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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Liona hit the ground and saw Smasher take off with Amelia. She got up and took off after them. Boss looked at Bob disapprovingly. "It is one thing to destroy yourself to protect allies, it is another thing to destroy yourself proving your worth." Tanya lunged towards Phoenix. "Back off!"
Phoenix's eyes glow red as he started slashing at Tanya after recovering from choking. "You back off, or your blood will be mine." He said as he stood his ground. Luna limps to Bob, growling at boss as her tail spikes stood on end. @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
He cleared his throat before zipping in front of Liona. "When in a fight with me, word of advice, never run. It doesn't work out. You're under arrest." @Pink Gorilla
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While a major fight was going on and Connor was having his discussion Maniac fell asleep somewhere along the line having a similar dream of being in a fight. In a few seconds he snorted jolting up in his seat and looking around. "...I wonder what the others are doing" he said after sitting straight and looking around.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Liona hit the ground and saw Smasher take off with Amelia. She got up and took off after them. Boss looked at Bob disapprovingly. "It is one thing to destroy yourself to protect allies, it is another thing to destroy yourself proving your worth." Tanya lunged towards Phoenix. "Back off!"

Bob huffed, "I suppose but... I'm not special, on a team of gods Im a mortal, that's why I fight to prove myself!"
Connor left the room and it's inhabitants behind, turning his comm off and heading for the room he'd been sleeping in at the base. Huffing as he sat down on his bed, he needed to think. Everything was becoming so overwhelming, alot to worry about. And he didn't know what to do to stop it, to help, there was no answer.
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Jordan merely watched the fight. He would only step in if things got out of hand. "....AND now one of them's being captured...again. Good riddance....." Jordan tried to ignore his most base instinct, the instinct that pushed him to become the thing he was now. He glared at the fighting trying to push it from his mind...but it was just too powerful "God DAMMIT!" he yelled and took off after Smasher.
Alex sees Connor going away, and slowly follows him. He opens the door, and knocks on it, standing in the doorway. "May I?" Alex says, a coy smile on his face.
Connor looked up from his brooding, he waved the boy in, an amused smile crossing his face as he shifted his seated position a little. "You always look at me like that." He rubbed at his eyes gently before putting his glasses back on.
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"And yet you still are surprised. You seem troubled." Alex says, going near the bed, sitting next to Connor.
Rayna had changed her targets and decided to go after connor instead.

She had scoped him out for a few days but every chance she had to tag him failed as he was never alone. quite frankly it annoyed her.

She was not stupid, she knew there was a high factor of her not being able to take both Alex and Connor on at the same time but patience was a virtue and she was happy to wait.
"Oh, is it that obvious?" He said sarcastically and with smile, the blonde guessed it was written all over his face. He was nervous, and when he was nervous he'd wring his hands together constantly. He realized he was doing it again when he went back to looking down and broke the contact instantly. "I'm just worried...about my family, friends, you..., the city." Connor took in a deep breath his smile fading, "I'm uh...I've been thinking about trying to make a deal with Hill."

He looked back up at Alex beside him, locking eyes with him. "Do you trust me?"
Rayna had gotten to Connors room and bugged it so now she was listening in on the conversation he seemed to be having. She was relaying everything she was hearing back to Maria. Her opportunity would come eventually but it was always good to gather intel as well.
Alex scratched the back of his head. "Well, you saved me, so yes, I trust you. It might not be a person I trust more than you." Alex says, gently putting his hand on Connor's back.
Rayna decided enough was enough, after waiting for too long in her mind anyway she made her move.

Their part of the base was isolated from the rest so that would work in her favor, With cat like reflexes she jumped down and into the room.

Her hand was already wielding a gun that shot a powerful sedative into Alex's neck, taking him out of the fight but probably not long.

"Hello Connor"

She gave a deceiving smile as she mentally prepared for what would be a tough fight.
Connor smiled lightly, in hindsight maybe it'd been a silly question. "I'm going to regist--" He was cut off and instincts kicked in the moment the intruder dropped into the room wielding a weapon pointed at Alex. Connor's hand going to the shield he had propped against the edge of the bed. His left hand shot up at the hand with the gun, while his right was bringing up the shield offensively towards her as he sprang from his sitting position.

Connor wasn't in the mood for talking or introductions. She'd instigated this by attacking Alex, and he wasn't about to just have her moment.
Rayna gave a deceptively sweet smile

"Oh Connor is that anyway to treat me?"

She had the details of her birth and conception so she knew this would freak him out but decided to hold back on the psychologial warfare for now.

"You know that registration is the right thing to do, why are you fighting it?"

She asked with a smirk as she folded her arms, looking more relaxed than she should.
"Dimitri! Since you're really fast can you swipe that USB off Boss?" Perry shouted over to him as he entered the battle.
Liona stared Dimitri down, not that he could tell she was staring at him. "You may be faster, but you're not stronger than me!" She said as she swiped her claw at him. Tanya blocked Phoenix's assaults with her many arms than shot backwards toward Perry again, trying to cut off his conversation with Dimitri. Boss looked at Bob in pity. "I am not going to fight you any more. It isn't worth you being destroyed." She said as she walked towards her gun and knife. Allison cloaked so that if Phoenix attacked Tanya she could defend her.
He zipped behind boss, taking the USB and tapping him on one shoulder, before zipping to Perry and throwing it to him, and zipping back to Liona. "See that? Speed is everything. I mean.... You being strong is cool and all...."
Noah held out his hand and caught Dimitri but had a visibly hard time holding him in place

"Sorry Cousin but speed is not everything"

He held Dimitri in place as he looked to the boss for further instructions.

(since Polaris and Quicksilver are half-siblings it makes Noah and Dimitri cousins :3 )
He began to vibrate before raising one of his hands and sending a ball of fire at Noah. "That's what slow people say."

(Yea! Magneto is their grandpa)
Noah winced as the fireball made contact with his shoulder and he fell to his knees.

He shrugged off his jacket and looked briefly at the wound. He hated this, fighting with family but they disagreed on the registration too strongly.

"As a mutant you know what a storm this would be if we were registered"

He got into cover and took control of a few projectiles and threw them towards Dimitri.
He dodged them while approaching Noah's cover, walking friendly. "It's different. You're born a mutant, but being a vigilante is a job. You can quit jobs. We only want order. These fights are chaos, that people like you want to continue."
Noah stood facing his cousin, he did not want to fight him but things were getting tense and battle lines were being drawn

"Yeah a mutant, and you see the trouble we get for it and by being put on a registration list we will be listed for everyone to see that we are mutants"

He held his hands out as if trying to explain the problem, he was not going to use his powers...not on family.

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