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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor smiled with a light chuckle, "Of course." He brought up his own hand and intertwined their pinkies. Even without the witty comment he still rolled his eyes up at Jack. "If he comes we're taping his mouth shut the whole time." Right about then's when Connor leaned hard to try and escape the feedback and familiar voice in his ear.

"Mitri stop!" These words came out like habit or instinct of it happening so often over the years. He blinked momentarily as he realized he shouldn't be hearing Dimitri. "What are you doing on our comms!?"
"Because... Well... No matter who is right, this war is too much. Everything is going to shit because of the fighting. It just.... Needs to end." He said, standing atop oscorp HQ.
"It's gone too far to just end...but I take it you have some sort of idea. We're all ears." He said looking from Maniac to Ivory, did either of them trust Dimitri? Would any of the other rebels listen? Maybe he should suggest a meeting in person rather than everyone hearing but he decided against it.
Reaper said:
"Because... Well... No matter who is right, this war is too much. Everything is going to shit because of the fighting. It just.... Needs to end." He said, standing atop oscorp HQ.
Ivory leaned in close, "Im listening..."
He sighed. "You're not going to like this, cap. And I mean you're reeeeeally not going to like this. Harry started the movement. If we let the public know he is the goblin, and he was playing puppeteer with the government, the rest will be history."
Reaper said:
He sighed. "You're not going to like this, cap. And I mean you're reeeeeally not going to like this. Harry started the movement. If we let the public know he is the goblin, and he was playing puppeteer with the government, the rest will be history."
Ivory thought back to Harry, "I dunno, Harry has strings he can pull and last time I started something with him it didn't end well."
"Dammit!" Connor shouted, bringing his fist down hard on the nearby table. "I should've kicked his scrawny ass when I had the chance." He ignored the throbbing hand. "Aren't you buddy buddy with him or something? How come you only found out now?" He paused giving it thought before shaking his head in frustration. "No. It doesn't matter if we oust him...bloods been drawn and the public is too enveloped with this registration. Hill will never admit to it, whether she realizes it or not. It might just complicate things."
"The public will turn as soon as they realize they've been manipulated. No one likes to be played. And savvy, I wouldn't worry about Harry pulling anything... Ain't that right hare?" Harry was next to him, chained to a rolling desk chair. He screamed which was muffled by duct tape. "That's goblin for "I done fucked up", by the way."
Crono said:
"Dammit!" Connor shouted, bringing his fist down hard on the nearby table. "I should've kicked his scrawny ass when I had the chance." He ignored the throbbing hand. "Aren't you buddy buddy with him or something? How come you only found out now?" He paused giving it thought before shaking his head in frustration. "No. It doesn't matter if we oust him...bloods been drawn and the public is too enveloped with this registration. Hill will never admit to it, whether she realizes it or not. It might just complicate things."
Ivory looked at Conner with difficulty he was struggling with this decision, "Yeah but Conner, as fucked up as this all is, for once in his life Harry Ousborne is helping people... Somewhat. He has a chance at redemption and Im not sure outing him will help that. No scratch that, it will destroy ALL the progress he's made."
(Take that last response from Connor with a grain of salt. I had a...moment.)

Connor sighed, "Even if it might be considered for the greater good we can't do that Dimitri. He might deserve it but still...that's not us, that's not you. You we're right though, I wasn't going to like it. This isn't you just trying to get revenge is it..?"
He grabbed the chair and spun him around ungodly fast before stopping to reply to Conner. "Revenge?!?! Why I never... Look cap, if you know a better way, I'm all ears."
Pyosimros said:
Cassandra whistled as she crossed the street. Everyone was probably inside thinking about war plans or something. Though as she turned right, her thoughts of what happened were completely different. She saw both an injured Finn and Connor in a crater on the ground. "What happened!?" She shouted running towards them as fast she could, though she didn't want to spill any of the groceries she bought.
"Umm.... Nevermind!" Perry said taking note of her confused expression. She probably didn't know what that meant.
,"U..h...Okay then"
Connor ran his hand through his hair. "I don't know...but this? He's trying to change Mitri, I don't think it's worth it." Connor stared down at his glasses in his hands.
Reaper said:
He grabbed the chair and spun him around ungodly fast before stopping to reply to Conner. "Revenge?!?! Why I never... Look cap, if you know a better way, I'm all ears."
"Here's a better way! Kill Maria Hill... Kidding! Kidding! Kinda."
Connor puffed out his lips irritably and arched a brow before reaching up and bopping Ivory on the head with his fist. "Don't even kid."
"Tell you what, Connie. I'll give you twenty four hours to think of a better plan. If you don't have one, operation screw Harry is a go. I'll keep this comm in case you need to reach me."
Ignoring the condescending nickname, "What happens when you go through with it and it doesn't work? Then you've ruined his life for nothing. The ends don't justify the means, Mitri." He huffed, things always had to get more complicated didn't they?
"Guys can you stop throwing my furniture around!?" Perry shouted and he swung the chair at the wall. "Just saying, you guys are against a guy who knows when something's going to hit him!"
Luna screeched as she saw Bob get hurt. She quickly goes to him and worriedly whimpers. She then licks his wounds clean, the bleeding stops, since he saliva has coagulate properties. She then turns to boss and her allies, and her eyes glow red, tail spikes stand on end. She roars, as she slowly walks over to them, her predatory instinct kicking in. @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
"Of course, this could always end the other way you know. With the rebellion giving in. I could make sure none of you face charges." Dimitri said, shrugging as if they could see him.

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