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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I'm sorry but I'm the person you do not want to go fruit ninja on," Cassandra said, she still pointed her gun at Cindy. Judging by her suit, she probably has some kind of water based power or something doing with the ocean. "And who sent you?" She asked Xander.
"No one....." Cindy said as one of her hands had wasps coming from her left hand. "Put the gun down, and let's talk about this." She said as she put the basket down and shook her hand, deactivating the plasmid. @Pyosimros. (In total honesty, I thought you were in either avengers or stark tower...... I am really sorry.)
Hollow distortedly laughed. "I don't think you will go anywhere. I gave you life and I can take it away." At that Justice's heart would begin to hurt. "Plus, I have you by my strings." Puppet strings appeared on Justice's limbs. "You're my puppet." @The Regal Rper
(I know xD )

"Whatever," She grumbled and holstered the weapon. "But just saying, you're getting impaled if you try anything," Cassandra pointed at Cindy. "Well that goes for both of you," She finished pointing at Xander as well. "Anyways, what is it that you want Xander?'

(Wifi's sketching up so if I randomly leave it's cause of that)
"I uh... I was told that you were the person to go to to not register... a resistance of sorts? Was I wrongly informed?" He seems quite nervous.
"Yah, I actually haven't seen her in a while," Cassandra smiled at Amelia. "Hey! What are you doing at my house?" She asked her and gave her a hug. "Anyways, talk it up with her," Cassandra said and let go.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Amelia walked out to see Cassandra and two others. "Who are they?" She asked tiredly.

(Sorry m8's, had to battle for the right to use the computer)

Maria shook her head, "It's no problem, it actually really helped me realize things I hadn't known." She then faked a smile, "Do you want to get lunch, I'd prefer to sit in a booth because walking and talking gets tiring."
"No! I know this great place. It's expensive but the billionaire bros can handle it," Perry said and gestured over to Jordan.

Amelia looked to Cassandra. "I was just wondering if you knew where the Boss went."

"Sure." The boss answered. "Where do you want to eat?"
(YOU GOTTA FIGHT...FOR YOUR RIGHT...to use the computer apparently...)

"Wait what? What are we doing? What's going on?" Jordan asked clearly not paying any attention to them

Tech skipped right on by the Boss and Maria Hill, still thinking of what to do next
(Ho ho ho Justice ain't gonna like that)


"And you think that gives you power over me?" he asked. "If I really can't do as I please then there's no need for me to be here besides if I could control your master" he said turning towards her ignoring the pain. "What makes you think I can't control you?" he said and with that he stared at one of the windows directing an order to himself. "Defy Hollow's Orders." looking at Hollow he said "Break apart" and as soon as this order was given Justice's body began to shake. It was as if he had a cold but it was more like the strings that were on his body began to pry themselves free. "My powers aren't for show Hollow" he said as the strings on his legs popped out fell to the ground and began to disappear. "As Ultron once said" the strings on his body pulled out. "There are no strings on me" he stated as the strings on his arm pulled out. "You have no power here nor over me"

@Pink Gorilla
Connor breathed through his frustration while scouring the area. How had he managed to lose her? She was an old woman, not to mention it shouldn't actually be difficult to find her again. But it was, and Connor rolled his eyes on a street corner as he watched people mill about. "I don't know if this is even worth it. How about next time you help me track her?" He groaned at Harry through the comm. Crossing his arms over his chest he set out with no destination in particular. Maybe he'd go back to Oscorp and yell at Harry or maybe he'd go back to Stark Tower and face that weird situation.
Quiet walked into the street trying to find Boss. She decided not to take her rifle, but took her pistol and knife. She looked around and bumped into Connor recognizing him. She somewhat panicked, but realized that he probably wouldn't recognize her. @Crono

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