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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Um... Mr. Parker there are a bunch of armed people with an intimidating lady and other guy," A scientist called out from his workstation. "We can finish this chat later, I gotta go. Cya," Perry said and he headed to the elevator. Ground Floor, The elevator soon called out and Perry got out. They were probably just checking out the place. "Hi, what do you fine-" Perry cut off. Spider-Sense, He thought as he dodged a grab on reflex. "Woah! Is this an invasion or something!?"
So much for the element of surprise. Boss thought. She walked in front of Perry remembering him from their last meeting. "Just checking out what this place has to offer." She said with fake politeness.
"Yah uh... Put away the guns and I'll let you in," Perry said gesturing to the weaponry. He was still suspicious however, they could just be attacking soon enough.
Crono said:
Connor went straight for his room to get his glasses, putting them on as he moved towards the small medical area they had set up. Grabbing a few things he then went into the bathroom, pulling his shirt off and turning his head so he could see his back in the mirror. He grimaced at the smudged bloody wound the rubber bullet had left on his lower back, his shirt being stuck to it had made a mess. It might not have been so bad had it been a tougher area of skin but the bullet had hit a soft spot. He'd needed his glasses to see it more clearly, having lost his contacts in the earlier battle.
Doing his best to clean it at the awkward angle, twisting himself backwards. It was quiet and he was alone and that usually led to his brain ticking away, and it did, even as he tried to focus on his task his mind kept going back to Finn, and the things he'd said. He hadn't realized he was getting frustrated until he'd rubbed too hard near the wound causing him to wince a little.
Ivory sighed a sigh of relief as Alex put him down, flipping through the channels until he found it, Dog Cops, the best soap of all time, about a family living in LA, with a father who's a dirty cop, as the theme came on Ivorynfound himself saying the final line with the show, "This cop and his family are... Rolling with the dogs!"
Phoenix then goes out into the city, with a fat wad of cash in his pocket. He had plans to make his switch axe a reality. He had intentions of showing it off until it was done. He needed parts, and a lot of them. "First. I need to go to an electronics store." He said, needing something to power the sword mode, needing something to make the phial that holds its power. But found the group of rebels at parker industries. @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
"Oh, I don't need a tour. I'll just find what I need on my own." Boss stated as she pushed Perry aside and and she and the girls walked past him. (Also, I think Cassandra is supposed to be with them.)
"Whatever, have a good time," Perry mumbled as he got shoved over. He rolled up one of the sleeves of his labcoat and launched and spider-bot to follow them so he could see what they were up to. Being body-swapped still had it's perks, like having tech you could never create by yourself.

"I feel like that was too easy," Cassandra whispered over to the Boss.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory sighed a sigh of relief as Alex put him down, flipping through the channels until he found it, Dog Cops, the best soap of all time, about a family living in LA, with a father who's a dirty cop, as the theme came on Ivorynfound himself saying the final line with the show, "This cop and his family are... Rolling with the dogs!"
Connor finished up in the bathroom and came out, heading towards his room. He spotted Ivory now sitting comfortably on the sofa watchint TV. "I'll never understand how you can watch this show." He stated, with his shirt in his hand. Cleaning blood off of clothes had practically become a hobby over the years. Deciding to toss it in a pile with his other clothes before pulling on a new shirt and grabbing a book, then returning to the common area and sitting in one of the chairs nearby.

It was no park that was for sure. Ever since this had started he couldn't really go out in public anymore, much less the park. Everyone knew who Connor Rogers was and what he looked like. Plus those who knew him best knew he liked to go to the park for a read, though he hoped they'd never actually gone looking for him there to turn him in. The thought wasn't a fun one.
Crono said:
Connor finished up in the bathroom and came out, heading towards his room. He spotted Ivory now sitting comfortably on the sofa watchint TV. "I'll never understand how you can watch this show." He stated, with his shirt in his hand. Cleaning blood off of clothes had practically become a hobby over the years. Deciding to toss it in a pile with his other clothes before pulling on a new shirt and grabbing a book, then returning to the common area and sitting in one of the chairs.
It was no park that was for sure. Ever since this had started he couldn't really go out in public anymore, much less the park. Everyone knew who Connor Rogers was and what he looked like. Plus those who knew him best knew he liked to go to the park for a read, though he hoped they'd never actually gone looking for him there to turn him in. The thought wasn't a fun one.
Ivory sighed at Conner's appearance,he finally took off his mask and looked at him, "What do you want Conner?"
"It was. Be on high alert, he is watching us. He is probably going to ambush us later." Boss walked into a room where a bunch of scientists were and walked up to the large computer and plugged a USB drive into it. "Just be a second."
Luna wakes up, and nudges Bob. She then sighs, assuming he was dead. She then laid next to him, and licks his face. Redd comes out of sleep mode, and then takes to the skies, and flies around the tall buildings. @LokiofSP
Connor looked up from his book at Ivory partially surprised, having looked down beforehand his glasses had slipped down, he pushed them up the bridge of his nose with a finger out of habit. "Am I not allowed to read?" Connor shook his head momentarily before closing the book. "But since your actually talking to me for once." He sat forwards in the chair, book clutched in both hands giving Ivory his attention.
The computer beeped and Boss pulled the USB drive. "Everything Parker Industries has files on is now ours." She smiled. She walked out into the lobby again and looked at Perry. "Thanks for the info. I am sure I can make more use if it then you." She waved mockingly.
Bob suddenly wakes up and yells, "PARKER INDUSTRIES! THATS THEIR NEXT TARGETS!" He rushes out of the tower and into the street, looking around for A bit he spots the A train and takes the steps two at a time, hoping to stop the rebellion before something stupid happened.

