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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
"Um... Mister? Why is she swearing a lot?" Terry tugged one of the soldier's arms and he looked up.
The solider got down and whispered to the boy, "Because she's got a stick up her but." He began to snicker.

Maria say the boy and said, "Hey, you kid."
"Oh crap. Gottta think of something quick" he said getting up and staring at the soldier "Excuse me? Oh no excuse you. ! Do you know who I am? Guys tell this loser who I am" he said crossing his arms over his chest
Terry laughed for a little bit with the soldier and he shot straight up when he heard Maria call him. This woman was starting to get more frightening then the aliens he faces. "Y-Yes ma'am?"
"I am happy. Now, go relax, you are turning red." He said as he followed the soldier. Luna appeared to be big, as big as an adult great dane, but was light due to malnutrition. She then feels sleepy as she was set down on a table, with phoenix sitting on a chair in the infirmary, looking at luna as a doctor looked at her collar. @LokiofSP
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]"Oh crap. Gottta think of something quick" he said getting up and staring at the soldier "Excuse me? Oh no excuse you. ! Do you know who I am? Guys tell this loser who I am" he said crossing his arms over his chest

The soldiers looked at him, "I actually have no idea who he is?" Another one came behind him, "Come with me sir."

Pyosimros said:
Terry laughed for a little bit with the soldier and he shot straight up when he heard Maria call him. This woman was starting to get more frightening then the aliens he faces. "Y-Yes ma'am?"
Maria pushed the forum forward, "Sign, now"
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]"Oh I see just because I'm awesome I have to sign so more autographs. Alright let's go" he said

The soldiers pushed Jack to Maria Hill, "Hey, this guy says he's famous and registered, what do you say?"

Maria smirks and pushes a forum forward, "He will be soon." Just then the soldiers pointed their guns at Jack, "Now sign."
"Wait why are you guys pointing guns at him!? He's a hero right!?" Terry shouted and he lightly shoved some soldiers out of the way.

(The kid has no idea what he's getting into xD )
Maniac stared at the soldiers and then looked at Maria. "..." he then burst out laughing pointing at them all then laughing again. "Look Maria was it your hot and all and sure you're older than me but this is just cute" he said
Pyosimros said:
"Wait why are you guys pointing guns at him!? He's a hero right!?" Terry shouted and he lightly shoved some soldiers out of the way.
The soldiers moved away and Maria Hill's face softened, "You see, we thought that to, but your friend here is breaking the law, we're simply pointing guns at him to make sure he complies as he's been shown to be dangerous before..."

[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Maniac stared at the soldiers and then looked at Maria. "..." he then burst out laughing pointing at them all then laughing again.

Maria scowled, "What's so funny?"

(Also Pyo, I need a Cassandra response)
"Bring in the x-ray, we need to check for any foreign objects in it." The doctor said as he made a chart for luna. A soldier brings in the x-ray machine, and the doctor turned it on. The xor at showed bigger glass shards in her. "Well, it appears that there is glass in her still, bones broken, and it has female organs." The doctor said as he turned the machine off, and rolled her into the surgery room, letting phoenix into the room. "Oh, and soldier? Could you bring our friend a mask? He will have to see first hand what is inside her." The doctor said as he puts on his mask and gloves. @LokiofSP
Still chuckling a bit Maniac said "You can threaten me all you want but you can't do anything to make me sign" he said "now why don't you guys put those guns away and leave so uh Maria and I can get better acquainted" he said running two fingers up the table to Maria
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Still chuckling a bit Maniac said "You can threaten me all you want but you can't do anything to make me sign" he said "now why don't you guys put those guns away and leave so uh Maria and I can get better acquainted" he said running two fingers up the table to Maria

A shield buzzed and Jack's fingers were singed, "Lets back off here "Maniac" we're only doing this because it will save lives, so please, sign the damn paper!"
"Damn why so I always get the hard to get one's?" he asked pulling out a small remote. "I'd love to but me and the asphalt have a date" he said pushing a button the wall next to them exploded making a giant hole. Walking towards it Maniac stopped looking at Nova. "Hey you sure you want to be a part of this" he said waving a hand at the soldiers and Maria

@Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Today had been weird for Jordan. He'd meant to cause a scene at Stark, check. Then he had to get Miku out of danger, and NOW he's being chased by the police after helping them take down a meth operation. "Y'know..." he shouted at one of the police vehicles, "I could EASILY destroy you all without batting an eye! Stop chasing me over this stupid law."
After some time, the surgery went well, and phoenix walks with luna and the doctor to a room with a big dog bed and furniture for animals of her size. "Wow doc, I did not know you spoil animals." Phoenix said as luna stumbles over to her bed, still clearly stoned from the anesthetics. Phoenix chuckles from the hilarity. "She the drugs wear off, we will see if she wants to eat." The doctor said as he called maria over walkie talkie. "Ms. Hill, the new patient has all foreign objects removed, and moving onto the other problems. When you are done with your business, I request that you see her, just to check progress." The doctor said as he wrote notes down of her current health. @LokiofSP
Hill gritted her teeth as Jack dissapred and pinched the bridge of her nose as she heard the report, "Ok-Ok great, the stupid damn animals fine. I'll send in like, I dunno, White Star, maybe the incompetent ass won't mess this up..."

Bob walked into the doctor's room, "Hey doc, I was sent by miss Hill to check on-" He stopped when he laid eyes on Luna, "The cutest kitty of all time!"
(Not much Jack got confronted to join)

Jumping Out of the hole he made as Maniac was falling a piece of the wall chipped off hittkng huh is belt. "What the-" he said as a light enveloped him and he teleported to the ground.
"Please be careful Bob, her tail has poisonous spikes." The doctor said as Phoenix pets luna as she slept. "She is drugged out, just pet anywhere but the tail." He said to Bob as he discovers ticks and worms in her fur, all full of her blood. "When she wakessss up, you and I will giver her a bath." Phoenix said to Bob. @LokiofSP
"This thing can make me teleport!" he exclaimed. "Man all those times I jumped off buildings I could've saved time by teleporting half wwy down the jjump." he said surprised and annoyed
(Just so you know, she is as big as a great Dane. She is light due to malnutrition.) Luna still sleeps, but purrs as she stirs in her sleep. Her tongue hangs out like a cliche dead corpse, as she snored. "She is going to be even cuter once she is clean of any parasites." The doctor said with a chuckle. @LokiofSP

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