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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Huh... mutant with telekinesis and telepathy that's the child of a previous Phoenix host over here... Just saying)

(Also who's gonna use me for what now? Confused and tired... words blurring... sense failing...)
Harry reached Conner on his comlink. "Alright check in, Conner. Give me an update on your mission progress." He said, working on his glider in his lab.
(Really? Perry has no reaction whatsoever to finding out that one of his biggest investors is also a guy who runs around in a costume and opposes him?)
(I mean, Maria probably knew, and Rayna...let's face it she's like a really high person unless she's being ordered to do something.)
(Yeah, but it's also taken control of Collossus and Cyclops before, hasn't it? Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Didn't it cause Cyclops to kill Professor X or something?)
(Its the second strongest character in Marvel behind TOAA. Telepaths usually have a better time keeping everything together. The Phoenix Five weren't telepaths and they became completely power hungry)
A message is sent to Maria Hill's phone. The message read, Come to the corner of 24th street and Elm. Come alone, I can no longer trust your allies.
(Wow... I'm looking at the wiki for this thing and it's kinda op. It is the nexus for all psionic energy that does, has or ever will exist in all realities of the omniverse.)

(Also it apparently has their power to destroy a universe entirely and, in fact, that is part of it's purpose.)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]A message is sent to Maria Hill's phone. The message read, Come to the corner of 24th street and Elm. Come alone, I can no longer trust your allies.

Maria checked her phone and got her coat, "Everyone out of my office, I have to go. Don't fight a giant symbiotic monster without me." With that she left to meet the Boss

Pyosimros said:
(Nvm phoenix force one shotted galactus, forgot that)
(Also m8 I sent Xander to Cassandra, check with Enigma)
(Oh crap wait did it happen already? I saw the 'go to her' post)

(Sorry my wifi was being REALLY glitchy at that time and it was testing my patience)
(No I'm just about to do that, sorry, busy trying to set up an rp and realising that I haven't outlined my races well enough because it's explained very well in the fandom but then the fandom is very obscure so... bleh... I'm just gonna rp now to give myself a break.)
Connor reached up and flipped his Comm on so Harry could hear that he wasn't alone, and anything else he might want to know. "By stupid you mean don't try to imprison or attack whoever it decides to take as host. You make it sound like if the person is already registered or already in the rebellion then there's an issue when a fight breaks out. Next time if you want to be civil and less violence try thinking like a normal person, use a door, ask to see someone. Don't bust in and demand to meet the person, it comes off as hostile. And Jordan, not everyone will be happy your willing to help both sides. I'd watch your back."

Maria ordered everyone out and Connor followed suit, keeping an eye on her as she left. Connor moved to a window alone, "She's leaving the tower. Don't know where she's going." He whispered quietly into the Comm. "Want me to follow?" He glanced over his shoulder at the others to make sure they weren't too close or watching him suspiciously.
Xander glances around him. "Ok... I'm in the right area... Just need to find the place... I should probably be on my guard too, some crazy stuff's going down and I have next to no idea what it is..." he picks up a medium sized bit of brick that has chipped off of a wall with telekinesis. "I should be able to really bean someone with this if I need to..."
Jordan pulled his hood back up "Oh...Mr. Parker, I'd love to have an actual business meeting with you, gotta keep the shareholders happy and what not. I do apologize for not showing at any of the board meetings...being a vigilante is consuming work." Jordan grabbed his hood like it was a hat that he was tipping and started to walk out nonchalantly

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