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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Should've worn my tinfoil hat," Perry mumbled once again and the web bubble took most of the brunt force though it still cut through him. He quickly stabbed it out of him and threw it away. He only used lethal weaponry if necessary. He quickly winced in pain leaving him open for another attack.
Sort of awkwardly Finn entered and closed the doors behind him. "So... What's going on here." He looked over Perry's way. "You okay?" He turned to face the group of girls that were standing around. "Hey, hi. I'm Finn. We never did get the chance to really get to know each other before. So how about you give back what you took and we won't arrest you. How does that sound?"
Dimitri tilted the chair backwards, over the edge as Harry's muffled screams could be heard. "Nothing stupid, Connor. Don't worry. Just taking out the trash. He probably have hill the order... What was the order, cap? What happened to Finn?" He received an alert, which he promptly ignored.
"Yah, I already tried the nice Spidey approach. I don't know if the nice Hulk child approach would be any better," Perry said and he ripped out of his bubble.
Tanya swung her arm blade towards Perry again. "You should have just let us go, Perry. Or at least been prepared to fight." Amelia turned to Finn. "How about, go to Hell."
"C'mon now. You're in my territory now. In other words," Perry quickly dodged the blow. It seemed as though his spider-sense was back up again, though he had no idea for how long. While he was still in the same position he countered the blow with the device he used on Cassandra a week ago. Though he created a different model so it could just make an annoying noise. "I'm always prepared here," He ended and punched her.
Finn shrugged. "You were right Perry. Now on a scale of one to ten, how mad will you be if I destroy your building." He turned to face the women stonefaced. "'Cause this place is gonna be a wreck." He snarled. The transformation happened just like every other time, leaving him a little disoriented at first but then really angry. He picked up the thing closest to him which was a desk and hurled it as hard as he could at the women.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya swung her arm blade towards Perry again. "You should have just let us go, Perry. Or at least been prepared to fight." Amelia turned to Finn. "How about, go to Hell."

Bob stumbled at the jab and yelled out in pain at the sound of his bones breaking in his elbow. He nearly passed out but held on as he gritted his teeth, he kicked out the bosses knees and went to elbow her chest.
"Don't break my building! I don't want this to become Stark Tower 2.0!" He shouted over to him. Though Finn was probably too far into his blind rage to listen to him.
Phoenix came in through the hole Luna made earlier, he grabbed his blades and charged Tanya and Amelia, trying to help perry and the others. "I hate to crash a party, but why was I not invited?" He said jokingly as he chuckled. Luna collapses from intense pain from her wound.
Tanya took the blow and hovered back, groaning. She then made the doll dance again, attempting make him delusion and dull his senses. Amelia flew back and shot her grenade launcher at Finn. Boss knee gave out and the elbow hit her. She fell backwards and landed on her hands. She did a flip and kicked Bob in the face.

Liona fired her rail gun at Phoenix as he entered.
"How am I supposed to know what the order was? I don't exactly hang out at the tower anymore. Whatever your thinking, stop." Connor now realized he'd inadvertently added fuel to the fire. He wondered if Dimitri would even wait the twenty four hours now, or if he'd do something he'd regret. "I don't know what happened."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya took the blow and hovered back, groaning. She then made the doll dance again, attempting make him delusion and dull his senses. Amelia flew back and shot her grenade launcher at Finn. Boss knee gave out and the elbow hit her. She fell backwards and landed on her hands. She did a flip and kicked Bob in the face.
Liona fired her rail gun at Phoenix as he entered.

Bob pit his hands to his nose as he got a nose bleed, he shook his head to try and stop being dizzy. He recovered and decided to hell with it, he swung his broken arm as best and as hard as he could, ignoring the pain as he felt bones in his hand pop and crunch as his fist connected, his bones breaking when he hit her so hard.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Tanya took the blow and hovered back, groaning. She then made the doll dance again, attempting make him delusion and dull his senses. Amelia flew back and shot her grenade launcher at Finn. Boss knee gave out and the elbow hit her. She fell backwards and landed on her hands. She did a flip and kicked Bob in the face.
Liona fired her rail gun at Phoenix as he entered.

Phoenix dodges the railgun fire. He looks at liona and gets into a certain stance only used with dual blades. And that is the demon stance, demonic power fills him as he charged her, and throwing punches every chance he got.
Dimitri realized the alert went to all pro avengers, so Finn had a good chance of being there. "You're lucky, Harry." He zipped away to join the others. Upon arrival he looked around, confused. "The hell is going on here?"
Bob landed the punch on her throat. She gaged for air and grew slightly angry. She then went for a superman knock out punch. Liona took some of the hits, her suit cushioning the hits. She wrapped her whip like tail around Phoenix's neck.
Smasher snorted Dimitri's way in a form of greeting before the grenade slammed itself into his chest. He toppled backwards and crashed onto the floor. He had heeded Perry's words though and was trying to make an effort to stay away from the walls. He lay there stunned for a moment, breathing a bit laboured from the brunt force of a grenade. Man, I thought Maria was bad. I would rather face her wrath any day rather than go through that again.

Smasher pushed himself to his feet, stumbling a little at the pain. There was some shrapnel poking from his skin which invigorated Smasher even more. Not much made it through him. He dashed Amelia's way, one arm out to grab and the other pulled back to punch.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Bob landed the punch on her throat. She gaged for air and grew slightly angry. She then went for a superman knock out punch. Liona took some of the hits, her suit cushioning the hits. She wrapped her whip like tail around Phoenix's neck.

Bob took the punch and crumpled to his hands and knees, pure will was keeping him up at this point as even breathing became difficult. Struggling to his own two feet he placed his hands on the Bosses shoulders and head butted her, stumbling back as he did.
Boss stumbled backwards as well. "I've got to say, you know how to fight Bob." She walked up to him and kneed him in the stomach and elbowed him in the back. "But I was made to be a perfect fighter." Amelia was grabbed by Finn and struggled as she was about be hit. Liona released Phoenix and fired a shot at Finn's fist. Allison then swung her tentacle at Phoenix.
Phoenix was knocked back by a tentacle, but slices into it with his gauntlet swords. "You are really starting to piss me off." He said as her crossed Hus blades and made of flurry of sword strikes. "The fun has been doubled!!!" He shouted as he chuckled. Luna tried getting up, with some success. @Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP
Dimitri ran at liona, shoulder blocking her at full speed. He didn't recognize anyone other than smasher and Phoenix, so he decided to start with who was attacking them.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss stumbled backwards as well. "I've got to say, you know how to fight Bob." She walked up to him and kneed him in the stomach and elbowed him in the back. "But I was made to be a perfect fighter." Amelia was grabbed by Finn and struggled as she was about be hit. Liona released Phoenix and fired a shot at Finn's fist. Allison then swung her tentacle at Phoenix.

Bob once again went to his knees, one of his eyes now closed shut, he gave her a weak grin, "It doesn't matter if unbeatable, I HAVE to win, I need to be useful." He got up wobbling, barley standing, "NOW COMR ON!"
Smasher shook his fist at the impact of the bullet, but clenched his other fist tighter around Amelia. He quickly hurried from the building and hopped through the streets towards Stark Tower. If anything went wrong at least they would have one of them. He mentally shook himself. Don't think too far ahead.

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