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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Boss looked at the USB shocked and walked over to it and picked up the remnants. A brief flash of sadness became visible on her face that turned to rage. She marched over to Bob and kicked him in the ribs. "Bastard!"
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss looked at the USB shocked and walked over to it and picked up the remnants. A brief flash of sadness became visible on her face that turned to rage. She marched over to Bob and kicked him in the ribs. "Bastard!"

Bob turned over in pain still smiling, tears welled up in his eyes as he said, "See Dad? I did it. You said I was a fuck up in the academy and I'd be a fuck up now, but I did it, I helped the cause... I just hope it's the right cause."

He turned to the Boss and spat in her face, "Fuck you..."
Boss wiped her face off and regained her composure. "It doesn't matter know, what does is that I get the girls out of here." She stated and walked away from Bob.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss wiped her face off and regained her composure. "It doesn't matter know, what does is that I get the girls out of here." She stated and walked away from Bob.

Bob turned back onto his back and called out, "Ya know, as much as I dislike you right now for breaking my rib and various other bones in my body, I wanted too say that your a person I would have really liked to know before all this crap started. As much of a hard ass as you are, you treat your girls nice, and I respect a parent who takes care of her kids like that.....Now if you excuse me, black out time."


[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](Seriously 2 hours and now 36 to read. Is the fight still going on?)

(Its winding down, at least in my end.)
Smasher tumbled over at the impact on his back and growled as he felt the shrapnel on his chest push its way further into his skin. He hauled himself up just in time to see Jordan penetrate the building. Fighting is so last year. Just let me lock you up and we'll all be happy. He smashed back in and grabbed Amelia from the shield guys, he was trying to be gentle, she was after all a human too. He shook his head Jordan's way and bounded down to the jails.

@LucianGrey7971 @Pink Gorilla
"Get off! I'm not comfortable with you invading me personal space you know!?" He shouted and he launched himself into a wall to hopefully it her as well.
Jordan flung the SHIELD guys at a wall and they fell down unconscious and he walked after Smasher as though he were his prey. "Don't make me have to put you down" he half sung the words as he walked
Tanya got smashed into a wall and fell off of Perry's suit. She hit the ground and didn't get back up. Amelia was pulled back into Smasher's grip. "Here we go again." She stated to herself.
Connor opened his eyes slowly, gritting his teeth as he moved. He lay sprawled out on a small broken cabinet. It felt like he'd been hit by a train, there was a cloud of debris and smoke lingering from the explosion in his room, he coughed as he sat up. One of his eyes was staying shut, a gash on his forehead leaving a small trail of blood running down into the side of it. He rubbed at his eye briefly to try and clear it, "Jack?...Alex?" He hacked out.

@The Regal Rper @AnnoDomini
"Over here" Maniac waved a hand from under rubble. "I think we have a problem" he said pushing rubble aside and slowly getting up he had a stake sticking out from the center of his chest. "Oh yeah that that's a problem. Hey Connor regardless of that girl being hot and being your sister I'm going to cut her into pieces when we find her" he said putting his gun back in his holster.
Ivory blinked open his eyes, he woke up in a cell, it was wide enough that he didn't feel to trapped but still, he was in the enclosed space. He began to breathe heavily and looked out through his bars to see Maria Hill, backing away he asked, 'What do you want?"

Maria said nothing and instead threw a file his way, inside of it were contents on how S.H.E.I.L.D planned to take care of his parents and him if need be, she calmy said, "I told you I would do research Ivory."

As he looked through the papers, even more dread filled Ivory's mind, "What do you want?!" He called out, in this situation right now, he knew what would happen, his parents would get targeted and possibly killed, and HE refused to let that happen. And seeing how he was in no position to do anything currently, his only option left was to comply with her demands.

Time seemingly slowed as Ivory swallowed the lump in his throat waiting for her to respond, he felt his forehead go hot and he started to sweat profusely, he wanted to leave, to go home, to be with his FRIENDS. Not here in this god forsaken cell. He began to nervously play with his earnings that still needed removing, as Maria Hill finally responded by pushing forward a pice of paper.

Registration forums.

At any other time Ivory would have ripped the paper up but he was screwed. So just to amuse Hill he read it through,pausing when he saw the thing directly below Hero name, that said alias.He arched an eyebrow and pointed to it, she smiled and said, "You are a special case, so we made arrangements, we at S.H.E.I.L.D will have your name and personal info, but the public will only know you under that fake name, that along with your hair and piercings, all you'd need is a bit more and nobody would be able to tell it was you."

Ivory bit his lip. Not signing meant his family was in danger. But signing meant he had to hunt his friends. He wad going to screw himself either way.

So he sucked it up and signed the paper.

(So now it's time for a public introduction and new costume)
Rayna stood beside Maria and watched with a detached look on her face. Maria spoke up again

"Really have to appreciate the Red Room. She was born from ovaries and DNA taken from Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, but they installed the chips were now using on heroes who fight the registration. She will never deviate from her contracts as long as the Red Room control her in return they get full Immunity from SHIELD"

While Maria explained this Rayna stood there completely passive to everything that was being said.
"Oh no... No-no-no this can't be happening," Perry said to himself quickly. He needed to find someone to give her help.
Jordan stalked after Smasher like a serial killer, not too fast, not too slow. Visually his defenses seemed down but in reality, he was trying to draw Smasher in. "All I want is the girl, I don't have to harm you...but the longer this goes...the more I'll want to"
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]"Over here" Maniac waved a hand from under rubble. "I think we have a problem" he said pushing rubble aside and slowly getting up he had a stake sticking out from the center of his chest. "Oh yeah that that's a problem. Hey Connor regardless of that girl being hot and being your sister I'm going to cut her into pieces when we find her" he said putting his gun back in his holster.

"I don't have a sister." Connor said with a grunt, standing up fully. He stared at the stake in Jack's chest, "Is that?...Are you?.." He'd tried to shield them all from the blast but it hadn't been fully effective, though they'd probably be worse off if not dead had he not tried to do something. "I don't know who she was, but she wanted me to register so Hill probably sent her." Connor turned his head looking for Alex, a slight panicked look on his face.

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