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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I don't really know. There's nothing to do these days," Perry shrugged as he walked. @InsaneKiller19

"Uh.. I'm guessing that's me as well," Cassandra said and she walked over to the rest.
"Well okay then. I said action, not fight..." She muttered, the spirit of vengeance chuckling within her. 'Shut up' she thought angrily
"What do you think we should do?" Perry asked her. He didn't feel like getting in a fight with the resistance because he both didn't want to hurt them and he was tired.
(Clair and Noah joined up with the Anti-registration side and we all found a potential spy but shes Neutral)

Clair and Noah set about getting comfortable. Clair sat cross legged and opened her laptop and began to work. She wanted to get into SHIELD's systems and find out possibly their long term plans for the Anti-registration heroes.

Noah just sat and focused on spinning some nails and screws in an infinity sign in front of him.
Alex closes his eyes and looks at Connor. "Sorry, it couldn't wait anymore. I wanted to tell you this since I saw you again in Siberia." He stops and grabs Connor by the arms, dragging him close and pressing his lips against Connor's. "I love you Connor..." Alex says, blushing.

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Maniac had been leaning on the wall watching the whole display. "We sure are an interesting group" he thought to himself grinning under his mask. After seeing Connor get dragged away he got curious and followed
Poking his head in to see what the two were up to. Maniac's eyes bulged pretty big under his mask. Whistling at the exact moment he saw Alex make contact. "I ship it" he said
"Well new moves actually, even though I still have my same powers. Guess I will need to train more if I will ever get better" chuckles again with a sigh
Clair heard "ship" and squealed.

Grabbing Maniac by the neck she moved in and spied with him

"they are too cute"

She bit her lip and smiled
"Guys?" Cassandra whispered and she followed them. She was going to talk but then she noticed the romantic moment and she shut up.

"Yah I guess you want to know to do stuff more then those... Laser things if you have those," Perry chuckled as well.
Victoria has changed from Seeker back to her causal form, she laughs "Yeah...but that's not all I can do you know"
"Cassandra, are you alright? You haven't checked in for awhile." The Boss asks through the comm.

"She disappeared around the same corner Connor did." Tanya stated.

"Did you find Connor?" Boss asked.

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(Oh my god people. No privacy. LMAO)

He'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected the kiss, I mean everytime they got a moment alone Alex would go for it. The surprise however came from Alex's words. "I..uh...you what?" He'd heard him, he couldn't play it like he didn't. "I mean we barely know each other and you just..." Connor was staring into his eyes and seeing him blush and Connor guessed he was just as red. It was sudden and it was true but Connor was so easily flustered when it came to Alex and close proximity. "Are you sure?" Are you sure?! He said it didn't he! Did he feel the same? He hadn't thought about it, hadn't really had time to think about it.

"Y-yeah." Connor said sheepishly. "I-I think I do too..." He squeaked. You think!?! Don't say it like that! You can say the love word Connor geez.
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Finn pushed the book back onto the shelf with a sigh. He hadn't been able to really get into the learning groove so there was no point trying to force it into him. For a moment quiet contemplation was what was needed. Part of his job now was to seek out friends and apprehend them, that wasn't something he wanted to do, but he had no choice.

He eyed up the tranquil building. People were scattered in the large expanse, enjoying books, the internet, or other human company. He pushed himself up from his spot and left the building. Much to his surprise the streets were rather empty for being in the middle of New York.

He flicked on his comm and hoped that at least one person out there hadn't destroyed theirs. "Hey it's Finn. So now that our friendships are properly destroyed, what are we supposed to do? We've all made a huge fuss about how either the act is good or bad, but at the moment it hasn't even really made a difference." He pushed off his mic and sighed.
Clair bit her hand to hold back the squeal

"too cute...too cute"

She made room as Cassandra joined them and all 3 spied

(AlexXConnor :P )
With Jack's whistle came Connor's awareness that everyone was watching, he went as red as red could go before slamming the door in their faces. "Are you guys kidding me!?" He yelled from behind it.

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