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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor spent the last few days back in the abandoned warehouse, he hadn't had the chance to go have his chat with Hill yet. As well as not knowing where the rebellion had moved to, which was for the best. The blonde had tried to keep track of Alex after their quarrel three nights ago, he wanted to make sure he didn't go to Africa alone. He'd been thankful for Jack's words, essentially saying he'd be going if need be which gave Connor a little relief. As annoying as the guy was, you could rely on him to be there to help for the most part. He missed it admittedly, after these few nights spent in the warehouse alone, being around them. But he'd lost track of Alex, had no idea where the boy had gone, he was still fuming over it. That Alex had basically given him an ultimatum, register to protect those he cared about, or go to Africa to keep Alex from his suicide mission. And that had hurt.

He kept telling himself he was doing the right thing but there wasn't a right thing in this situation, everything felt wrong. He stood staring out the smudged broken windows, thinking about his plan over and over. Hill had to take it, he'd get immunity for all hero families, he was too late for Ivory but there we're others, along with his own parents. He'd take over as leader, with Dimitri's track record of being drunk and it getting covered up by Maria she needed a new poster boy, who better than America's Kid as she'd called him. She'd also have to stop whatever she was doing to Finn and anyone else behind closed doors, he'd take the fall for anyone who didn't listen. Beatings, or whatever it was she wanted to call them, he could take responsibility for Finn and Dimitri's actions if need be. He had a plan, she'd listen, she had to. Or he had nothing.
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Boss and the girls finished their meals and began walking the streets again. They all had their hoods up except Jamie, since she wasn't around when this thing started so no one recognized her yet. They just randomly strolled the city, getting some fresh air.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss and the girls finished their meals and began walking the streets again. They all had their hoods up except Jamie, since she wasn't around when this thing started so no one recognized her yet. They just randomly strolled the city, getting some fresh air.

Ivory swant through the city, eventually deciding it didn't matter if he had his mask on he took it off to feel the wind pass his head, as he did this he heated many people down below call his name.
Finn had spent the last three days being brutally beaten during the combat lessons that the pro-members were encouraged to take. Turns out, he wasn't the best fighter in the world. As he felt his back slam down onto the mat for the twenty thousandth time he made the decision to quit for the day. Smasher could make do without great fighting skills, Finn not so much. He was as helpless as helpless could get and the last couple of days had rightfully shown him that.

He had also taken it upon himself to do a little snooping into some personal matters, and had found out that Maria had nothing to do with some of the 'Private Meetings' that he found himself at. Turns out they were just random S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who weren't too pleased with Smasher's destructive track record and decided to take matters into their own hands. Personally, Finn was just glad that they hadn't shot him or something else that was a little more permanent. Getting beat up by some overgrown babies he could handle even though it made the combat lessons even worse.

As he walked back home he couldn't get his thoughts under control. The image of the new Ivory was a shocker and Finn couldn't help but be a little upset. Ivory had to become a whole different person to join the pro side, and that wasn't what being pro-registration was about. Being pro meant that you could be comfortable with who you are and the public could be comfortable with who you are. Ivory being forced to create a new appearance was going against the whole point of this. And it must be hard for him to maintain a different personality from his true personality. Dimitri was also a common thought. The last couple times he had seen Dimitri he had either been super busy and unavailable to talk, or drunk. There hadn't really been an in-between or at least he hadn't seen it. And finally there were the anti-registration people. He couldn't help but wonder if they were doing okay. Even though they were on opposite sides they were still his friends and not being able to see them everyday like before was a weird change.
Jordan did his best to stay out of sight of cameras, the last thing he needed was to get caught up with Tech again...she always had the ability to unconsciously get those around her to get caught up in her pace, though he had to admit that life with her around was never boring.
"Anyways, are you guys still up for the diving thing? Ivory's hopefully gonna join back soon," Perry said over to the two. @Steel Zinogre
Boss looked up and saw Ivory. She heard all the people cheering his name. "Yeah, they will never treat you guys like gods." She muttered.

"Should we do something?" Jamie signed.

