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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LucianGrey7971 said:
(It's easier to get through from the back but there's more security, the front is a bit confusing to get to. Use that
@LokiofSP )
Bob shook his head, "No, it's not her standing on me, it's the fact that she navigated the front of the mansion just to get here, and I'm not gonna lie, I got turned around three times trying to find the door, so explain now!" He pointed a finger at the girl.
"Yep. We take the bathysphere back to the light house and load everything onto the boat, and have the cap call movers to move it all to avengers tower." Cindy stated as she lifted the bag behind perry, helping in lightening the load. @Pyosimros
"Um... Is it okay if I take some of the models for testing. It'll take a day or two at most. Pinkie promise," Perry said. He really wanted to test the suits out.
Tech sighed and walked on Bob's head before stepping back onto the ground "It's simple really, I hacked SHIELDS' mainframe and used their satellites to pinpoint where the maidsassin goes and determined the best route for getting here." she said as if it should have been common knowledge. Jordan was pinching Tyne bridge of his nose in defeat and th maid was trying not to laugh.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan looked at Tech like he wanted to hit her
Bob stood up, "AHA! I knew it!" Bob went to take out a badgebut quickly realized he did not have one,"Your under arrest...... Kinda."
"You confirmed the route with my maid, you just happen to be lucky, the Aristocrats! Any of those would have bebeen a better lie!" Jordan said more annoyed than anything. Tech just shrugged
Maria's speech stopped Finn in his tracks for a moment. They were just kids. They weren't adults like their parents were when the first registration movement started. They should be in school, hanging out with friends, living life to the fullest. But instead they were living life as adults do, making tough decisions, and watching friends and family die before their eyes.

He waved to the two others in the room and left without saying another word. Maria's words had struck a cord with him. He was young still, and what do young people do? They learn. He left the building and headed towards the library where he would catch up on his online schooling before reading up on martial arts.
(Yah Terry's the only guy who didn't leave school so he could get a good job in the future xD )

"Um... Finn!? I feel like Maria still has her whole thingy going on!" Terry shouted over to him and he looked back at Maria. He greatly hoped that she had more to say, either that or it's back to class. "Anything else?"
Pyosimros said:
"Cool, so we're heading to the surface now right?" Perry asked her. She seemed to be the guide at the moment.
"Yes. We are." Cindy said as they headed for the bathysphere. And Cindy calls the captain via walkie talkie, telling him to call a moving company.
(Nah he's becoming an astronaut, get it? I think I already did that joke to either Crono or Pink)

"Ey, so we don't twiddle our thumbs for half an hour it's okay if I call a helicopter right?" Perry asked her. He wasn't very hyped on another half hour ride back to New York. The last ride was very uneventful. Though he didn't want to offend the captain either. "Actually, yah let's just take the boat. You already called the guy," He shrugged.
(I just realized that Jordan is a super superpowered Batman. He is heavily invested in Parker Industries, yet he has no social life and is a vigilante)
(Batman has... A social life... He uh... He hangs out with his bat family

(It's really sad how that was Jason Todd's most cherished memory xD )
LucianGrey7971 said:
"You confirmed the route with my maid, you just happen to be lucky, the Aristocrats! Any of those would have bebeen a better lie!" Jordan said more annoyed than anything. Tech just shrugged
Bob simply rubbed the back of his head and gave a cheeky smile to Jordan, "The point still stands though right? Look man, I just get worried when someone can hack into SHEILD and then proceeds to threaten to unleash nukes on everyone, I need to take her in."
Pyosimros said:
(Nah he's becoming an astronaut, get it? I think I already did that joke to either Crono or Pink)
"Ey, so we don't twiddle our thumbs for half an hour it's okay if I call a helicopter right?" Perry asked her. He wasn't very hyped on another half hour ride back to New York. The last ride was very uneventful. Though he didn't want to offend the captain either. "Actually, yah let's just take the boat. You already called the guy," He shrugged.
"Now go." Cindy said as she helped load the loot onto the boat. Once done, they head back to new York.
"Talks over? I'll be uh... In Europe if you need me. Bye!" Terry shouted and he left in a hurry. He was done with the awkward silence, and he was okay with traveling abroad.

"Any of you guys brought a board game with you?" Perry yawned as he went into the boat.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech merely unzipped her backpack and waited
Bob took a deep breath, "My ultimate attack is....." He ran to Tech and picked her up, running away, "NOT ACTUALLY HAVING A SECRET WEAPON AND BULLSHITING UNTIL I COME UP WITH SOMETHING!"

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