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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Doubtful. I'd like to refer you to his character sheet. 10-15 years would be when he is expected to be at his most powerful, and now that you know WHY he would be at his most powerful, killing him would be nigh impossible)

"...This isn't even me.."
LucianGrey7971 said:
(Doubtful. I'd like to refer you to his character sheet. 10-15 years would be when he is expected to be at his most powerful, and now that you know WHY he would be at his most powerful, killing him would be nigh impossible)
"...This isn't even me.."
(He isn't a character Im actually going to make, it was just supposed to be a joke, but yeah I get what ya mean)

"Crap I was found out!" A smoke bomb was dropped and he left
Finn was still looking emptily over the city when he saw Maria Hill and her troops run off. Curiously he decided to follow them as part of his registered duty. When she started to face off against them though he stayed back out of sight. He had followed of his own will, he wouldn't fight his friends of his own will. It wasn't that long before Maria and gang ran off again back to the tower. Finn hung around a little bit longer, curious as to why such a huge group against registration were all there. Just after the severed head in the box showed up he decided to leave.

He went back to the tower and sat in one of the lobby's chairs. It was better than being at home. He had no clue as to what the severed head had to do with anything. The one thing he couldn't keep out of his mind was Connor. He had seemed so torn up about everything. He shook the emotional aspects out of his mind and focused on the severed head. Did the head belong to a pro registration hero? He sat back in the seat. If they were killing people now he had to do something about it. He stood up and walked to the front desk. "I want to speak with Maria Hill."
Luna wakes up hours later to the noise of a squirrel outside, trying to eat an acorn. She looked at the creature with curiosity. She then looks at Bob, who was asleep, and slept next to the couch he was on. @LokiofSP
Cassandra nodded in agreement and the Boss. It seems like every time she keeps an eye off them something bad happens. She looked to her right, blown up cars. Even if this was to each a lesson or give a warning, we're becoming more like terrorists then an actual resistance.

"John... Why don't you just whisper short words and stop this madness?" John looked to his right. He was in the airport, luggage, anything he might need was with him. Also on his right, was Uatu, still having that scar from the bullet in the face he took from Nick Fury. Guess no one can kill the immortal peeping Tom. "Not my place to do that. Besides, I already bought the plane ticket and everything."
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Noah and Clair looked to each other, thankfully ignored through most of the display but they were conflicted, Maria and SHIELD were playing hard ball and the Anti-registration group was being backed into a corner and fast. Standing up Clair spoke.

"What are we going to do?"

She asked looking for an answer from anyone.
"Passport please," An officer stationed said. Of course if John just gave his normal identity S.H.I.E.L.D. would find out his location, so he forged one. He silently slipped it over and was returned immediately, now it was time to relax.

"No idea, but we need to discuss new identities. We can't just who we are now," Cassandra explained silently.
"Reeeeed!" Dimitri said after she spoke. "I didn't notice you! It's been sooo long! How's your hospital??? I mean how's... You got out of the hospital!" He zipped over to hug Clair.
"If you're joining us, awesome. If you're not, why are you here?" Cassandra asked Dimitri. Last time she saw him was on TV.
Connor shook his head as he stood, "Your wrong." He said looking at Dimitri over by Clair. "My punishment isn't to remember it for the rest of my life, it's to spend my life making up for it." The rebellion leader and Cassandra had both come out and had their input, not that he cared, he'd tried. "I'm sorry." He mumbled to Ivory again before stepping by him and heading inside.
He zipped over to Cassandra. "Not join you, really I just miss you guys! I hate this war so much! I don't have friends anymore...." He said, wobbly.
The Boss turned to Cassandra. "Would you please get him out of here. Not that he would remember it anyway. He is to hammered." She stated walking up to the girls and then turned back around. "Alright, before we get started. Newcomers, questions?"
Connor steeled himself from what had just been happening when he looked The Boss in the eyes, "What exactly is your goal here? Your plans? I'm not going to join you just because you don't like the registration act."
"It is to make sure that every person, powered or not, has the same rights. I have tried peacefully talking to Maria Hill, but she won't see reason. If I have to fight a war in order for there to be peace afterwards then so be it. But I am not going to allow them to forcefully imprison people who refuse to follow and unjust Act." Boss stated.
Niki was walking out of a church, holding a small iron cross in one hand, sweaty and looking drained. Sorry you had so much pain, but I want to have fun! No you can't. Innocent people would get hurt in the process. But... No! That's final. Niki had won the arguement for now and lit a cigarette, walking around drunkenly.
"Hill never sees reason, what else is new. I just need to know that this rebellion isn't going the same route as them. I'm not interested in fighting but I'm also not blind to the fact that there will likely be conflicts. There needs to be a no kill order, a limit to how far we go. We can't stoop to what they might be willing to do, we all want the same thing. My interests are to find a way to end the bill, and protect those that aren't protected by it, not hurt my friends."
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"I understand your concern, and to the best of our ability, we will try not to kill. But, if it comes right down to it and we are certainly endangered, I will resort to whatever means necessary to defend ourselves. Let's just hope we won't have to resort to it." Boss said before looking towards Tanya. "It's no longer necessary for you to constantly watch the surveillance. You can rest now."
Connor almost left then and there, it was just a nicer version of what Hill had told him. We try, and if we don't succeed, we kill. But he couldn't leave, wouldn't even. If his being here had any impact on preventing things from going too far he had to try. He wouldn't be able to do much as a neutral or third party, and he'd likely be captured...or killed if Maria couldn't get her way. "What is expected of me by staying then?"
"Contribute any way you can. Watch surveillance, learn any information about our enemies, or gather more allies. You can also train in the room to the left." Boss stated. "Any other questions?"
Luna wakes up, having had a nightmare. She then gets up and quietly explores the apartment, curious like any cub would be. She finds a closet for blankets and linens. She figures out how to open it, and had 2 knit fleece blankets fall on her, she was surprised, and then relaxes. She sneezes as the fleece tickles her nose, and shook her head. She purrs at the warm feeling they provided her. @LokiofSP.
"No, I think I'm good. Thanks." It was a surprise that it was all, it seemed to easy for a spy to enter their midst. I mean the pros did know this location now... Connor turned to look back at her. "Oh. You should probably know, they're planning an ambush for us here. It's from...a reliable source."

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