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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Smasher's hand whipped sideways from the hit and he howled in pain. He gripped Connor even tighter though to not drop him. The bullets hit, though they barely registered to him. He took his good fist and smashed it into the side of the building. He launched himself up a couple of stories before doing it again. At the top of the building he launched himself up to the helecarrier that was waiting.
Cassandra's going to walk in with groceries later... But I'm going to bed so I'll post it later)

"So... Your mom is a normal person right?" Perry asked. He didn't know what else to say or ask.
Luna looks outside to see Bob being beaten. She screeches out of panic and worry. Phoenix growls as he heads to his room, grabbing his blades and some blood before heading out. Redd then transforms, having those who have and have not registered in his database. He flies out into the sky, and sees a brawl going on. "Phoenix, help them out." Redd said as he dropped him off, and redd circles around shooting fireballs. @anyone
He took the hand that was clutching at his lower back and gripped his shield tightly. "You know...I hate flying!" He said through grit teeth, raising the shield above his head while they we're in mid-air, bringing it down on Smashers hand attempting to force him to release his leg. He wasn't sure if it'd work, and if it did that just meant he'd plummet down to the streets below, but he still did it.
Crono said:
He took the hand that was clutching at his lower back and gripped his shield tightly. "You know...I hate flying!" He said through grit teeth, raising the shield above his head while they we're in mid-air, bringing it down on Smashers hand attempting to force him to release his leg. He wasn't sure if it'd work, and if it did that just meant he'd plummet down to the streets below, but he still did it.
(The bullets were rubber btw)
Smasher yelled out at the hit to Hus knuckles and released his grip on Connor. He quickly reached out for a grip on something and latched onto the top lip of the building. Connor it seemed would not have such luck. Quickly he looked between Connor and the ground before pushing himself from the roof. He angled himself downward until he had caught up with Connor. He moved himself to be under the other guy and wrapped his arms around him.

The impact with the ground was a shock and he plowed through the pavement until he was resting in a crater. Tiredly he pushed Connor to the ground and turned back to Finn. He gasped and rolled over to his side, tying up the shredded remains of yet another pair of shorts around his waist. He rolled back onto his back and stared at the sky. "Go. Get out of here before I start thinking properly again."
It wasn't until he'd started free falling after being released by Smasher that he'd realized it might not have been the best idea to try and break free of his hold at that specific time. Then before he could even think about his inevitable death Smasher was there once again. The impact was rough as they hit the ground but he knew Finn took the brunt of it, mostly just knocking the wind out of Connor. The blonde let out a cough after being pushed to the side, he turned to see Finn changed once again. "Finn..."

I'm sorry. Was what he wanted to say, but he knew Finn didn't want to hear it. He started up the slope of the crater before looking back once more his face softened, "Next time don't let me go, you don't owe me a thing. You do what you have to." I fight this registration for everyone. Even those who stand by it, forced or not. He moved away from the crater quickly, his back still stinging from the rubber bullet he took earlier.
Cassandra whistled as she crossed the street. Everyone was probably inside thinking about war plans or something. Though as she turned right, her thoughts of what happened were completely different. She saw both an injured Finn and Connor in a crater on the ground. "What happened!?" She shouted running towards them as fast she could, though she didn't want to spill any of the groceries she bought.

"Umm.... Nevermind!" Perry said taking note of her confused expression. She probably didn't know what that meant.
Dimitri woke up on the roof of a skyscraper. He stood, but the rush of blood to his head made him stumble a bit as he realized how horrible he felt. The sun was too bright and the wind was too loud. As he looked of the edge of the building, he could only wonder why he ended up there of all places.
Crono said:
"I'm fine." He told both Cassandra and The Boss, waving them off with his hand. Looking back at the Crater, "Finn made sure of that, he needs it more than I do."
@Pyosimros @Pink Gorilla
Ivory jumped down to the crater and picked up Conner, "Sorry but we gotta go!" He pointed to Redd who was now circling the tower throwing fire balls
Boss began running along side Liona and Allison, as Tanya and Amelia flew away from the battle. "Everyone back to base now!" Boss ordered. She ducked into alleys and made a turn and ran up to the hideout while the rest of the girls followed. "Well, that went awry, but we did get the information."
Connor kept Ivory's grabby hands at bay with his own, "I can walk." The two had spoken very little if at all this last week. But Pro reinforcements we're coming which made walking alot less desirable, so hoping onto Jack's bike with shield in hand was a must.
Jordan watched the resistance frantically try to retreat as two more reinforcements were inbound. He sighed and flew into the air past the one that was dive bombing and flew off
The Boss paced around the room thinking of their next move. She then stopped and looked up at the girls. "I have an idea. The battle at Stark Tower will have them scrambling to defend it and see what we took. While they are distracted, we can ambush Parker Industries. Girls, you are with me, Cassandra, you coming?" @Pyosimros
Noah looked up as the others returned.

"So how did it go?"

He asked, taking in the view of the team and judging by their appearances it was a lot harder than initially thought.

(taking clair out, her story kind of died out. Got a new idea since the yes registration side is lacking to bring in a new character :) )
Redd then transforms, his red paint turning silver as his eyes turn red. "Hades is back!" He said with horrific glee. He looks at ivory, and chuckles. "Time to finish cooking you, spider." He said as he ignites his flamethrower, while phoenix looks at The boss. Luna calls Bob via her screeching and whimpering sounds. @LokiofSP
Alex let out a sigh. He woke up, looking around, feeling sore. After a loudly yawn, he got up, and went straight to the shower. After a few minutes, he exits it, dresses in a tank top, his pants, and start to exercise. Something was eating at his mind these days. He wondered where Ghost went. Alex promised to tutor her, to teach her, and now, she was gone. He goes and starts doing push-ups, trying to tire himself so the memories would leave him be.
(I'm in Canada so I don't get fourth of July fireworks... At least I had Canada day fireworks :D )

(Wow, slow day)

Cassandra nodded intently. "Yup, when are we going?" Cassandra asked the Boss. Though she noticed that the lack of her symbiote would leave her in just going Punisher.

(Wait... It's a slow day cause of the 4th... One of the only Canadians is just gonna wait... ._.)

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