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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
(Probably and btw @LucianGrey7971 they entered a different room)
Cassandra waited in the vent for the signal. Though she wasn't sure if trashing the place would do anything.
Ivory felt a familiar pull, similar to the one he had when they faced Massacre, he looked around and stood up to follow it, stoping at the vents, "Cassandra, is that you?"
Shit, I've been discovered, Cassandra thought. Though Ivory may think that he was just seeing things so she remained silent.
If the situation had been such a serious one, as well as the fact that he had Maria Hill in front of him, he would have laughed. Instead he simply smiled, "Sorry Director but your incentive has fallen flat. If the day ever comes, and that's a big IF I decide to take up the name Captain America it will be of my own accord, not one bestowed on me. As for being leader? No thanks, if Dimtri wants it he can have it." At this point he let out an angry sigh, "I don't want the serum, and the fact that you claim to have and your offering makes you a fool. I really hope you don't plan to use it, that's a whole other subject..."

"I won't be signing, and I never will be." he pushed the paper back towards her. "It's a mistake, it was a mistake in the past and it's repeating now. I'm not interested in being told by anyone on who I save, who I protect, who I choose to fight. My father, Captain America, stood against this bill and I do the same of my own opinion. It's wrong to try and pressure anyone to give up who they are or their rights, we're people just like anyone else and we make mistakes. We don't deserve to be treated like dogs that pee'd on the carpet. That's where I stand, and it's where I'll always stand."
Pyosimros said:
Shit, I've been discovered, Cassandra thought. Though Ivory may think that he was just seeing things so she remained silent.
Ivory was hesitant, about to back away but this feeling, this connection wasn't something that could be tricked. It was either Cassandra, or another Symbiote, either way he didn't want to chance it. He had tendrils at the ready, "If you're not Cassandra come out with your hands up, if you are.....Come out with your hand up because I could really use a hug right now..."
Jordan silently clutched the side of his head. "...." It hurt a bit whenever he heard the voice speak to him, but it was something he had gotten used to. "Well this has been fun but...I'm gonna have to say no to this stupid, unconstitutional, piece of crap that you call the hero registration act"
Crono said:
If the situation had been such a serious one, as well as the fact that he had Maria Hill in front of him, he would have laughed. Instead he simply smiled, "Sorry Director but your incentive has fallen flat. If the day ever comes, and that's a big IF I decide to take up the name Captain America it will be of my own accord, not one bestowed on me. As for being leader? No thanks, if Dimtri wants it he can have it." At this point he let out an angry sigh, "I don't want the serum, and the fact that you claim to have and your offering makes you a fool. I really hope you don't plan to use it, that's a whole other subject..."
"I won't be signing, and I never will be." he pushed the paper back towards her. "It's a mistake, it was a mistake in the past and it's repeating now. I'm not interested in being told by anyone on who I save, who I protect, who I choose to fight. My father, Captain America, stood against this bill and I do the same of my own opinion. It's wrong to try and pressure anyone to give up who they are or their rights, we're people just like anyone else and we make mistakes. We don't deserve to be treated like dogs that pee'd on the carpet. That's where I stand, and it's where I'll always stand."
Maria gritted her teeth before waving her hand, "Only know that I'm not taking you out here and now because I know that having the son of America's hero dead on my time would be bad....But so help me Conner Rogers I will send my best after you, and you WILL be captured or even killed if necessary. Now go dammit! I'll talk to your dad later about teaching his kid some damn manners."
Jordan immediately felt something was completely wrong and looked out a window "....anyone want to explain why the ground around the building is like the aircrafts around the building...and by that I mean on fire?"
Connor shook his head in distaste, "Your going too far with this. I just hope you see it before we lose any good people." The boy started to turn and leave before looking over his shoulder. "Oh and by the way I speak for Alexander Barnes as well, not interested. And Maria, leave my parents out of this." And with that he exited back into the room with the others. A shiver running up his spine as he did, not one that could be noticed and he looked at the others. "She actually tried to bribe me."
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"Ah, just the person I was looking for. I believe I struck Maria a deal earlier for your capture," Joseph smirked looking the same way as where Ivory looked.

It's him, better strike now before he does, Cassandra thought and she kicked the door opened and leaped towards Joseph. But instead of hitting him she accidentally hit Perry. "Crap!" She yelled and Perry produced two small circular disks and placed both of them on her temples. The next moments were the most painful moments she ever felt. It was a sonic attack, leaving her on the floor in a fetal position. "AHHH!!!" She screamed as the symbiote ripped away from her.
Allison, still looking like Marko, went behind Perry and held a knife to his neck. "Whatever you are doing to her, stop it now!"
Pyosimros said:
"Ah, just the person I was looking for. I believe I struck Maria a deal earlier for your capture," Joseph smirked looking the same way as where Ivory looked.
It's him, better strike now before he does, Cassandra thought and she kicked the door opened and leaped towards Joseph. But instead of hitting him she accidentally hit Perry. "Crap!" She yelled and Perry produced two small circular disks and placed both of them on her temples. The next moments were the most painful moments she ever felt. It was a sonic attack, leaving her on the floor in a fetal position. "AHHH!!!" She screamed as the symbiote ripped away from her.
Time slowed down as he watched what was going on, the symbiote was being...Ripped from Cassandra... He knew from experience how much that hurt...How much searing pain one felt as it was burned from your skin, and that was only the surface pain... He looked at who was doing it and saw Perry...His friend... His cousin hurting her. He grabbed the circular disks from her head, the voltage now coursing through him, and the it to the ground, "THAT'S IT! IF THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE PRO! COUNT ME OUT!"

Then almost like some kind of damn mind reader, Maria Hill appeared on the screen, very peeved, "Next one...Ivory Dalai NOW!"
Cassandra quickly ripped them off of her head and threw them onto the floor, and the pain was gone. But the symbiote didn't return. "ASSHOLE!!! I'LL KILL YOU-" She screamed walking towards Perry and she was knocked unconscious my Joseph from behind. "Well, I do believe me duties are fulfilled."

Perry quickly dodged the fireballs. "Hey! Fire lady did you hear about what happened to the fire nation?" He kept dodging and the sprinkler system turned on. "The water nation struck back."
Perry was quickly grabbed by Allison but she looked like Marko. "Look, Mark. Those devices were created to battle symbiotes, ripping them away by means on sonic. It's still in the prototype phase so I didn't get to work on customer satisfaction."
The scene unfolding in front of him was one of shock and annoyance. Here...Stark Tower of all places, it was like a second home to him and to see this happening just made him angry. His shield being retrieved off of his back by instinct, "So what, we can't even stay civil in the waiting room?!"
Jordan looked at the fighting and sighed before his arm turned white hot again "It seems negotiations...have broken down" he executed a superman punch at Joseph

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