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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Just as Joseph was about to grab the now unconscious Cassandra he was blown to the other side of the room by someone else. The force was like he just picked a fight with the Juggernaught and he was blasted two rooms behind him. So he sat there, and let his healing factor kick in.
Allison morphed back into her original body and pulled off her mask. "Well that it is very disappointing that you didn't work on making the customer happy."
Miku starts to slowly get up. she notices some wires sticking out. she reaches for them to try and start an electrical fire but is to weak to reach them and falls back down.
Connor moved to Cassandra on the ground, keeping his eyes on the others in the room. He didn't want to be attacked for helping her, they'd fought side by side not a week ago, and he owed her. "Hey, you alright down there?" Trying to prop her head up.
"Incompetent... Fool..." Joseph slowly stood up, with what's left of the wall for support. "I was simply retrieving the lady!!" He shouted holding his stomach with on hand and a nanobot serum with the other. He slowly injected himself to boost the healing effects and he slowly walked over.
The snake and flower image popped up on the screens in the room. "I would like to speak to Maria Hill." A female voice said. "Where is she?"
Ivory looked out at the window, fire surrounded the tower and he doubted that Maria Hill would let him walk away if he politely declined the offer to register, he walked to the window and picked up Cassandra on his way, anyone who can't fly and isn't going to join, take my hand.

Pyosimros said:
"Incompetent... Fool..." Joseph slowly stood up, with what's left of the wall for support. "I was simply retrieving the lady!!" He shouted holding his stomach with on hand and a nanobot serum with the other. He slowly injected himself to boost the healing effects and he slowly walked over.
Bob looked at Joseph and his eyes widened, "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" He fumbled with his helmet before putting it on and shakily holding his gun, "Br-bring it on!"
"I don't recall the lady asking to be retrieved," he grabbed his right wrist and moved his left hand up and down as if reloading "I got more where that came from if you're stupid enough to try again."
Miku looked up and saw joseph walking towards Cassandra. when he was close enough she Grabbed his leg. "Dont hurt them" she said weakily and started to heat up her hand to a high tempurature in a attempt of burning him
He watched Ivory leave with Cassandra and moved and was immediately on Joseph, but instead of attacking, he picked up Miku and slung her over his shoulder "...So it's been quite lovely watching these so called..Civil proceedings break down...but I don't feel like killing anyone today so I'll take my leave. You can tell MAria Hill that Chaos said to burn the contract, cause I refuse"
Jordan looked at Joseph again before smirking "I hope to see you again...next time I'll knock some manners into that skull of yours." Jordan flew out the window and disappeared into the sky
Reaper said:
He frowned at the mention of the name quicksilver. In his eyes, he would never live up to his fathers name. He always seemed to know what to do and he always stayed calm. That wasn't Dimitri, and now he has more responsibility than his father ever did. Dimitri had a sinking feeling in his stomach, a fear of failure. "Yea... Hehe... You don't think I'm in over my head, do you?"
Finn shrugged, wincing internally at calling him the wrong name. "I don't know man, this whole registration thing sucks, I just hope that we don't all end up hating each other." He waved a final goodbye to Dimitri before leaving the building. He spent the next couple of days at home on his own, doing nothing but watching tv and eating take out. On the day of the group meeting he sluggishly got up and headed towards Stark Tower. He arrived a little bit late due to his urge to skip the meeting and was shocked to see what was going on. People were fighting, someone was passed out, and Maria Hill was glaring at everyone like she was the Wicked Witch of the West and wanted to eat our pets.

He glared around the room. "Are you guys serious? No wonder we all can't work together during a threat. Look at you all. This was supposed to be a peaceful meeting to discuss pro's and con's before you all registered or didn't." He shook his head. "You're all being childish, I already registered due to personal reasons, I won't hate you if you don't because you're all my friends and friends don't abandon each other in times of trouble like this. And it appears that you all need to be a little more gentle, EVERY TIME I SEE THAT GIRL SHE'S PASSED OUT. I don't think I've seen her once where she was awake other than that time she was attacking us. Wasn't she a dude though..." He kind of murmured. "Whatever, transgender people are cool too. So everybody calm down, apologize, and let's all get along for once." He concluded his speech.

"Chaos. You all think you're fighting for freedom, but all you'll accomplish is chaos...." Dimitri said, entering the room in a suit and tie with Harry following soon after. ".... You can't even have a meeting without bloodshed. How do you expect to protect a planet?"
Clair walked in shortly afterwards carrying a folder under her arm and a cup of coffee in the other before sitting down and waiting for the meeting to start.

Things were.....tense to say the least, she frowned and looked to Dimitri, she had a feeling this meeting was not going to end well.

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