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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Boss groaned and turned to the girls. "Alright let's pack it up ladies." She said, met with groans of disgust. Amelia began packing the training gear, while Allison handled the tech. Liona and Tanya helped carry it. Boss turned back around to face Connor and the rest. "There is a garage out back with a few vehicles. Pack everything into there and the girls will take you to the next hideout." (Whenever you guys want to do that time skip thing, I think we are pretty much wrapping up here.)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss groaned and turned to the girls. "Alright let's pack it up ladies." She said, met with groans of disgust. Amelia began packing the training gear, while Allison handled the tech. Liona and Tanya helped carry it. Boss turned back around to face Connor and the rest. "There is a garage out back with a few vehicles. Pack everything into there and the girls will take you to the next hideout." (Whenever you guys want to do that time skip thing, I think we are pretty much wrapping up here.)

(Yep, basically so lets skip some 6-4 hours before the big fight? we get time to play spy and fight, the best of both worlds)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Aw. Why so soon? I was enjoying Luna's curiosity )

(Yeah but Bob was passed out completly is the thing, it's not like something were two people are interacting either, so we could really just say she had her fun and not much would change)
Jordan looked back at the group, he had done what he set out to do, take Miku back to these people, now it was time to leave. He flew off without another word to any of them

(Alright, now I'm ready for the time skip)
Pyosimros said:
"Yah, it's the boss. She's with us," Cassandra explained. She was sure Alex and Connor had never met the woman before.
Perry initially recoiled from the hug and his face reddened. "Um..." He said awkwardly and he accepted the hug.
She pulls away and laughs at his red face, shaking her head lightly
Clair and Noah looked to each other unsure if they should go with Connor or the Boss.

They watched the interaction between the group before sighing and siding with the Boss.

Like it or not they would have to fight
(I dunno...)

"Um... I'll be working on some tech... I'll see you around later unless you want to come with," Perry kept the same tone as before and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"But seriously, we need new identities," Cassandra said and she hopped into the car.
(Alright lets set the scene)

After 8 days tension were high, the act had gone in affect officialy and heroes were to be hunted. Ivory surveyed the computer before him, he had dyed his hair red and gotten peirceings in his ears and nose. He had spent days learning how to use these because he had wanted to do it. He was in the database and he had erased all his files, Hill had been to distracted with some new threat to ever look into him, hell he would like to bet she forgot his name, but he had to be safe. After taking care of his business he talked into his comm, "Boss? I'm in."
Pyosimros said:
"Shut up Jack," Cassandra sighed. "Find anything Ivory?"
Ivory looked through everything, "Nothing much just yet... Their looking for our base, they have ideas but not the exact locati- wait a minute..."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"What's wrong Ivory, are you ok?" Boss asked.

Ivory stared at the computer wide eyed, "The-They have plans to control villains..." He began typing rapidly, his body simply going through motions he didn't understand, "Im sending it to you now..." He began to upload the Lazurus Project to the computers at base, it contained details about reviveing Justice, Ivory heard a bump behind him, "Crap, gotta go, I hear something."
Finn had spent the eight days playing bounty hunter. He had gone through as much of New York as he had had time to (which admittedly wasn't much as New York is pretty big) scanning for heroes against the registration act. He had been against the idea of hunting them down, but after a little alone time with Maria and some of her soldiers, Finn had left the building to start his search along with a black eye and bruises. Now with threats that he didn't really want to think of hanging over his head he stepped onto the northbound subway train and stayed on for a couple of stops. He clutched onto the bar and watched the walls run by outside of the window. Why did they put windows on the subway? Most of the time they were underground anyways, so what was the point.

He got off a couple of stops later and shuffled along with everybody else until he was swept out onto the street. He pushed his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose and shoved his hands into his pockets. Angrily he swept his gaze down every side street that he saw and scanned the faces of every person he came across. He kicked a stone into a nearby gutter and he sat down on one of the many benches that covered the sidewalk. He hunched over and propped his elbows on his knees and rubbed his forehead. He couldn't go back to Stark Tower with no news of the anti-group. A couple hours later he swallowed his pride and headed back to the tower.

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