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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Joseph walked into Stark Tower grinning and was immediately slammed into the wall by Perry. He winced slightly until he continued his same attitude. "What the hell are you doing here?" Perry growled. "Ah, my old vessel. You see, the government needs more people working under them. And they hired me! This news isn't entirely new, this happened when the old Bill got passed," Joseph said calmly. If Perry were to harm him he would get punished.
Pyosimros said:
Perry looked at him disappointed. But alas, it was his choice. He sighed and he patted Ivory on the back. "You can still come with me before, y'know other people start hunting you down."
"But...But... GAH!" He put his face in his hands, "I don't know what to do, when I'm registering what would I do when it asks me for powers? I have a sticky gooey alien that helps me? God forbid they ask me about my parents, both of which are in some way clones! But then again, if I sign up, they could protect my family and help keep the voices down. I-I just don't know."
"I'm in position," Cassandra whispered through her comm. Peaking through the vent looked at the meeting take place. "There's Ivory, some military personnel, a lot of knocked out officers, and may others."
Perry let him go with an aggressive shove and he looked over. It was Cassandra, without her symbiote for some reason. "Hey! You finally turned around!" He smiled walked over to Allison.
Jordan looked around slowly for a second. The molecules around him were still modified and had only heard someone say they were in position. What's going on here...he thought
(Oh man now I'm torn between doing what's right and being a jerk what to choose?)

Hearing Ivory's comment about the voices Maniac turned to him and said "I wouldn't trust them on that part or any of this you all know this is just to give the government good props right?" he asked them
"I'll make it clear to you guys now." He said, his smile fading though his friendly demeanor stayed. He was ready to get to the point, on his part anyway. "I'm not signing, and anyone who doesn't want to sign has my support, for whatever that's worth." He took in a deep breath and let it out. "We shouldn't even need to have this conversation but we are, we all have our own choices to make. I'm only here to make it clear that I don't want any part of the bill honestly to everyone involved, and to see everyone after this crazy week."
"Yes, I changed my mind. I realized now that this will help everyone and that I was being selfish." Allison said. "Now, before I sign, I want to know exactly what I am getting into."
"You'd think that since this happened before and...yknow...CAPTAIN AMERICA was opposed to it, and it started a hellacious war that claimed the lives of many heroes, they'd avoid this at all costs...but no, the government has to constantly control everything in order to keep heroes under their thumbs. Do you truly believe that they won't attempt to use your family against you to keep you in line?"
Before a response could be given, a voice was heard and Maria Hill's face showed up on the TV screen, "Hello...This is Maria Hill...Nice to know you all actually showed up... So lets get started." She pulled up a list of names, "First I need to see America's child himself, Conner come down here..."

(Also Pyo, you forgot John.... Again....Just like DC)
(He's probably gonna ditch, it's funny how he can just reality warp this so all this never happened xD but imma go Doctor Strange and do nothing)

What the hell is she doing? Cassandra looked at one of the robo-ladies that morphed into her.
The guy he'd met at the stations words rang true and Connor thought about his father, one of his biggest worries was that when he opposed the bill was that they might try to use his parents. But before anything else could be said Maria Hill came up on the screen and he hardened his face as he stood up from his seat. There was no way to know what would go down after this was all said and done, "You guys take care." He said before leaving to meet with whatever was in the room with the register. He was a little nervous but he'd never admit it or show it. "Director Hill." He greeted as he entered.
Watching Connor get up when Maria Hill called him Maniac got up and stretched. "Well might as well do something while I'm here" he thought feeling bored
(Oh crap, I just noticed... If Cassandra were to go into the open like that a gang of S.H.I.E.L.D. officers would go after so...)
Crono said:
The guy he'd met at the stations words rang true and Connor thought about his father, one of his biggest worries was that when he opposed the bill was that they might try to use his parents. But before anything else could be said Maria Hill came up on the screen and he hardened his face as he stood up from his seat. There was no way to know what would go down after this was all said and done, "You guys take care." He said before leaving to meet with whatever was in the room with the register. He was a little nervous but he'd never admit it or show it. "Director Hill." He greeted as he entered.
Maria Hill gave the closest thing she would ever give to a smile...A salute, "Conner, nice to see you. I understand that years ago your father was faced with a similar choice years ago. As you've demonstrated you seem to be a bit more smart and understanding then he was so please...Register, we understand you've been having second thoughts so we thought to give you a bit of...Incentive we would tell you this... We've managed to successfully replicate the super solider serum, and though Dimitri may lead the team for...Political reasons, we look to have you take up your father's mantle, move on for "Wonderboy" and actually be Captain America, we have the training you'd need and we got the juice, so what do you say?" She pushed forward the paper, "Suit up?"

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