Crono said:
Connor looked up from his book at Ivory partially surprised, having looked down beforehand his glasses had slipped down, he pushed them up the bridge of his nose with a finger out of habit. "Am I not allowed to read?" Connor shook his head momentarily before closing the book. "But since your actually talking to me for once." He sat forwards in the chair, book clutched in both hands giving Ivory his attention.
Ivory snorts do, "Yeah, I'm talking to you, don't get used to it, especially after the crap you pulled."
"Yah uh... Give me the USB," Perry said casually sticking out his hand. He knew it had a 99% chance of not working but he had to give it a shot anyways.

(Btw future warning my WiFi's probably going to black out tomorrow)
"Hm, let me think... No. I'll just take it back home. But nice effort though, I applaud your efforts." Boss said sarcastically.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"Hm, let me think... No. I'll just take it back home. But nice effort though, I applaud your efforts." Boss said sarcastically.

Bob came out of the subway and burst into Parker Industries, putting his hands on his knees he breathed heavily, "Huh... Sorry Peter.... Huff..... Give.... Me a moment..... Huff"
"What crap are you on about?" Connor ran a hand through his hair. "Out there we can have each others backs easy. But the moment we come back it's like fire and ice, we can't be near each other. And it's getting old."
"I'd prefer it if you all don't see my shirtless selfies," Perry joked and he quickly webbed the USB. They shouldn't be too hard to handle. "Peter?" He asked looking at Bob.
Crono said:
"What crap are you on about?" Connor ran a hand through his hair. "Out there we can have each others backs easy. But the moment we come back it's like fire and ice, we can't be near each other. And it's getting old."
Ivory looked at Conner menacingly, "Out there I have your back because I'd prefer to not have to go home to anyone carrying a shield going on about how their son died, at base I get mad at you because you've indelicately put the lives of everyone I care about on the line Conner!"

Pyosimros said:
"I'd prefer it if you all don't see my shirtless selfies," Perry joked and he quickly webbed the USB. They shouldn't be too hard to handle. "Peter?" He asked looking at Bob.
Bob blinked under his helmet, "Sorry Perry... Asshole at Stark Tower hit me harder than I thought. Anyways, you might want to pat down your 'guests' here, first rule of the academy was always check the suspects.... That was also coincidentally the only rule I payed attention to."
Boss looked at Perry. "We don't have to make this hard, Perry. Now you either hand that over, or we take it. Your choice." She stated.
"What will do you to take it? This is mine and it'll be mine for the time being," Perry shrugged. He turned over to Bob and talked to him once more. "Yah, I'll do that later."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss looked at Perry. "We don't have to make this hard, Perry. Now you either hand that over, or we take it. Your choice." She stated.

Pyosimros said:
"What will do you to take it? This is mine and it'll be mine for the time being," Perry shrugged. He turned over to Bob and talked to him once more. "Yah, I'll do that later."
Bob got in between the two groups, "Hey everybody, let's calm down alright, all we have to do here is have you gals empty your pockets and you can leave! After we make sure you're not doing something like stealing Mr. Parkers tech and selling it to terrorists or something like that, we'll send it back to you okay?"
"Did I not say I was sorry? Did I not ask you what I could do to help? Did you not come at me with spiteful words after? You don't want to watch my back out there, then don't." Frustratedly he removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. "You have every right to be mad at me, to hate me even. But not to shut me out."

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