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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I'll pay, cause no offence but I'm the richest guy here," Perry shrugged and he stopped suddenly. "Man that sounded so cocky."
"No, I have a phat wad on me." Phoenix said as he pulled out a massive wad of cash. "That is your currency? Paper? In Atlantis we use shells. And rapture used surface money." Cindy said as she pets luna. "I have never seen a land animal like you before." She said as luna purrs.

Maniac watched the whole fight between Alex and Connor and watched as Boss and the others started packing up. Walking over to Alex he said "If you're the worst person ever then I'm the devil" he said patting Alex on the back he followed the others outside, but before he stepped out the door he said "You two take care of each other looking forward to meeting you guys at Wakanda" he said

@AnnoDomini @Crono


@Pink Gorilla
There was a sudden news report on air as Maria Hill came on to deliver a message, "Ladies and gentleman, a few days ago we intoroduced the new Avengers, now we wold like to introduce our first new addition to the team, The Scarlet Spider, Rusty Smith!"

"Rusty" visibly tensed at the name Scarlet Spider, but relaxed as soon as the cameras fell on him, "Hey y'all! I just wanna say hi to my momma first! I did it ma!" "Rusty" then proceeded to go on about how excited and thrilled he was to be an Avenger, and hammed it up for the cameras. Although his eyes seemed to show some pain behind them if you looked closely.
Boss packed everything into the cars and watched the news broadcast. She noticed Rusty hamming it up. "Oh, please." But as she looked closer, she could see pain in his eyes. "This needs to stop." She stated and began to walk away. But before she got far enough, Quiet appeared before her. "Where do you think you're going?" She signed and smiled.

"Jamie, what are you doing here? I've missed you so much!" Boss looked at Jamie's outfit. "And what is this outfit?" She questioned.

"Hey, it gets hot in Afghanistan." Quiet signed. The rest of the girls went up and hugged her, too.
Perry snickered a little it while he watched the broadcast. "Out of all the names he could've chosen. Rusty just has to be the one," He said and tried to stay composed. Soon after though, he couldn't help it and he burst out laughing. "My god... Sorry just give me a second..."

(I just offended all people named Rusty in this universe, or... SPIDERVERSE OOOOOHHHH)
Jordan sat on a roof and sighed, lately he had been in a lot of combustible situations, most of which he was able to diffuse without deaths
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan sat on a roof and sighed, lately he had been in a lot of combustible situations, most of which he was able to diffuse without deaths
(*Ahem* Tanya)
Boss looked at Jamie happily. "I hate to ask, but I need a favor done. I am going to go try to end this whole thing with Maria Hill. I need you in a nearby building in case she tries to pull anything."

Jamie nodded and they took off. The other girls moved to the new building. Boss walked in the middle of the broadcast. Maria Hill, I need to speak with you now." She said. @LokiofSP
Pink Gorilla]Boss followed Maria to the office. Quiet lined up her shot to watch over Boss. "This needs to end. This has gone too far." She stated quickly. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
Maria pinches the bridge of her nose, "We've been over this..." Meanwhile Bob began to walk down the hall, his arm in a cast
"Yea, well things have changed. From what I gathered you have planned to resurrect villains. It also seems that you have tortured and black mailed people into signing. And my daughter died because of this!" Her voice grew enraged. "You have gone too far!"

Maria slammed her hands on the table, "And what have you done? You've nearly killed a man who didn't even have powers! Hell he hadn't even finished his formal training, which he was terrible at! You have two insane phyco paths on your team! And you indirectly killed your daughter by telling her to fight!"
"Bob kept attacking me! I tried to put injuries on him the would prevent him from fighting but he didn't stop. What psycho paths? And don't you fucking dare turn the blame on me! She doesn't have to fight! She chose too! She would never be a fighter if SHIELD never used child soldiers!" Boss shouted. @LokiofSP
Pink Gorilla]"Bob kept attacking me! I tried to put injuries on him the would prevent him from fighting but he didn't stop. What psycho paths? And don't you fucking dare turn the blame on me! She doesn't have to fight! She chose too! She would never be a fighter if SHIELD never used child soldiers!" Boss shouted. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
"Yes well I also have good purpose for my actions! I resurrect the villains that have a chance to reform and can serve the people, I blackmail so that once they stop fighting the system we can stop! Face it, at the end of the day we both do terrible things for the sake of what we classify as progress! So don't you dare get high and mighty with me!"
"Progress!? You call terrified teens who are only doing this to protect their loved ones progress!? They do it because they are scared, not because they think it is right! You are a tyrant! All I ever here from you people is how you are making progress! And one of those 'psychos' on our team has suffered from your 'progress'!" Boss stated and began tearing up. "Why must you be so evil to get what you want?"

Maria stood up as well, "Have you walked down the fucking street recently? For the first time in a long time the people trust the Avengers! They trust that they won't disappear for two months, they trust that they won't kill hundreds of people who are being controlled! The people trust Rusty, the idiot southern sweetheart, more than the toutred, on the edge of insanity Ivory! Think about that! Once people stop looking at heroes as gods, they feel safer!"

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