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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"No, there are addicts that roam the halls of the ruined city. They crave Adam, and the kill anyone to get it. That is why I protect the little girls from them." She said as she looked down. "And besides...... This is my first time to the surface, so I do not know much. I am sorry......." She said as she sighed. Phoenix then hugged her. "Don't worry, we will guide around the surface." Phoenix said. Luna then looked at perry, and rubbed her cheek on his leg. @Pyosimros.
"Sorry, it's just that I'm really tired. I've been working overtime lately," Perry shrugged and he looked down and petted Luna. "Anyways, you guys wanna go now?" He asked. He needed to take this gloomy setting away into a more peaceful and happy one.
Pyosimros said:
"Sorry, it's just that I'm really tired. I've been working overtime lately," Perry shrugged and he looked down and petted Luna. "Anyways, you guys wanna go now?" He asked. He needed to take this gloomy setting away into a more peaceful and happy one.
"Sure. Let's go." Phoenix said as cindy looked at Perry's mask. "How did you make this....?" She asked him, curious. "I have never seen a mask this intricate and...... Cool." She said. Phoenix and luna headed outside as cindy followed suit.
"It's a bunch of science stuff," Perry explained. Though he knew it shouldn't even be considered as an explanation for how bad it was. "Thanks for thinking it's cool," He said and followed Phoenix and Luna outside.
Boss looked at Connor and shook her head. "I hate to say, but that is very disappointing. Come on girls, Alex, Jack. We have to leave before more Pro members find us." They began packing up their things and Tanya got dressed in her other armor. @Crono @AnnoDomini @The Regal Rper
Alex looks at Boss, sighing. "I'm not going with you guys, sadly. I have to go deal with someone... in Wakanda. Follow me if you want, but this is a suicide mission." He looks at Connor, pushing him before putting his shirt back on. "And you... don't you dare do your hero thing."
Pyosimros said:
"It's a bunch of science stuff," Perry explained. Though he knew it shouldn't even be considered as an explanation for how bad it was. "Thanks for thinking it's cool," He said and followed Phoenix and Luna outside.
Cindy and phoenix hop onto Redd's back. "Where should we go?" He asked cindy, phoenix and perry.
"Hey guys I'm back I had to go... Okay I have no excuse," Cassandra said as she walked in on them. She felt bad for ditching earlier, but she could just make up for it later. "What were you guys talking about?"

"I dunno, your choice," Perry said. He didn't really know where to go at the moment since nothing really caught his attention. "What's your name by the way? Didn't get to ask earlier," He asked Cindy.
Connor's stomach knotted up momentarily hearing The Boss, that they we're all willing to let him go and not try to stop him. Did he want them to? No...but he'd admittedly feel less guilty. Maybe he was a coward in some ways, like that. When Alex told them where he was planning to go the color drained from Connor's face, almost stumbling backwards at Alex's push. Glaring at the boy as he walked away before marching towards him angrily as he regained himself, "You stupid selfish son of a--!" He dove for Alex, attempting tackle him to the ground. "You don't get to run off and get yourself killed because of me!"
Cassandra stood silent hearing Connor's rage. She had no idea why he would be so mad at Alex right now. "Relationship problems?" She asked the Boss. It seemed like the most likely scenario.
"As in... The guy who goes around in only underwear?" Perry asked her. He was sure that was what he wore, his dad mentioned him once.
Pyosimros said:
"As in... The guy who goes around in only underwear?" Perry asked her. He was sure that was what he wore, his dad mentioned him once.
Cindy nods. "He taught me all I need to know about right from wrong. And unlike his subjects, he allowed me to go to the surface once I turned 18 years. Which was today." She added as she took off her helmet. He long, and silky white hair. (Appearance in cs.) She then readjusts her chest, since it was uncomfortable for her.
Alex grunts when he sees Connor tackling him. "Why do you care?! Either I die there tomorrow, or in a cell later! A noose is a noose, no matter how many knots you make on it." Alex says, trying to push Connor off. "Do you think this will be a blimp on your resume for 'best humanitarian ever' ?! I am the worst person you might know. I won't even be missed. I have no fucking importance, you understand?! I am fucking cannon fodder!"
"Connor is leaving for Maria Hill to register. We are packing for another base. Coming with?" Boss asked. She listened to Alex and she walked over to Connor and grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him off Alex. "Knock it off, you two. Now."

@Crono @AnnoDomini
Cassandra shuffled silently and awkwardly being in the midst of this argument. She felt that she was looking at something she shouldn't be. She sighed when she finally agreed with herself to hopefully stop this. "Guys! Come on what's going on. You guys were all 'Yay! We're dating and happy!' and stuff like that and now you guys are all pissed at each other," She huffed looking at them. @AnnoDomini @Pink Gorilla @Crono @The Regal Rper

"I'm guessing one of the rights he tried to teach you was that it's okay to walk around in underwear at a public space?" Perry snickered. It felt rude and unnecessary but he didn't wish he took it back.
Dimitri returned to the roof to see the two fighting. When the hobgoblin saw him, he jumped off the roof without hesitation and ran away. Dimitri approached a bloody Harry. "What was that thing?" Harry slowly stood before replying. "Cl-clone. Of me.... I thought if my serum made me insane, perhaps it would be best if my clones were born with the serum. Turns out, it makes them incredibly strong. I don't think it was the serum that made me crazy... I think it's me..." Dimitri huffed. "Alright, Jimmy Neutron. How many Harry's did you make? One is enough." Harry coughed and shook his head. "Only one of me... But... I might've made some... Others. From their blood." Dimitri looked pissed. "Who???" Harry smirked. "Have you ever heard the phrase, fight fire with fire...."
"Cool, want me to text the others to come over?" Perry asked the group. He didn't just want to start inviting people if they didn't want it to happen. "Oh! And can I have my mask back?" He asked looking over at Cindy.
"Why do I care!? Why do I care!? Because you told me you loved me, you idiot!" He felt himself being dragged off, heard the calls for them to stop. They we're trying to stop him? Why weren't they trying to stop Alex? He was the one who said he was going off to die. The blonde shook himself from The Boss's grasp, standing on his own he looked at Cassandra and the others. "I'm leaving." He said simply, now he felt ashamed, ashamed of wanting to go out and register even if it was to protect his friends and family, and that was Alex's fault, but he wouldn't let it bother him. Turning back to glare at Alex, "Your not allowed to die, not after you made me love you. Your so much more than cannon fodder, even if you don't want to believe it."
"Why are they so pissed at each other anyways?" Cassandra whispered over to the Boss. To her it seemed like they were just arguing over something very minuscule and absurd. @Pink Gorilla
Pyosimros said:
"Cool, want me to text the others to come over?" Perry asked the group. He didn't just want to start inviting people if they didn't want it to happen. "Oh! And can I have my mask back?" He asked looking over at Cindy.
"If you want. But it is preferred if it is just us." Phoenix said as cindy handed Perry his mask. "What is sha....warma...? She asked, having some trouble pronouncing the word. "You have much to learn my aquatic friend." Phoenix said as luna lands next to perry.
"It must be a relationship thing." Boss whispered back. Boss then turned to look at Connor. "You can't force Alex not to go. Much like we can't force you not to register." She stated.

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