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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
"Commander, would you like me to take care of her?" Joseph offered to her.
Maria calmed him, "No Joseph, she's not cataloged in our files on heroes, she's fine."
Being tossed back by Harry like ragdoll was infuriating, luckily Alex had caught him with some effort, rather than the two ending up in a heap on the ground. "You know I'm not much for revenge." He told Alex as he watched them leave. "But I plan to get him back for today." It was a bit demeaning honestly, Connor could talk all he wanted. He waved for Alex to follow as he ran for the portal, unsure if they we're actually being let go or if something else was going on. "Let's not get stuck in here again."
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Terry was about to fall asleep but he was snapped into attention by his phone. "Oh!" He went upright immediately and he picked up the phone. "Terry? Where are you?" It was his mom. "Uhhhh.... I'm with some friends!" It was a blatant lie but his mom never had a very good BS detector. "Okay Terry, just don't go out of the neighbourhood!" Terry looked around. He was far away from there. He was in space. "Ummm... Okay!"
Luna and phoenix then begin to play with oversized cat toys, to test her hunting skills. Meanwhile, redd looks through the internet, and finds information of Luna's species. "Interesting...... She can turn invisible at will." Howard said in Redd's head. When playtime was over, she was let out into the real word with phoenix, where they found a reporter and the paparazzi waiting for bob. With all the camera flashes, luna backs away and hides behind phoenix. @LokiofSP

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Bob walked around the tower, he looked out to see the cameras at the ready, hell even the president had a booth set up, he growled, "Damn people can't even wait for a bit?" He retrieved his helmet and used the built in comm to talk to the other registered heroes, "Um....Hey guys it's Bob, the cameras are flashing and the people want a show outside of Stark Tower, I think it's time to tell the world about the new Avengers..."
Pink Gorilla]The Boss became calm again and her eyes softened. "Me. I am a prime example of SHIELD's agenda." She stated. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
Maria raised her brow and leaned forward, "I'm listening"
LokiofSP said:
Bob walked around the tower, he looked out to see the cameras at the ready, hell even the president had a booth set up, he growled, "Damn people can't even wait for a bit?" He retrieved his helmet and used the built in comm to talk to the other registered heroes, "Um....Hey guys it's Bob, the cameras are flashing and the people want a show outside of Stark Tower, I think it's time to tell the world about the new Avengers..."
Luna then turns invisible, only showing the leash on her neck. "Bob, could you pleassssse tell them to turn the flash off. It is scaring luna.'" Phoenix said as he gently scratched behind Luna's ear, soothing her. The loud purring indicating happiness.

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(Terry doesn't have a comm)

Terry shrugged. He'd better return home before his mom gets worried. So he flew downwards into New York. While he was flying, he noticed booths and cameras everywhere. Hey, is a concert going on or something? He thought as he flew down to where no one could see. He quickly grabbed a stray bag and stuffed his helmet inside of it. Man I have no idea where that bag was before, He thought and he walked towards the flashing lights.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna then turns invisible, only showing the leash on her neck. "Bob, could you pleassssse tell them to turn the flash off. It is scaring luna.'" Phoenix said as he gently scratched behind Luna's ear, soothing her. The loud purring indicating happiness.
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Bob walks away from the window, trying to get through to everyone else...

(Bob is inside the tower, can't hear a thing....)
Finn stormed off to a quiet part of the building and sulked for awhile. He should have known that nothing good was going to come out of the meeting. Angrily he thrummed his fingers against the tiled floor. He supposed that there was nothing he could do about it. That was to be the way of the universe apparently. He rubbed his forehead tiredly before pushing himself to his feet. He had signed the bill, that gave him duties that he had to fulfill now.
"I was bred... No, not bred... Designed for war. I was trained and enhanced to be the perfect soldier. I started of as a child soldier. They made me train with other kids and had me kill them. Since they hammered out sympathy in me, I felt nothing. For years they kept experimenting on us kids. I was the only one that made it past the testing. After that, I was used for special missions. I, however, fell in love with another soldier. Once SHIELD found out, they killed him and made sure I wasn't able to have children. That is when I left, but they continued the project with new kids. And that is where the four 'Mech' ladies came from. I found them as Child soldiers and took them away and raised them myself. They are like daughters to me now." She said.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"I was bred... No, not bred... Designed for war. I was trained and enhanced to be the perfect soldier. I started of as a child soldier. They made me train with other kids and had me kill them. Since they hammered out sympathy in me, I felt nothing. For years they kept experimenting on us kids. I was the only one that made it past the testing. After that, I was used for special missions. I, however, fell in love with another soldier. Once SHIELD found out, they killed him and made sure I wasn't able to have children. That is when I left, but they continued the project with new kids. And that is where the four 'Mech' ladies came from. I found them as Child soldiers and took them away and raised them myself. They are like daughters to me now." She said.

Maria looked taken back but took a deep breath. She looked at the woman and asked, "Can you....Tell me about these missions?"
"Kill anyone who posed a threat to SHIELD's secrets and to get any tools or weapons that makes them stronger." She stated. "I may not be forgivable for my sins, but I will do anything to protect anyone else from what I used to be."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"Kill anyone who posed a threat to SHIELD's secrets and to get any tools or weapons that makes them stronger." She stated. "I may not be forgivable for my sins, but I will do anything to protect anyone else from what I used to be."

Maria gave a deep sigh, "For what's it's worth, I apologize that you went thorough that. But I assure you when I say that I have never heard of that branch of SHEILD research in all my years." She looked back at the woman, "I'll admit, we have had questionable motives and tactics in the past, but now it's different." She pointed to the streets, The people wanted this, not 7 days ago there were riots out on the streets calling for this kind of action. These heroes aren't as experienced or ready for threats as their parents, which is why we want to help them become ready, while keeping good with the public."
"But you can't kidnap them, expose them, make them vulnerable. They are people, too. If you are willing to train them without forcing them to anything they aren't comfortable with, we no longer have a problem, but if you continue what you are doing, I will fight you." She stated. @LokiofSP
Phoenix turns on his earpiece and the clears his throat. "Bob, where are you at? The paparazzi are scaring luna, and I am not loud enough for the. To hear. Can you please tell them to turn off their flash?" Phoenix said as he continually soothes luna. @LokiofSP

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Maria shook her head, "The unfortunate truth is that if we didn't do this, the public outcry would be far to much to handle. We're doing this so the public STAYS on the Avengers side, something they're dangerously close to not doing. You can fight us, but I'd hope you know you'd be wrong to."


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Bob heard Phoniex but shook his head, "I'm sorry bud, if I tried to go out there, there's no way I would be able to calm them down, we need to get everyone together anyways so they can see us."
The Boss stood up. "Well, that's unfortunate to hear. I was hoping you would listen to reason. What you are doing is wrong and I will not stand for it." She said. She began reaching under her poncho for something. @LokiofSP

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