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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"And you think Hill would go along with that?" Connor chuckles,"She might let some of us go without charges but your fooling yourself if you think she wouldn't make an example of some of the rebels and let some take the full fall of the entire rebellion." He looked at some of the others in the room. "It could also end the other way, with the bill being negated."
"Oh, Hill is nothing. She can play ball or I can have her arrested. Don't forget, I'm the leader of everyone looking for you." He said, looking at Harry.
(Sorry WiFi went out. I found a pattern, the WiFi always shuts down from 9AM and turns on during 9PM, so... Until I change my ISP which is soon that's probably going to be the time I'll be on :/ )

"Aw crap," Perry muttered and he barely dodged it on his own. It's always the spider-sense that does all the work. He still got cut on his left arm and it punched with his free hand.
Boss grunted in pain and unlipped her poncho and held her arm. She looked at Bob and then at Luna. She pulled out her gun and fired at Luna's front leg to injure her. Tanya got hit in the stomach by Perry. Her several other arms swung the knives at Perry.
"Y'know this is totally unfair! I'm running around with a labcoat on and you guys are wearing your super soldier robotic armor!" He shouted and he flipped over a desk. Perry quickly jumped behind it to take cover.
"From what I've heard she's been covering for your drunken escapades this last week. Can't have the leader look bad in the media right?" It was not spiteful, he didn't say it to be an ass, it was a tough love moment. And yeah maybe he should have handled it better, and not with any of the rebels with their comm on listening in, but things we're complicated and this may have been his only chance.

He probably should have stopped there, his intent was not to put Dimitri down or make him feel bad but he still had to continue. Maybe he was a little mad at Dimitri, and alot at himself. "When was the last time you even saw Finn?" He'd seen the bruises on Finn's face, heard him mention the talks he was getting to do what he was told. It hadn't taken much to connect the dots.
"You should have been prepared. We gave you about 10 minutes of prep time." Tanya stated as she hit the table, piercing her blades through it.
"I...." He was speechless. He didn't know anyone knew about the alcohol, he didn't know anyone knew Finn was pro, hell he himself only found out Finn was pro a few days ago. "It's been a while.... Between Finn and I... What do you mean?"
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss grunted in pain and unlipped her poncho and held her arm. She looked at Bob and then at Luna. She pulled out her gun and fired at Luna's front leg to injure her. Tanya got hit in the stomach by Perry. Her several other arms swung the knives at Perry.

Bob got up and took of his helmet, he was bleeding from his head and although Luna's salavia had helped, he was still hurt bad. He tossed aside his guns, bullets, and all his knives, he turned to the Boss, "Alright, lets do this. Me and you hand to hand combat. First to knock out the other wins, and keeps the USB. Sound fair?"
"Bob! Don't. Let me do it. You need medical attention!" Perry warned him. He couldn't think how bad he would feel if he was somewhat responsible for someone's death.
Pyosimros said:
"Bob! Don't. Let me do it. You need medical attention!" Perry warned him. He couldn't think how bad he would feel if he was somewhat responsible for someone's death.
Bob shook his head, "No Perry, I have to prove that Im useful, that I can do something for the team!"
Connor sat forwards in the chair rubbing at his face and eyes, pushing his glasses up gently. He didn't want to have his conversation when other people we're listening in. Didn't want them thinking he was working with the leader of the pro's, though most should know he had a past with him and Finn as well. It should count for something, but some might not see it that way and he knew this. "Just...talk to Finn when you get a chance alright?"

I'm in this same situation again, aren't I?
Dimitri grit his teeth. "No." He said it in a deeper and more authoritative tone. "What the hell did she do to Banner?" Harry looked up at him and Dimitri realized how many decisions for their organization Harry has made. "You knew about this, didn't you, Osbourn?" He said, before grabbing his chair and bringing it to the edge of the building.
"Fine," Perry mumbled. He was going to get himself killed just so he can prove himself, and he wouldn't let that happen. He quickly sent an alert to all the pro members and he sat down in his little web bubble.
Finn tossed the magazine back onto the nearby coffee table and tapped his foot against the tile. For their being such a huge rift between pro and anti registration things were a little slow. He could have cried tears of joy at that moment, slow and uneventful was just what he needed. Soon he received an alert from Perry and he shot up. He winced before sprinting off towards Parker Industries. He couldn't let them go this time, he would have no choice but to fight whoever was in that building. He arrived at the outside of the building. "Perry, what's going on." He shouted into his comm.
Boss dropped her gun and took off her knife. "Sounds fair. I like an even fight. Your move." She stated. Tanya stood between Perry and the Boss. "No, you are fighting me!" She stated. Her doll began to dance, toying with Perry's mind.
"I gave you access to all the doors... Just open them and, well close them after!" Perry shouted towards him and then he began to get a headache. "What's... What's going on?"

(Uh... I might have to go soon so... I'll be back at 9PM tomorrow if I don't change my ISP)
Phoenix saw a fight as he went home with a receipt for parts. "Dammit! I gotta help them." He said as he went to parker industries, and found a hole that luna had made when she entered the building, and crawled through it. He then saw what was really going on, and drank some dog blood he recently bought. "Time to nut up or shut up." He said as he grabbed his blades and charged Tanya as luna collapsed from intense pain from her wound. @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros. (Better? I found a way to work phoenix in.)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss dropped her gun and took off her knife. "Sounds fair. I like an even fight. Your move." She stated. Tanya stood between Perry and the Boss. "No, you are fighting me!" She stated. Her doll began to dance, toying with Perry's mind.

Bob took a deep breath and rushed forward for a right hook, "Thank god for boxing lessons" he thought, "I might be even more screwed if I didn't have them."
Connor heard Dimitri's tone change, didn't know what to think at first but he'd been on the opposite end of the silver haired boys anger before. Harry was the only one nearby for him to take out frustration on, then he was yelling at Harry angrily. "Don't do anything stupid Dimitri!" He stood up from his chair abruptly, a concerned look crossing his face.
Tanya looked at Perry. "Nothing, I just love to mess with the minds of others." She stated as she threw a knife at Perry. (Alrighty)
Boss blocked his hook and went for a jab to the face. And if that wouldn't work, she would push his arm forwards and snap his elbow.

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