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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Oh, so is Tanya. Well, telekinetic and telepathic." Amelia stated as she smacked Cassandra on the shoulder. "You will fit right in."
"I'm telepathic too. And, they've speculated that I might have a latent tertiary mutation, probably diamond skin or lazer vision, but that hasn't manifested yet."
"Cool, Tanya can control the living and the dead. It is kind of creepy, but she does it with dolls which makes it worse." Amelia stated.
Pyosimros said:
"Plus, if you stay with them you live with a bunch of girls," Cassandra whispered over to Xander though she purposely made the comment in earshot of Amelia.
"Yep," Perry said and he examined the prints further. At first glance, it seemed to be some sort of axe and he looked at the title. "Switch axe eh? I have a bunch of other switches to create normal axes!" He said and pointed at nothing. "Nah just kidding. I'll get them done."
"No, it goes from axe mode to sword mode." Phoenix said. "And the sword mode cuts through anything with ease, and the axe mode does damage with speed and force." He added.
Down in the sewers, a shadow was seen across the walls. A cough was the sound that broke the silence. A figure, with a scruffy look and dirty, loomed over the empty and desolate corridors. The sunlight was not even present there, just small improvised lights. A few walks later, a large room was seen, where what looked like mutants showed up. They looked at the person in awe, but, a small mutant child ran up to him, hugging his leg. Alex smiled kindly, patting the child on the head, looking at the others. "I'm... back." Alex said, the other mutants greeting him as one of their own.
Pyosimros said:
"You seriously have never been here before?" Perry shook his head in disbelief and he walked inside.
"Nope. But this looks amazing." He said with a smile. "And besides, I never got to go out until I met you guys. Before all this bullshit happened, and when Cassie did not disappear." He added.
"I actually phoned Cassie around a week ago, her voice was really coarse and.... Yah it sucks," Perry shrugged and placed an ordered before continuing the conversation. "After saying hi the line kind of hung up, either that or she hung up." (or it was cause Sitan left the second time (:'())
After the scene in the streets Connor followed after the mob of people chasing Bob, slipping in a back entrance he came in smiling at Bob. "Goodjob there Bob. You handled that perfectly." He honestly didn't even try to hide his sarcasm.
Crono said:
After the scene in the streets Connor followed after the mob of people chasing Bob, slipping in a back entrance he came in smiling at Bob. "Goodjob there Bob. You handled that perfectly." He honestly didn't even try to hide his sarcasm.
Bob gave a fake laugh before smiling, "Heard you registered Conner, good to hear. Now would you kindly help me to the interaggation room?"
Pyosimros said:
"I actually phoned Cassie around a week ago, her voice was really coarse and.... Yah it sucks," Perry shrugged and placed an ordered before continuing the conversation. "After saying hi the line kind of hung up, either that or she hung up." (or it was cause Sitan left the second time (:'())
"Yeah.... It sucks a lot." Phoenix said as he placed his order. (Do you know when @sitanomoto will be back?)
Connor took in a breath with his smile fading to neutral, "So everyone keeps telling me." He turned his head as he moved to help Bob up, this was becoming a thing, helping the injured up. "Why the interrogation room?" He asked curiously as they started heading in it's general direction.
Crono said:
Connor took in a breath with his smile fading to neutral, "So everyone keeps telling me." He turned his head as he moved to help Bob up, this was becoming a thing, helping the injured up. "Why the interrogation room?" He asked curiously as they started heading in it's general direction.
Bob gave a sinister smile, "I have words to say to Dimitri."
"I'll be honest I don't know where the room is." Connor let Bob lead the way. He'd only been here twice, when Dimitri died and when he came to register. He wasn't sure if Dimitri was going to be happy or pissed to find out what he'd done, either way he wasn't looking forward to find out. When they got to the room Connor looked through the one way mirror and saw Dimitri with the girl. The same girl who he'd seen earlier, he couldn't help but wonder if the wink had been harmless or if she'd known who he was at the time.

"Your not the only one with words for Dimitri." His head cocked lazily to the side. "What we're you chasing her for anyways?"
Crono said:
"I'll be honest I don't know where the room is." Connor let Bob lead the way. He'd only been here twice, when Dimitri died and when he came to register. He wasn't sure if Dimitri was going to be happy or pissed to find out what he'd done, either way he wasn't looking forward to find out. When they got to the room Connor looked through the one way mirror and saw Dimitri with the girl. The same girl who he'd seen earlier, he couldn't help but wonder if the wink had been harmless or if she'd known who he was at the time.
"Your not the only one with words for Dimitri." His head cocked lazily to the side. "What we're you chasing her for anyways?"
Bob sighed, "I'll tell you later."

LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech was still sitting there ignoring Dmitri and looking out of the window with a bored look on her face
Bob walked in and punched Dimitri in the face before turning to Tech, "Out. Now. I'm letting you go, be free!"

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