of the rebellion at one point afterall.
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Harry walked into his office where he saw Dimitri looking out of the window with his arms folded. "Where have you been?" Dimitri asked, turning around. Harry smirked. "I've been busy. You know, signing up captain America's kid? Something no one thought would have ever happened. You're welcome by the way. Sometimes I wonder why the president appointed you rather than me."

"Perhaps it's because you're batshit crazy. Ever think of that, Wall Street? regardless, where's the hobgoblin?" Harry frowned. "That's why I came up here. He stole my new line of gear. He's out there with tech that makes mine look like a nerd gun."
Marko grabs his comlink. He looks at it. He felt sad for leaving everyone without even telling everyone what he did. They probably didnt even know he was gone though, so he just shrugged it off and spoke into the commlink "Hello? Anyone on? Its me, Marko"
Finn jumped a little as the comm in his ear went off. He had forgotten that the stupid thing was still there. He pushed the comm on. "Hey Marko it's Finn. How's it going? It's been a while."
Perry stopped when he heard a familiar voice through his comm. It was Marko. He hasn't seen the guy in a long time and he sure as hell ditch this chase to talk to him. "Hey! Haven't seen you a while!" He said through his comm in his mask.
Dimitri cocked his head, as the old comlink from the days before the war began making noise in Harry's desk. He pulled it out and put it in his ear, to hear Finn speaking with Marko. "Oh my god... Marko. Christ, man where did you go??? So much shit has gone down while you've been gone!!"
Marko grins and laughs "So good to hear from you all. I heard about what has been going on. Sorry I have been gone for so long, its been a real shit show out here in space. Good news though! I have created Mega Vision, and soon I will be landing on Earth. Bad news, he is getting closer. And can someone explain this war to me?"

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