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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Sorry I'm not Mr. Helpless CEO I'm Mr. Help... I dunno, just act like I said the last part in a cool way and the opposite of helpless," Perry shrugged and he shot a few more webs around Tanya.
"Helpless, no. But helpful? Maybe." Redd said as he drew his sword. And phoenix and cindy found perry. "Perry! Thank god you're safe!" Phoenix said as cindy cocks her head to the side. "That is perry? He does not look like a normal person." Cindy said as she saw redd. "Oh, cool! I have never seen a robot this big before!" She said with excitement. @Pyosimros
Tanya used telekinesis to burst the webs away from her. She waved her arm and pulled Perry towards her. "You Murdered me." The distorted voice stated viciously.
"It was an accident okay!" Perry said back. He felt like he was going to get stabbed repeatedly. "Hey, new girl can you like. Focus on the person who's trying to kill me!?"
Cindy then emits a glass shattering scream, loud enough to make Tanya drip perry. Her left hand combusts, and then produces a swarm of wasps as the holes in her hands open up on the suit. She then sends the swarm at Tanya, and then jumps onto her, stabbing her with her bayonet on her wrist gun. "A big sister always wins." She said as the wasps sting Tanya viciously. @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros
"Wait are you and Phoenix related or something?" Perry asked as he web-zipped Tanya. Since she did say 'big sister' that meant that she could be related to someone here. Maybe even Tanya herself.
Tanya used her telekinesis to force Cindy, the webs, and the wasps off. "You can't kill what is already dead!" The distorted voice shrieked. Tanya's wounds healed very quickly. "But I can kill you all!" The distorted voice yelled. It began laughing and Tanya brought her arms down, damaging one of the engines on the hellicarrier. (I like evil Tanya :D )
"Already dead?" Cindy asked, having an idea. "That maybe true, but you are just a shell holding the true evil within." Cindy said as her hand freezes, but still moves. "I will break that shell, and set you free." Cindy said as she walked slowly to Tanya. "And perry, we are not related. And neither is she related to her." Phoenix said to perry. @Pyosimros @Pink Gorilla
"What's with the 'Big Sister' thing then? And guys we need to get off of here before we all crash land!" Perry shouted and gestured them to get out.
Cindy then looked at perry, then followed phoenix to the ship. While redd grabbed perry and flew off to stark tower, and could not find hill anywhere. "She will explain later." Phoenix said into his communicator. @Pyosimros
"W-W-Wait what about Phoenix and the other person?" Perry asked Redd as he looked back at the helicarrier. It was obvious that Redd wouldn't just leave them to die but he didn't know here they went.
Jordan looked at the helicarrier fall over the city. "Oh COME ON!" Jordan put both hands up and slowed the descent of the helicarrier, gradually pushing it towards the water "Every...God...damn....Time!" Veins started to glow orange as he continued pushing it until it landed in the ocean.
Tanya flew out the window and past Amelia. Amelia looked at her oddly and scanned her vitals. Realizing that she was dead, Amelia's head went numb. "Tanya's dead."

Boss' eyes went wide with shock. She felt a range of emotions at once. Grief, sadness, despair. And for the first time in Boss' life, she cried, as did Liona and Allison. Boss remembered something Allison said. She was fighting Perry. Her tears turned to rage. "I am going to kill that bastard!" Boss shouted angrily before storming off to Parker Industries.
Finn hadn't heard the call for help from the Helicarrier as he had drifted off to sleep in Parker Industries lobby. The day had been both mentally and physically exhausting and it had taken its toll on everybody. In his sleeping state he had noticed the slight buzz of the comm but had waved it off thinking it to have just been a part of his dream. Even the sound of the Helicarrier slamming into the water was lost on him in his sleep coma state.
"Hey! Bro!" Terry shouted as he blasted off the ship flew over to Jordan. "You alright? You probably are. But yah," Terry shrugged. He didn't know what else to say.

"Board the vessel!" Perry shouted in his best pirate voice and he raised a fist in the air smiling.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya flew out the window and past Amelia. Amelia looked at her oddly and scanned her vitals. Realizing that she was dead, Amelia's head went numb. "Tanya's dead."
Boss' eyes went wide with shock. She felt a range of emotions at once. Grief, sadness, despair. And for the first time in Boss' life, she cried, as did Liona and Allison. Boss remembered something Allison said. She was fighting Perry. Her tears turned to rage. "I am going to kill that bastard!" Boss shouted angrily before storming off to Parker Industries.

Meanwhile in a disclosed location Ivory was putting on the last piece of his government approved suit. He had gotten his alias and mission. Take out the Tanya look alike that was terrorizing everyone. Jumping from the building he was in, the night sky covered him as he made his way to her last known location. Arriving there he began to quietly stalk her, trying not to draw attention.

(Ill get the pic for the costume after you can see him clearly)
"Yah, I have enhanced strength and everything but I was getting everyone outta the helicarrier," Terry crossed his arms.
I'm not even going to ask. Connor thought to Jack's question, as he helped Alex up, the least they could do was leave the busted up room. And that's what he did, dragging Alex along out into the hallway. "There was some sort of screeching. It felt like what Tanya does..so telepathic?" He looked at Alex as he sat down on the couch. "You and me, we're not done talking." He sighed, glancing around the room. "Where'd Ivory go anyhow?"
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Tanya felt Ivory's mind very close to her. "So, you betrayed your friends and allies for them? That is very disappointing Ivory." The distorted voice said. "I thought you knew loyalty."

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