"No, we have nothing to defend ourselves. And plus, I made a promise." She stated. "Let's go." They began walking through the crowds. She realized they stood out because they were the only ones not cheering. @LokiofSP
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Pyosimros said:
"Anyways, are you guys still up for the diving thing? Ivory's hopefully gonna join back soon," Perry said over to the two. @Steel Zinogre
Cindy nods as phoenix smiles. "Got a sub?" Phoenix asked perry. "I do not need one, for my suit can resist all pressure." Cindy said as she took off her helmet. "Wow, for people so old, your tech is pretty advanced." Phoenix said playfully.
(What happened to her!?)

"Yah we don't exactly have diving suits. I could make some but it'll take around two days," Perry sighed.
"You don't need suits. Rapture is at a survivable pressure. We could take some big daddy suits from there. There are different kinds. Bouncer, Rosie, alpha series, rumbler, and lancers." Cindy said. "With the little girls making Adam in their bodies, someone has to protect them from harm." She added. "Brother killing brother, sister against sister......" Phoenix shook his head. "Adam became as bad as crack?" He asked cindy, who simply nodded @Pyosimros.
Pink Gorilla](Well she had coup or something. And we just found out she has an ear infection.) [/QUOTE] (My sister could not breathe once. My parents went to the er at 3 in the morning. She is 6 [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9433-pink-gorilla/ said:
@Pink Gorilla[/URL])
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss and the girls finished their meals and began walking the streets again. They all had their hoods up except Jamie, since she wasn't around when this thing started so no one recognized her yet. They just randomly strolled the city, getting some fresh air.

Noticing the crowds calling and cheering for "Rusty" Ivory sneered a bit. Looking down he saw a group that wasn't cheering, and he then noticed a poncho underneath clothing. Slipping away from the crowd, he went to an alleyway and changed, he ruffed up his hair, took out his nose/ear rings, and put on sports glasses and beanie, walking through the crowd unnoticed, he caught up to the group.

(Sorry if I'm being rude or disrespectful by posting this while your going what you're going through right now, I debated for awhile and decided to go for it.)
(I stopped breathing once when I was three :/ Apparently it was my first and only asthma attack for now)

"Um... Wanna get some diving suits from an actual store then?" Perry suggested. He wasn't very keen on going to a place that seemed to be filled with murder and mayhem.
"Don't worry. You have me with you. I know that no one even lives down there. There is a light house housing a bathysphere. I can take you there." Cindy said. "It will certainly be a new experience for you." She added, looking back at the horrible things she had to do to protect her former home, kidnap girls from the surface, and bring them down just to turned into a monster. She began to sniffle as tears roll down her face, covered by her helmet. Phoenix then hugged her, trying to console her. @Pyosimros.
"Hey, you alright?" Perry asked her as softly as he could. It seemed like now Rapture was worse then he thought. "Y'know, we don't have to go if you don't want to," He added. The place could've brought bad memories. Dead parents or siblings maybe?
"I'm sorry...... But when I was there...... It brought bad memories....." She said as she sniffled. "What? What did you do?" Phoenix asked. "Long story...... But I kidnapped little girls..... And brought them to be turned into adam making monsters." She said as she started to cry harder. "Nothing I do now, will change what I have done!" She shouted. Phoenix looked at perry. "Maybe we should cancel." Phoenix said as cindy slapped him. "We are going, emotional or not." She said. @Pyosimros
Boss and the girls kept walking and noticed Ivory left. Suddenly, Jamie tensed up. "What is it, Jamie?"

She signed back, "Someone is following us."

"Just keep walking, maybe they will lose interest." Boss replied. @LokiofSP
"And you're sure? Cause I don't really want you to go if it's just for Phoenix and I," Perry said and he started to stand up. It seemed like we all did bad things, though what Cindy did was the worse. Though she did seem to regret every second of the things she did.
"I am.... We are going." Cindy said in a tough, and sad tone. "Let's go. I have money for the captain to take us to the light house." Cindy said as she took out a was of old dollar bills. "It should still be good after all its been through." @Pyosimros

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