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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pink Gorilla]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
@LokiofSP[/URL] Alright! But where exactly is she...)
(Stark Tower)


Pyosimros said:
"We should contact Miku or one of the robot ladies," Cassandra explained and she sat down on a nearby chair.
Ivory didn't hear, he raised his voice a bit and his cries were heard even louder. Soon after he hung up and sniffles were heard
As Clair was in hiding she tried to recall who was against the registration and she remembered Connor being against it.

She wanted to try and make contact with others who were against it but was not sure how to start this.
The Boss then made her way to Stark Tower to confront Maria Hill. She hacked through the security system so the elevator would take her to the floor she was on. She walked up to the guards. "I am here to see Miss Hill." @LokiofSP
Pink Gorilla]The Boss then made her way to Stark Tower to confront Maria Hill. She hacked through the security system so the elevator would take her to the floor she was on. She walked up to the guards. "I am here to see Miss Hill." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
The solider looked up, "State your business."
Dimitri whooshed out of the room and the negative zone. When Harry noticed this he grabbed Conner and threw him at Alex. "Then stay out of the cell. Come on Perry, we are leaving."
"Registration Act." Was the only thing she said. She looked at the guards with empty eyes and stood perfectly still. She still wore her military poncho and her white combat suit. @LokiofSP
Steel Zinogre]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
@LokiofSP[/URL] I have made a post this morning replying to last night.)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
(Yeah you did, but that response didn't make sense as Bob had left.)
Pink Gorilla]"Registration Act." Was the only thing she said. She looked at the guards with empty eyes and stood perfectly still. She still wore her military poncho and her white combat suit. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
The solider tensed up, "Man I hope she's on our side" He thought. He let her pass, "Go straight, then make a right down the hall. You're lucky, we were just about to pack up for the day."


[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](He did?)

(YEah he went to go smile and wave for the cameras)
"Well, I always like to make an entrance." She gave a slight smile. She walked down the hall and made a right and entered the room. She looked around and saw several different people. She seen an older woman and looked at her. "Miss Hill, I presume?" She asked. @LokiofSP
"Okay," Terry said and he blasted into the air. He wasn't actually going back home, he flew into space and just let himself drift. It was much more relaxing then watching TV at home.

Cassandra opened up her comm. "People that work under Boss or whatever you call him or her. Ivory wants to join," Cassandra looks over at him again.
Pyosimros said:
"Okay," Terry said and he blasted into the air. He wasn't actually going back home, he flew into space and just let himself drift. It was much more relaxing then watching TV at home.
Bob was walking through the halls when he saw someone blast through the roof, "WHAT THE HELL! MARIA'S GOING TO BE PISSED!"

Maria was pissed
"Harassing? I would never!" She mocked surprise. She walked over and sat on one of the chairs. "I would like to discuss the Registration Act and what you are doing to superheroes." She said and her eyes hardened. She heard the explosion. "You sound like you have a vermin problem."

"Alright, we are in an abandoned building near Stark Tower, It has a snake painted on it and white flowers in front." Amelia stated.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"Harassing? I would never!" She mocked surprise. She walked over and sat on one of the chairs. "I would like to discuss the Registration Act and what you are doing to superheroes." She said and her eyes hardened. She heard the explosion. "You sound like you have a vermin problem."
"Alright, we are in an abandoned building near Stark Tower, It has a snake painted on it and white flowers in front." Amelia stated.

Maria looked at her, her eyes narrowing, "What is there to discuss? We're simply following the law."

Ivory came out from the corner, wiping tears out of his eyes, he handed Cassandra her phone, "Thanks..."
"Seriously? So close? Whatever," Cassandra said and she turned off her come. "Alright, we're heading over to an abandoned building near Stark Tower, let's go," She said over to Ivory and she hopped back into the sewers.
"Yes, but you are hunting down people who do not comply to an unjust law. Treating them like animals, not allowing them to have rights. You are oppressing anyone who does not agree with the governments decision. In my opinion, that makes you a terrorist." She stated calmly. @LokiofSP
Joseph walked next to Maria. "And I do believe supervillains are people who do not follow the law. Which makes you one," He smirked.
"So now we are criminals? Comparing us to thieves and murderers, while you are probably the biggest criminals I know. SHIELD is a criminal organization that hides people who are different, lies to the public, and does awful things to test powers." She stated. @LokiofSP

"A parents has to steal food to feed their family because they are to poor to buy food. Are they awful criminals?"
"A parents has to steal food to feed their family because they are to poor to buy food. Are they awful criminals?"
Maria slams her hands on the table, "SHEILD is an organization that does what it does to PROTECT our people! Some lines are lines that people don't want to cross, we cross those lines so that others don't have to. The fact is, we don't live in a perfect world, and some decisions have to be made that might not be morally right, but at the end of the day are the best options we have, just like the parent in that example!"
"That is a commendable thing to have to make the right decision, morally correct or no. But don't you lie to me and tell me that every decision you have made was to protect the people." She said. Her voice remained calm, but her eyes showed anger. "SHIELD does horrible things to have power, to own the bigger stick. To be able to not feel threatened by anyone. You became greedy." @LokiofSP

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