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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

CasualDragon said:
Finn nodded a hello to the newcomer before turning back to Maria. "No idea really. I get a message on my comm saying that you want to see me. I have no choice but to go in case you actually are calling me. Then I get the shit beaten out of me and I leave. They're just some people who are mad at some of my past actions. And now that they know who Smasher actually is they can do something about it while I can't." He shrugged. "It's a downside of registering but I'll deal with it."
Maria snorted, "Come on Banner, I'm the director of S.H.E.I.L.D, I may use some shady tactics but I will REFUSE to allow this to continue, especially when I have the power to stop it."
Pyosimros said:
(I thought we were still in that sketchy building xD )
"Apologies for being late," Joseph walked in and closed the door behind him. "What are we talking about?" He scanned the room. There weren't that much people who actually came yet.

"Wow fashion in Rapture sucks..." Perry mumbled as they walked. "Are we close? I'm getting really creepy vibes from this place. Soon enough my spider-sense would probably go off cause of the bee people," He shrugged.
"Relax. He won't hurt a fly unless you hurt the girl." Cindy said as they went closer to them, the little girls smiling as she blinks her yellow glowing eyes.
"Its complicated." Cindy said as the little girl came up to her. "Hi miss, can you take me and my daddy to get him fixed? The meanies hurt him, and he needs his clothes fixed." The little girl said with worry as the big daddy groaned in agony. "I am pretty sure we are going to we you are going." Cindy said as the little girl smiled. "Thank you, come on." The little girl said as she held the big daddy's hand as they lead the way. @Pyosimros.
Jordan walked downstairs in a robe "No, I was just...indisposed." he said as th maid bowed and walked away "What is it you need?"

It appeared Tech didn't take too kindly someone else doing what Tech does and not 15 minutes later, hacked SHIELD completely to broadcast a message. "Attention citizens!" the distorted voice started, "You have no doubt seen what useless justifications the resistance has given, and I'm here to say that it doesn't matter. Anarchy doesn't need justification. We all need anarchy in our lives, or else it wouldn't be fun! Here's some for you, I've just hacked into the Pentagon and gotten the codes to launch the nuclear warheads...and I'm going to! Just for funsies!" A countdown of less than a minute was placed on the screen under the name Tech and quickly started to rundown "Enjoy what lives you have left!"

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Boss sighed. "I hope that works." She stood up and began to walk to her room when Jamie stopped her and signed. "Why didn't you talk about Ivory being Rusty?"

"I'd be as bad as Maria Hill is." Boss stated and walked into her room.
"They do not do such thing. The little sisters are honest. The big daddies just follow them, I have a felling the my need us as an escort." Cindy whispered back as phoenix smiles, following he group. @Pyosimros
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan walked downstairs in a robe "No, I was just...indisposed." he said as th maid bowed and walked away "What is it you need?"
It appeared Tech didn't take too kindly someone else doing what Tech does and not 15 minutes later, hacked SHIELD completely to broadcast a message. "Attention citizens!" the distorted voice started, "You have no doubt seen what useless justifications the resistance has given, and I'm here to say that it doesn't matter. Anarchy doesn't need justification. We all need anarchy in our lives, or else it wouldn't be fun! Here's some for you, I've just hacked into the Pentagon and gotten the codes to launch the nuclear warheads...and I'm going to! Just for funsies!" A countdown of less than a minute was placed on the screen under the name Tech and quickly started to rundown "Enjoy what lives you have left!"

Bob smiled and picked up a piece of paper, "I did some digging online and happened to find your Facebook account. There I saw you were friends with someone who simply changed their name on their page to Tech, that and how you react to the hopefully fake nuke threats, show that you know this person somewhat. Can you give me info about them?"
(I thought it was only S.H.I.E.L.D. xD I didn't know it was everywhere)

"Hold up. My inferface getting spammed with another message," Perry sighed. He needed to improve security measures, getting hacked is way too easy for these guys. Perhaps he'll just 'borrow' one of the Stark security systems, they won't mind. "And... Nuke threats. Nuke threats are happening now."
"Hmmm Tech is...not...a stabilizing force." he said choosing his words carefully "Tech has always been more concerned with having fun than worrying about others...Oh no, I have absolutely no idea if it's fake or not! Tech is an enigma, I only assume it's fake because only a minute was given and that's not enough time to raise a bit of anarchy...but who knows...and as for Facebook, Tech probably hacked it to make us friends...also Tech isn't just gone from Facebook...Tech's deleted all records of existence."

