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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"You heard of Columbia before? Pretty much the opposite of Rapture, it's in the sky," Perry explained. Her response answered two questions; what the suit was for and why she was called Big Sister. "Anyways, while we're on this ship anyone up for some shanties?" He asked them all. If they were going on a ship they'd all better get into a pirate-like mood.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya's bones began shattering as she allowed Ivory to strike. After a few moments, she launched Ivory off and stood up. Her bones began snapping back into place and mended back together. "Now that you got that out of your system, I have other plans." The distorted voice stated

Ivory shook his head and pulled something from a belt, he threw it at Tanya's body and she was covered in a thick foam that invaded her, making it difficult to move.
"Nah bad idea, we'll all sound like broken records. Alright I'm putting on my suit so uh... Yah," Perry said and he took off his labcoat. He can't believe he put it on for so long, it's become a habit to just not take it off. He quickly put it on afterwards, he was so not used to just putting on his suit anymore since he wore the suit Tony made for him before. "So... I put a certain thing that gives it cloaking abilities but when it's not cloaked it glows like a lightbulb," He shrugged. "But it looks cool and that's all it counts right?"

Tanya struggled against the foam. She growled and sliced the foam off of her. "You would be wise to leave me be." The distorted voice stated.
Pyosimros said:
"Nah bad idea, we'll all sound like broken records. Alright I'm putting on my suit so uh... Yah," Perry said and he took off his labcoat. He can't believe he put it on for so long, it's become a habit to just not take it off. He quickly put it on afterwards, he was so not used to just putting on his suit anymore since he wore the suit Tony made for him before. "So... I put a certain thing that gives it cloaking abilities but when it's not cloaked it glows like a lightbulb," He shrugged. "But it looks cool and that's all it counts right?"


(Is that the big time sonic suit?) Phoenix and cindy look at perry. "Wow, where did perry go? Why are you here?" She asked, since she has never experienced someone in costume. Phoenix facepalms, clearly needing to teach her a few things.

"I'm... Perry..." He said and stood there wondering why she would think he randomly disappeared. "Anyways, we there yet?" He asked Phoenix. "We have to deal with undead Tanya."

(What about Ivory's new suit? ;- ;)
Phoenix nods. "Yep." He replied as he landed the ship, and turns it off. "Let's go." Phoenix said as cindy looked at perry. "You have his voice, but not his lab coat." She said as she followed phoenix. Luna wakes up, and saw perry. She purrs as she rubs her cheek on her leg. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya struggled against the foam. She growled and sliced the foam off of her. "You would be wise to leave me be." The distorted voice stated.

The foam was simply a ploy to buy time as Ivory took out a syringe and puts it in his arm. Once he takes it out bits of the suit are mixed with his blood. Running forward he jabs it into one of Tanya's veins and pressing it down to go in. Afterwards a shink was heard as two long arm blades came out from his suits wrist. He then cut Tanya's head off...

(Dont worry I have an idea that might bring Tanya back while also allowing evil Tanya to stay. Trust me)
Perry sighed and took off his mask. "Yah, I'm Perry," He said staring at her. He then took his stare off of her and put on his mask again. "I'll tap in onto some S.H.I.E.L.D. guy's radio, hopefully I'll find some stuff," Perry said and he did what he said he would do. "I-I-It's Spider-Man! He's battling the undead lady!" He heard a shout. Though the thing was that Perry wasn't battling anyone, so it's probably someone else with a spider power. And he only knows one person that has that. "Ivory's there, he might need help."
He half smiled at Jack in thanks, ignoring the comment about women.

Connor had expected some sort of reaction, but not this. He'd noticed some of the scars before, just glimpses, but he never prodded. He'd hoped Alex would tell him in his own time, but not like this. "I'm not..." He started, but stopped. He wasn't running, he wasn't being a coward, he had to do this. To be there for his friends, to protect his family, to protect everyone's families. He was about to offer himself up as a hot dish to keep as many people as possible safe. "This isn't the easy way out! There are so many easier routes than staying here or going with them!"

He was angry, at Alex, at this stupid war, but mainly at himself. "You don't get to do that, to throw me away for wanting to help the people I care about. You don't know what its like to spend months trying to save a friend...only to come home and find out he wasn't the only one that needed me." He could see The Boss and the others coming in, but he wasn't going to stop, even if he could see something was wrong. "A coward would leave them to their fate and I refuse to. I came after you when HYDRA took you, now I have to go back for them all the same." He took a step forwards at Alex who still had his back to him. "I'm not coming after any of you to take you in, and even if I do then I'm just a guy with a shield right? You can easily take me." The blonde stepped forwards wrapping his arms around Alex's waist tightly, he guessed this would likely end with him getting hit in the face or worse but he didn't care. "I'm not choosing them over you. I'm doing what's right. I still love you, your my family too."
"Let's go!" Phoenix said as he ran off. Cindy looks at Perry. "Was that a mask?" She asked, never seeing full costume before. Redd gets on feck of HQ and waits. Cindy then went with Perry to follow phoenix. "Ivory! We are coming to help!" He shouted. @LokiofSP @Pyosimros
Tanya feel to the ground headless. Amelia looked at Connor and Alex. "Is something wrong?" She asked in a scratchy voice. The rest of them looked at him as well.
"I'm family too" Maniac said over Connor's shoulder. "Although I'm the kind of family you talk to like once in a blue moon. Like the extremely distant family you don't like talking to and make surprise visits now and then despite knowing you dislike their company but can't strangely get enough of" he said

