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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"What kind of 16 year old doesn't know about sex." She mumbled as she got off the car. "Follow me." Boss said as she walked towards the building.

As the Boss got up and walked away Ivory called out, "HEY! Awnser my question!" He ran after her...


[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Is this gonna go where I think its gonna go?)

(Where do you think it's gonna go?)
Maniac hhad gotten bored and stared out the window ignoring the entire conversation but when he heard "sex" his head shot up "Who ? What? Where? When?" he asked getting out of the car. Seeing Boss and Ivory leave the car after hearing "sex" he followed
Connor reached out and pulled Ivory back by his collar as they followed after The Boss. "After you answer mine. Let's re-visit the you and Cass being a thing, I was gone for two months."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss was feeling spiteful. "Look it up on the Internet." (Idk where do you think it is going?)

(It definitely is. Ivory will be probably more scarred than he is already.)
Crono said:
Connor reached out and pulled Ivory back by his collar as they followed after The Boss. "After you answer mine. Let's re-visit the you and Cass being a thing, I was gone for two months."
Ivory raised a brow, "No, first you awnser my OTHER question, what does it mean to be a "thing"?"
(I thought you meant my vague ass post. I was gonna say if you could figure shit out from that post, I'd have to send you money.)
Oh god. He's more oblivious than I thought. Retreat! Retreat! "Hey boss lady, wait up!" Rushes forwards to catch up to her as an excuse.
Crono said:
Oh god. He's more oblivious than I thought. Retreat! Retreat! "Hey boss lady, wait up!" Rushes forwards to catch up to her as an excuse.
Ivory shot out a web line to pull Conner back, "NOT SO FAST LOVER BOY!" He pulled him to the ground and placed a foot on his chest, "Awnser, NOW!"
Jordan shook whatever effects remained from his ordeal out of his head and picked Miku up. He flew into the air and headed in Connor's general direction.
Connor hit the ground with a thud staring up at Ivory. "I...uh..." He looked to the others for help but finally decided to give in since he did want to know the answer. "Are you and her...you know. Together? Like Alex and I together?" Alex and I...has a nice ring to it.
Crono said:
Connor hit the ground with a thud staring up at Ivory. "I...uh..." He looked to the others for help but finally decided to give in since he did want to know the answer. "Are you and her...you know. Together? Like Alex and I together?" Alex and I...has a nice ring to it.
Ivory blushed, "Oh..." His blush disappeared and tears were in his eyes, "Oh...." He took his foot off Conner and began to walk to the door, "Sorry to bother you..."
Seeing Ivory blush then tear up a bit Maniac pulled out a box of tissues. "You want some ice cream and a soap opera while you're standing there pal" he said in a apologetic tone while patting his back. "Cuz I can go steal one now that we're being hunted. Don't worry take your time"
Jordan landed softly in front of everyone with Miku slung over his shoulder. "....." he stared at everyone from under his hood. "Who's your leader? NO WAIT! I screwed up, everybody keep your mouths shut...Take me to your leader."
Connor furrowed his brow at Ivory's reaction and turned over watching him go, "Hey!" He called out but Ivory was already inside. Had he said something wrong? The blonde sighed as he pushed himself to his feet, he wasn't sure exactly what the reaction was for but he he had an idea why.

But before he could follow them inside newcomers showed up and Connor turned to face someone holding a girl over her shoulder. Recognizing Miku had lead him to recognize the other though he still didn't know his name, smirking at the fail of an entrance, "Look what the cat dragged in." Connor motioned for him to follow them inside, he guessed that was why they we're here anyways. "She alright?" He asked over his shoulder nodding towards Miku.
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Seeing Ivory blush then tear up a bit Maniac pulled out a box of tissues. "You want some ice cream and a soap opera while you're standing there pal" he said in a apologetic tone while patting his back. "Cuz I can go steal one now that we're being hunted. Don't worry take your time"

Ivory looked at Jack, "Jack, you are one of the worst and meanest people I've ever met, and that's saying allot..." He began to cry again and hugged him, "BUT YES I DO!"
"Hopefully. So who the hell is the leader of this ragtag group of treasonous heroes." he said bluntly

Jordan looked at the crying kid, "...Correction, ragtag group of treasonous crybaby heroes."
Connor huffed, "That's one way to put it, thanks. I'm Connor by the way, we never got introduced after you knocked out an entire police force. And she's inside."

He rolled his eyes at the crybaby comment, "Lay off."
"There there" he said patting Ivory on the back then looking at Jordan he said "Can't you see we're having a moment here" he whispered
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Hopefully. So who the hell is the leader of this ragtag group of treasonous heroes." he said bluntly
Jordan looked at the crying kid, "...Correction, ragtag group of treasonous crybaby heroes."
Ivory turned his head to Jordan and wiped away tears, "Screw you man! You don't know me! You don't know what I've been through! Unless you do in which case disregard my last two statements.... But screw you stands no matter what!"

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