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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan looked at the surrounding area frantically "....how did she get out..." he gritted his teeth. "I need to get out of the open...too many cameras"
The only evidence of the hacking was the word Tech on one of the helicarrier servers, there was no IP address, no nothing, almost as if something directly interfaced with the system
Bob went to his old computer in his room in his apartment and cracked it open, he began a google search on whoever this "Tech" person was.

(We've established Bob has no common sense right?)
LokiofSP said:
Bob went to his old computer in his room in his apartment and cracked it open, he began a google search on whoever this "Tech" person was.
(We've established Bob has no common sense right?)
(Yep! But he is one hell of a pet owner.)
[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider](where are Noah and Rayna needed?)

(I dunno. You guys just wanna time skip? I feel like we've done everything we can in this part of the arc)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Where exactly are we going to skip too?)

(Well how about to the next part of the fight, let's say three days later.)
(I will.) Cindy and phoenix sit in the living area of stark tower. While redd and luna train their predatory skills for the sake of justice. Cindy waits for rusty, or ivory to come over to hang out. @LokiofSP
Ivory walked out and stretched, yawning as he did so, he walked out to the kitchen area of Stark Tower, the place had already become a second home as he had spent two of the last three days there pulling all nighters to train, erase arch and upgrade his tools. He purged himself cereal and stepped out to the common area, he was lost in thought as he thought about his decision to jump ship, so deep in thought in fact that he had forgotten to put something else on besides just his pajama bottoms
Cindy looked at ivory. "Hi! Why don't you watch some shark week with me and phoenix?" Cindy asked as phoenix nodded. "I know a lot about sharks, but have never seen certain ones...... Like a south African great white." She told ivory. @LokiofSP (I love shark week)
"Hi guys!" Perry said and burst into the room. He quickly sat down next to the two and looked at the TV and then Phoenix. "If you haven't seen a south whatever it is I could probably find a way to take us there," He shrugged and took off his mask.
"I know some currents to take us there. But how to get to them is the question." Cindy said as she tapped her helmet thoughtfully. "One day I will see a south African great white in the future." She added as she removed a jar of red liquid from her harvester and set it down, replacing it with another one. "Splicers...... The main scourge of rapture." She muttered. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Rayna and Noah walked in, Noah yawning as he sat at the kitchen bar and reached for the cereal and poured out a bowl.

Rayna looked as though she was halfway through her day already, She grabbed a cup of coffee and took a drink relishing the caffinated drink.

"So whats going on today?"

Noah asked as he looked around the room at the group assembled.
"Why are you carrying a thing of blood?" Perry asked Cindy. It seemed strange for someone to carry a jar of the stuff. Though 'strange' things happen every day.
Rayna seemed interested in the conversation and like a cat she sat on the chair and listened before chiming in

"You do kind of carry that everywhere you go"

Rayna made the statement and joined Perry in looking to Cindy.


Noah just finished his cereal and washed up after himself before joining the group at the table.
Pyosimros said:
"Why are you carrying a thing of blood?" Perry asked Cindy. It seemed strange for someone to carry a jar of the stuff. Though 'strange' things happen every day.
"It is not blood. But a chemical called Adam. It allows anyone to change their genetic code. Like going from man to woman, black to white. Even have have powers such as telekenisis and the ability to shoot wasps from your hands." Cindy said as she secured a new jar to her harvester/wrist gun.
(Y'know, if we had a guy named Adam I could totally make a DC reference with that comment...)

"Same thing," Perry shrugged and headed over to the fridge. "Anyone wanna head out to do something?" He asked them as he sat down with a bag of popcorn in his hands.
Pyosimros said:
(Y'know, if we had a guy named Adam I could totally make a DC reference with that comment...)
"Same thing," Perry shrugged and headed over to the fridge. "Anyone wanna head out to do something?" He asked them as he sat down with a bag of popcorn in his hands.
"Maybe deep sea diving?" Cindy suggested as phoenix smiled. "I like that. Let's do it." Phoenix said with a chuckle.
As soon as Perry sat down Raynas hand snatched some popcorn which she began to eat, giving a shrug saying she would just go with what the group wanted to do.

Noah nodded, if he spent another day in the tower he would go insane. He got up to get dressed into what he called street wear.
Boss, Jamie, and the girls went out of the base to eat at a restaraunt. They all wore casual clothes with hoods up. They all sat down and took off their hoods. "It is nice to finally get out of that base."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Maybe deep sea diving?" Cindy suggested as phoenix smiled. "I like that. Let's do it." Phoenix said with a chuckle.

Ivory ate the rest of his cereal and stood up, "You guys go ahead, I kinda need to swing around and clear my thoughts." With that he left to put on his costume
"Hey! Come on we can be cool too!" Perry shouted over to Ivory and he stood up. The guy needed to stop being so depressed though as Perry thought about it he did just betray pretty much everyone from the other side.
Pyosimros said:
"Hey! Come on we can be cool too!" Perry shouted over to Ivory and he stood up. The guy needed to stop being so depressed though as Perry thought about it he did just betray pretty much everyone from the other side.
Ivory simply kept on walking and reaches his "room" changing into his costume he went to leave.

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