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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Tech stood up and her cuffs fell off, she had picked the lock the second she was in the room. Tech sauntered out of the room without a single word.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech stood up and her cuffs fell off, she had picked the lock the second she was in the room. Tech sauntered out of the room without a single word.
Bob began to follow her, "Now look, I still to talk, I just won't lock you up while we do, so why don't I start, my name is Bob ."
LokiofSP said:
Bob sighed, "I'll tell you later."
Bob walked in and punched Dimitri in the face before turning to Tech, "Out. Now. I'm letting you go, be free!"
Connor grinned as he watched the exchange between Bob and Dimitri from the doorway with his arms crossed, then moved out of the way to let Tech pass. Watching her curiously as she passed him by. Then positioned himself half in and half out of the interrogation room. "So is someone going to make with the words. Or do I just have to start guessing?"

Bob moved by him, trying to follow the girl and Connor puckered his lips in annoyance, looking back in at Dimitri then back to the two who we're disappearing down the hall. I should have just gone back to Stark Tower.
Perry gave him a nod and he began walking to Stark Tower. Soon enough, he was inside and he was about to call the elevator when he saw Bob following some girl. "Hey Bob! Pursuing girls on the job?! I'm disgusted," He gave a fake snarl to him and laughed. "What are you guys doing?"
Pyosimros said:
Perry gave him a nod and he began walking to Stark Tower. Soon enough, he was inside and he was about to call the elevator when he saw Bob following some girl. "Hey Bob! Pursuing girls on the job?! I'm disgusted," He gave a fake snarl to him and laughed. "What are you guys doing?"
"Hey Bob, do you know where luna is?" Phoenix said as he followed perry into the tower, and asking bob. Luna was in the living area playing in her oversized cat playground at the front of the building. @LokiofSP
Finn closed the covers of the book he had finished and went to put it back on the shelf. Of the books he had looked at and the ones he had read, None of them were about martial arts. Most of his afternoon reading had been about other cool things like biology, physics, and the origin of film and movies.

When his eyes strained to read anymore he decided to check out a couple of books and hike on home. He trudged forward, barely keeping pace with the people surrounding him. His mind was too focused on ways to end the whole registration thing and bring everybody backk to the way things were. Of course his brain didn't have any possible ways of achieving this at the moment, but maybe someone else had a way?
Dimitri held his nose. "Word of advice, Conner. Don't get in the way of a Romeo. Unfortunately I arrested her after he had some quality time with her, God forbid."
Reaper said:
Dimitri held his nose. "Word of advice, Conner. Don't get in the way of a Romeo. Unfortunately I arrested her after he had some quality time with her, God forbid."
Bob turned back, "Well.excuse me for trying to treat her like a person, especially when we don't have evidence she did it. You have to work within the system. God forbid one if us does."
"And what part of the rules involves punching me in the nose for no reason? I would've released her into your custody if you asked. Go spit your game, love bug."
Connor groaned and rubbed at his forehead, "Children please. You we're both chasing her in the streets like crazy people when I saw you."
Dimitri scoffed. "Children? What crawled up your ass Conner? It's usually sunshine, rainbows, and murica with you. And yes, we caught her because she is a criminal. This guy pretty obviously lost sight of that. You know what though? I don't care anymore."
Connor raised a brow at Dimitri, "Oh I'm sorry, am I not allowed to have a bad day? Nice to see you again too Dimitri." He turned to leave, throwing up a farewell wave over his shoulder as he started to walk away. This wasn't what I had in mind when I registered.
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Reaper said:
Dimitri scoffed. "Children? What crawled up your ass Conner? It's usually sunshine, rainbows, and murica with you. And yes, we caught her because she is a criminal. This guy pretty obviously lost sight of that. You know what though? I don't care anymore."
Bob lashed out to say something, but slinked away to chase Tech after a realization, he wasn't on their level. Dimitri, his boss, his LEADER, didnt even know his name, he was no different than the rest of the agents here, hell, in some aspect he was worse.

He backed off and looked around for blue hair outside, but couldn't see any sign of the girl. He kicked up rocks and made his way to a nearby falafel vendor, buying some food and heading home to drown his sorrows in bad B movies, and Luna's fur.
Tech stood on the roof and looked down at Bob as he gave up and walked off to a vendor. Her backpack silently crawled up the wall next to her like an overgrown spider and placed itself on her back and the smaller arms retracted back into the pack and disappeared "So much for the boys in blue...too bad for them that I don't need an IP address or anything to hack technology. I like that Dmitri guy he's nice and...forceful. Too bad that he's not a team player..." she stood there and her eyes turned from pink to black and green words started running across her pupils. Within seconds, she had filed a very real lawsuit against Dmitri, Oscorp AND the Avengers. "Jor has lots of money and he most obviously pays Maidsassin well....but she probably won't dislike me using her name to get her more money...especially since we are twins..." Tech licked her lips. "Now what should I do ne-OOOH! A sentinel...I wonder how they would react to it suddenly coming back online and break dancing!" she giggled like a small child


@Reaper @Crono
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech stood on the roof and looked down at Bob as he gave up and walked off to a vendor. Her backpack silently crawled up the wall next to her like an overgrown spider and placed itself on her back and the smaller arms retracted back into the pack and disappeared "So much for the boys in blue...too bad for them that I don't need an IP address or anything to hack technology. I like that Dmitri guy he's nice and...forceful. Too bad that he's not a team player..." she stood there and her eyes turned from pink to black and green words started running across her pupils. Within seconds, she had filed a very real lawsuit against Dmitri, Oscorp AND the Avengers. "Jor has lots of money and he most obviously pays Maidsassin well....but she probably won't dislike me using her name to get her more money...especially since we are twins..." Tech licked her lips. "Now what should I do ne-OOOH! A sentinel...I wonder how they would react to it suddenly coming back online and break dancing!" she giggled like a small child

@Reaper @Crono
Bob walked upstairs to his apartment and unlocked the door, he gave Luna's war a quick rub before sitting down, he went to grab his remote as he shoveled a big forkful of falafel into his mouth as a knock came at the door, he forced the food down his throat as he forced himself to ignore the chocking feeling in the back of his throat.

He opened the door to find a piece of paper shoved in his face, "My client and I will see you in court!" And with that the man walked off. Sitting down to read the paper, he realized who had sued him and what this meant, ".... I'm not making rent this month am I? GOD DAMMIT!"
Tech frowned a bit "Whoops, poor Bobby got caught up in this lawsuit...no matter, they'll most likely want to settle out of court to keep this from the press, they know they can't afford this right now, not with their little war going on..." she turned her head, things were a bit different than people realized in the technological world, it wasn't so much of a highway as it was a city...like Tron, only far less light shows. "Oooh...that should be fun..." Tech uploaded fifteen different viruses, 7 of which were porn viruses, onto Dmitri's computer.
"Later, she i gone at the moment and we are not exactly sure where." Amelia stated.

Boss sipped her coffee. "By the way, how are Connot and Ivory. Oh, I mean 'Rusty.'" Boss put a little more venom in that they she meant to. Quiet began rummaging through files of registered heroes at Oscorp tower. @LokiofSP @RiddleWrappedEnigma
"Well, when Boss does something and she doesn't want to be found, you won't find her. The rest of the girls are back at base, except Jamie. She went to look for Boss." Amelia stated.

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