@Crono @AnnoDomini
"Yep!" Perry responded as he ran. Turning left on the hallway, he led to group to Ivory with a new suit an a decapitated Tanya. Either that could be someone else or Ivory just killed a zombie if it was possible. Then he thought that it was stupid since in movies everyone kills zombies. "Hey Ivory is that you?" He asked cautiously walking towards him.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya feel to the ground headless. Amelia looked at Connor and Alex. "Is something wrong?" She asked in a scratchy voice. The rest of them looked at him as well.

Ivory stepped in the light, his new suit now visible (Check the character sign-up in about three minutes) and he watched as from the decapitated head of Tanya, a new body began to grow, blood began to pump through her system, and a beating heart was formed. He smirked, "Man, I love starfish now." He then threw three foam pellets at the older body of Tanya. It was still dead but the head and brain were slowly reforming.
"How have you been!? Haven't seen you in a while," Perry took off his mask and gave him a friendly hug. He didn't care if they were on opposite sides, it was just good to see him again.
"Let me the, I guess, not the first one to say this, but you made a mistake coming after me. I can't... function in a normal society. I was 'bred' for war, to only wage war. I can't function in a normal society. I wanted to tell you, you had to leave me. My plan, was not to get out of there alive... but to die, taking all the supersoldier technology with me, to my grave." Alex says, turning to Connor. "You aren't the only one to lose someone... do you remember Viktoria? She was a sister to me, I trained her to survive in the gulag, to not get killed. Where the fuck is she now huh?! Tell me, where?!" He yells, pushing Connor aside. "If you want to give up, go ahead, but I will register, when I'm dead! And if you will be the one who will be pitted against me, know this, I will not go easy on you."
Pyosimros said:
"How have you been!? Haven't seen you in a while," Perry took off his mask and gave him a friendly hug. He didn't care if they were on opposite sides, it was just good to see him again.
Ivory shrugged Perry off, he wanted no more than to hug his cousin right now, but in public he needed to keep his alias and identity separate, "Excuse me sir, Perry right?" He took off his mask to reveal his red hair and ear and nose piercings he spoke with a thick fake southern accent, "My names Rusty, nice to meet you! I can't wait to work with ya'!"

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](What the fuck did you do to Tanya?!)

(Well it's simple really.....Well actually that's a lie. You know how Ivory has the consciousness and abilities of animals in his head right? Well one of those was a starfish, he allowed it in to his head (Which, considering it's one of the most annoying to him was had to do) and in turn got a starfish's regenerative abilities, now a little known fact is that once a starfish has a body part cut off, it not only heals that wound, but also the body part that was cut off grows and makes an entirely new starfish. By getting these ablities into him and in turn his bloodstream, by injecting his blood into Tanya she in turn got these ablitites temporarily, allowing evil Tanya to stay, while also reuntintg the Boss's "Family")
What the hell? Perry thought to himself. Someone else is part of the little spider gang? Unless... "Computer. Retinal scan," Perry said simply to his suit. His AI wasn't as advanced as the Stark's but he did the best he could. "Ivo-" He heard a large buzz noise though he created the suit so only he could hear. "Ouch..." He covered his ears for a little bit. "Rusty," The computer finally said and Perry repeated himself. What the hell? He looked over at him. "Uh, hi."
(Oh, ok. That makes sense.)

Tanya stood up withe her new body. "Ugh, I have a headache. What happened?" She looked over and saw a spider guy and Perry. She went up to Perry and punched him in the face. "That is for murdering me!"
Perry looked over at Tanya and immediately got punched in the face. He could've dodged it easily but he deserved the attack. "Hey! I didn't know slamming you into a building would kill you okay!? I'm really sorry," He sighed.
Pyosimros said:
What the hell? Perry thought to himself. Someone else is part of the little spider gang? Unless... "Computer. Retinal scan," Perry said simply to his suit. His AI wasn't as advanced as the Stark's but he did the best he could. "Ivo-" He heard a large buzz noise though he created the suit so only he could hear. "Ouch..." He covered his ears for a little bit. "Rusty," The computer finally said and Perry repeated himself. What the hell? He looked over at him. "Uh, hi."
Ivory smirked and waved at the crowd that had gathered, he turned to them and yelled, "NOTHINGS TO FEAR NOW THAT....." He paused, "WELL THE NAMES STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS, BUT STILL IT STANDS!"

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Oh, ok. That makes sense.)
Tanya stood up withe her new body. "Ugh, I have a headache. What happened?" She looked over and saw a spider guy and Perry. She went up to Perry and punched him in the face. "That is for murdering me!"

Ivory tensed as he saw Tanya punched Perry in the face and he realized something, he hadn't given the girl clothes yet. Wrapping her more private parts with webbing and putting back on his mask, he picked her up and began to swing away.

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