(My GOD it's hard trying not to give away gender!)
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Hmmm Tech is...not...a stabilizing force." he said choosing his words carefully "Tech has always been more concerned with having fun than worrying about others...Oh no, I have absolutely no idea if it's fake or not! Tech is an enigma, I only assume it's fake because only a minute was given and that's not enough time to raise a bit of anarchy...but who knows...and as for Facebook, Tech probably hacked it to make us friends...also Tech isn't just gone from Facebook...Tech's deleted all records of existence."
(My GOD it's hard trying not to give away gender!)
Bib bit his lip, "So you're telling me that this person likes anarchy......So they would be somewhere that didn't make logical sense....? Kinda? Sorta? Maybe?"
The counter reached zero and the voice laughed as confetti floated down the screen "Where would be the fun in simply blowing everything up at once? No, no, let's let the resistance have their fun!" The word Tech faded from the screen and everything goes back to normal.

Jordan looked at Bob "See? No nuclear explosions. Let it go, you're only gonna find Tech if Tech wants to be found...and if Tech wants to be found...its most likely a trap."


Jordan poured himself a glass of scotch and Bob one as well "Unfortunately I've had no contact with Tech for a couple of years. I have no idea where Tech is" he took a sip, and just happened to look out the window, and saw a girl with long blue pigtails scantily dressed walk by nonchalantly. He IMMEDIATELY spit the scotch out.
( You wanna stop him, be my guest. Besides he's in his own home and rich as fu-HUCK...and is extremely powerful. T'would be wise to let him drink)
LokiofSP said:
Maria snorted, "Come on Banner, I'm the director of S.H.E.I.L.D, I may use some shady tactics but I will REFUSE to allow this to continue, especially when I have the power to stop it."
He sighed. "I mean, be my guest. But I kind of deserve it. I don't want to be 'that angsty guy' but I do. I went to LA a while back to deal with a threat, but by the time I got there though the threat was gone. It was already on its way to New York. He was so unbelievably mad over being late that he smashed the hell out of the place. Who knows how many people died. One of the guys said I killed his wife. I wouldn't be surprised." He cleared his throat and awkwardly looked around.

"Anyways enough about this. Things are getting a little too deep. What have we been called here about?" Something caught his attention and he turned to look at a tv screen on one of the walls where there was something about nukes. "Let me guess. That's what we're here about."
(Cuz drinking is way more evil than murder *thumbs up*)

"Are we still going to right way?" Perry asked as they followed the little girl. He was still suspicious, though he didn't really have a choice for he'd be lost if he left now.
"No, it is no trap." Cindy said as the little girl starts to hum. "We should be close to the place, daddy needs to be fixed bad." The little girl said as the big daddy groans In agreement. @Pyosimros
CasualDragon said:
He sighed. "I mean, be my guest. But I kind of deserve it. I don't want to be 'that angsty guy' but I do. I went to LA a while back to deal with a threat, but by the time I got there though the threat was gone. It was already on its way to New York. He was so unbelievably mad over being late that he smashed the hell out of the place. Who knows how many people died. One of the guys said I killed his wife. I wouldn't be surprised." He cleared his throat and awkwardly looked around.
"Anyways enough about this. Things are getting a little too deep. What have we been called here about?" Something caught his attention and he turned to look at a tv screen on one of the walls where there was something about nukes. "Let me guess. That's what we're here about."
Maria waved him off, "Just a child pretending."

LucianGrey7971 said:
The counter reached zero and the voice laughed as confetti floated down the screen "Where would be the fun in simply blowing everything up at once? No, no, let's let the resistance have their fun!" The word Tech faded from the screen and everything goes back to normal.
Jordan looked at Bob "See? No nuclear explosions. Let it go, you're only gonna find Tech if Tech wants to be found...and if Tech wants to be found...its most likely a trap."


Jordan poured himself a glass of scotch and Bob one as well "Unfortunately I've had no contact with Tech for a couple of years. I have no idea where Tech is" he took a sip, and just happened to look out the window, and saw a girl with long blue pigtails scantily dressed walk by nonchalantly. He IMMEDIATELY spit the scotch out.
"What's wrong?" Bob turned to the window to see a girl with WAY to much skin showing walking by, he picked up the scotch and splashed it on his face, seeing the girl was real he blinked, he then notices he threw scotch in his face and began to run around screaming, eventually crashing out the window and landing in front of the girl.

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