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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The two new arrivals stepped forwards and Connor put up a hand and arched a brow, "Wait. So your saying...your Cassies sister? I'm uh... Connor Rogers." He told them, lisening to Noah talk about the chip "And I'd like to be surprised to hear it but I'm not...how exactly did you guys find this place?" If two total strangers knew where he was hiding out then surely Shield or the Pro heroes might know.
Niki tilted her head and felt another sneeze coming on, but she held her nose and held her breath, knowing she would probably found out. She sneezed again and bit her lip, waiting.
He threw his hands up in the air at the sight of Cassandra entering, "Does everyone know where I live now?!"

This second sneeze caught his attention and he jerked his head around, "Alright, who's hiding back there!"
Niki stayed silent and waited, not even breathing. Cmon, we can take em! Just let me take over for a bit. 'No! I got this' she thought and stayed where she was.
Clair shyly raised her hand

"I found the place. I am tony starks daughter after all"

She explained when they heard the sneeze

Noah Turned and held out his hand in the general direction of where the sneeze came from and he sensed metal. Catching it and pulling forward he muttered to the group

"Caught something"
Niki hissed and kicked him in the face with her combat boot and backed up a bit, looking around like a cornered animal. "Keep your filthy hands off me" she growled
"But still I mean...Cassies sister. I never knew she had one, she never said anything." He told Clair before Noah pulled Niki out.

"You, I remember you...." He scratched at the back of his head. "I attacked you...though Justice was technically controlling me at the time...Sorry about then. You scouting for the hunters?"
"Nice catch, any of you guys know her?" Cassandra asked to the rest and she turned over to Cassandra. "Nah I have a tracker on Ivory," She shrugged. Then she realized that it made her sound like a stalker.
Noah snarled and narrowed his eyes and held up his hand, holding her leg in thin air without touching you

"Too much Iron in your blood, now Isn't that a shame"

Clair looked nervous and looked to the group.
Seeker enters the Parker Industries, and walks around in it. Humming boredly before trying to reach someone on her comlink
"Oh well actually, I have a chain wrapped around my body and I do have a lot of iron.. SO you can Stop being a pervert and put my leg down now" she snarled, glaring at him. She looked at Connor. "It's fine." She said simply.
Noah held the stranger in place until he was told otherwise to let her go. He looked to connor and raised and eyebrow waiting for his answer.

Clair just watched the exchange, she was not a fighter. Computer work was her field of expertise so she would wait.
Connor saw Noah's look and gave him a look back, "What? Uh yeah I think she's fine..." He glanced at Niki, "I mean you we're skulking around in the shadows, what for?"
Noah released her and smirked as she fell


He went and stood by clair and watched. Connor seemed to be the leader in this situation
She fell on the floor and glared at Noah. I could finish him off right now. She shook her head and stood up. "I am not a spy. Actually, I'm pretty much a loose screw right now, or as normal people say, neutral." She sighed, brushing off her leather jacket and lighting a cigarrette.
After what had just happened with Dimitri all Connor wanted to come back to the warehouse and relax for a moment, but that clearly wasn't happening. "Well if your not a spy then what brings you to my humble abode?" As if an empty warehouse that was falling apart could be considered that. He glanced over at Clair and Noah with a smile, "Goes for you two as well."
"I don't know. Maybe I'm looking for a side. Maybe I'm looking for a bit of action. Eh" she shrugged, crossing her arms and blowing smoke through her nose
Clair answered

"I did not really agree with the pro-registration but it was the control chips that was the straw that broke the camels back"

Noah answered next and simply

"I don't care to be controlled, simple as. They screwed up by trying to chip me so I am out to put a stop to it"

Noah shrugged

"Also as a mutant I am not all that in agreement with being registered"
Alex looked at the three and cleared his throat. "You 3, I will come back and tell you all you need to know and how you can help. At this moment, I have something to talk to Connor here." Alex says, grabbing Connor by the arm and dragging him to a room.

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Connor huffed, "If your looking to fight your in the wrong place. If your looking for this Rebellion your also in the wrong place. I'm not them...I was however looking to talk with them. I'm just a guy that disagrees with the registration act and supports--" He was cut off by Alex suddenly pulling him away, not particularly fighting it though giving him a confused look. "Guess you want that talk now huh?"

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