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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Phoenix looked around as he looked for cindy. Cindy silently runs along rooftops, wanting to check out a little more of HQ. "Where did she go?" Phoenix said as he looked all around. Cindy gets close to HQ, and smiles under her helmet. (Would it be OK to bring cindy in? To break up a fight about to ensue?) @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
"But Rusty is just a shell for Ivory. I saw his pain, you are only hiding who he is. The only thing different is his name and accent. I also don't want people to have to be afraid anymore. But I don't want to lie for them to feel safe." Boss shook her head. "Promise one thing, no matter how things play out, leave my daughters out of it. When people learn who they are, they will try to kill them. But I don't want them to be given a fake life to hide them from what they have experienced." (I don't think Boss would fight an old lady) @LokiofSP
"Your nephew? Never mind, can you apologize to Bob for me? He may be my enemy, but he is a really nice guy. I am still afraid of how this war is going to end up. Things are only going to get worse. It is hard to keep going, but what you are doing is wrong. So I will keep fighting." Boss sighed. "But you we are losing people fast because of your black mail."

(....I think I should give everybody something else to worry about...TO THE CHARACTER CREATION LAB! * Taskmaster logo zooming I and out with Batman scene change theme playing*)
(Oh crap I actually put the nephew thing in? Fuck it got replied to so its canon now lol)

Maria shook her head, "I'll do that, been meaning to talk to him anyways. Next time can we not yell and scream? I actually enjoy these talks a bit."


LucianGrey7971 said:
(....I think I should give everybody something else to worry about...TO THE CHARACTER CREATION LAB! * Taskmaster logo zooming I and out with Batman scene change theme playing*)
"I do enjoy talking to you as well, you are a smart woman. Maybe we can actually set up a lunch someday. Quiet, everything is alright you can lower your gun." Boss stated. @LokiofSP
( Jordan: BULLSHIT! I haven't killed a damn thing...except two guards and an Arizona sweet tea.

Me: anyway go ahead and take a look at the newest member of our group!)
"Well, I am not going to go into a building completely unprepared. I had her ready to fire as soon as you pulled a stupid move. See you around, hopefully on better terms." Boss stated and walked out of the office. She saw 'Rusty' and walked up to him. "Ivory, you don't have to do this. I can protect your family." She whispered.

Boss looked at Ivory. "It's true, they might. Ivory, I am not going to force you into anything. I know you don't really want to be on any side of this war. You do what you think is best." Boss placed her hand on his shoulder. (I love how Boss is becoming everyone's like second mother) @LokiofSP
All the screens in New York and the helicarrier suddenly went black. Iconic songs started to play only to be quickly cut out by static and replaced with another. "Wouldn't it be ni--A cult of personali-- I'm on the highway to--Get up, c'mon get down with the--" The process continued for a full minute, captivating the confused before every screen sent the same message in bright pink letters: TECH. The screens were replaced by static before going back to showing what was originally on them.

Jordan looked down right petrified "No...fucking...way."
Boss gave Ivory a smile. "I will let them know. I am sure they will be happy to hear from you." Boss said before walking off. Quiet descended and joined her. (Night)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss gave Ivory a smile. "I will let them know. I am sure they will be happy to hear from you." Boss said before walking off. Quiet descended and joined her. (Night)



LucianGrey7971 said:
All the screens in New York and the helicarrier suddenly went black. Iconic songs started to play only to be quickly cut out by static and replaced with another. "Wouldn't it be ni--A cult of personali-- I'm on the highway to--Get up, c'mon get down with the--" The process continued for a full minute, captivating the confused before every screen sent the same message in bright pink letters: TECH. The screens were replaced by static before going back to showing what was originally on them.
Jordan looked down right petrified "No...fucking...way."
Bob paused in place as he geared the music, "Whoever the hell just did that has great taste in music." He said, "Still, can't just let someone who can hack into S.H.E.I.L.D get away, gotta find the signal."
Pyosimros said:
"Why is lunch always everyone's time to ditch," Perry sighed and looked over at Redd. "Let's catch up to them," He said with an annoyed tone to his voice and stood up. @Steel Zinogre

(Except for Perry, she's like, "Screw that guy, right?" xD )
"No, leave her be. She is probably just exploring the city." Phoenix said as Cindy came back. "Hi guys. I saw so many things." She stated as they went in.
Dimitri activated his comlink. All registered and pro characters could hear him. "Does anybody have any idea who the hell that was?? Is anybody working on it?"
Finn was shocked awake from the sound of his comm going off that he fell off the chair he was on. Who the hell that was? No. Don't tell me. Somebody else has decided to attack our beloved city. Man I hate this place sometimes. Groggily he pushed the palms of his hands against his eyes and waited for someone to reply.
Quiet turned to Boss and signed. "I want to explore the city. I will see you later."

"Alright, be careful though." Boss replied.

Quiet began walking down the street, being stared at. Mostly cause of her gun, but some people were staring at her outfit, or lack there of. Quiet passed the restaurant. Perry was in and heard his comm link. She turned invisible and listened along.

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"Well, we have a hacker," Perry yawned as he looked at the screen. "You know Tony always used to be the resident hacker, wether it was forcefields, programs, pretty much everything," He explained looking at them. He also heard that when his Otto took over his dad's body he hacked all the screens to name some supervillains he's trying to catch.

"Yo, Harry and I can work on finding who that was. And when I mean Harry and I, I mean Harry's going to do most of the work," Perry shrugged as he talked through he comm.
Jordan looked at the surrounding area frantically "....how did she get out..." he gritted his teeth. "I need to get out of the open...too many cameras"

The only evidence of the hacking was the word Tech on one of the helicarrier servers, there was no IP address, no nothing, almost as if something directly interfaced with the system

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