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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Niki blaze. Now there is a name that flows. Niki blaze.... Nikiiiii blaze.... I'm Dimitri maximoff by the way. Doesn't sound quite as velvety."
Kelai crashes through the hotel window, grinning "That was fun. Knocked one girl out and then I almost killed the Captain America's kid, but Marko had to save his ass" he spits on the floor and sits down "I introduced myself though" kelai says, cracking his knuckles

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Tanya used her telepathy to connect Justice's mind with all of the Avengers. "Yea you can now talk to them." She stated unhappily.
"Glad you had fun" he said. "When I think about how the Avengers are doing" he said but paused for a sec. "Against these test I must say they're failing so this is what I'm going to do" he said. "Thank you" he said turning his attention to Tanya. "Now Avengers" he said to each one of them. "You all are heroes just like me" he said. "And these tests I've been giving aren't bringing the results i tjought they would. So this is what I'm going to do" he said "So I hope your listening" he said to them

@Archangel Galdrael
@National @Church Burning @AnnoDomini

@CasualDragon @Reaper
Niki did hear a voice but it wasn't her other sides voice. She listened intently, knowing if they tried to control her, the spirit of vengeance would fight back and go out of control.
"I'm going to kill all the villains here and then start killing potential villains in the near future" he said calmly. "And you have two options you can join me or oppose me. Although we don't need to fight we are heroes after all so what do you say?"
"If you're a hero, then why attack us?" Dimitri asked. "And if you're so noble then why not join us, rather than the other way around."
Marko nods "Exactly! And we also know Kel- I mean Black Fist is working for you, and he attacked our avengers just now. What do you have to say about that?"

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((Waiting for something to happen, since everybody is sort of frozen whilst Justice just attacked Aedan's mind...))
Connor felt like he'd regained control, but with his frozen momentum thanks to Aedan he couldn't fully test it out, other than vocally. "I-I'm not sure if I'm myself. Maybe?" He wish he could see the others behind him, he'd heard Aedan yelling before. Marko was talking to him, "No..I'm fine. SHIELD patched me up before we arrived." Though that didn't account for the hits he'd taken from Kelai and the mystery girl by this point. He would have gladly collapsed somewhere given he had a choice at this point.

He heard Justice's voice in his head and grit his teeth, it was the same voice he'd heard tell him to attack the girl who revealed her name as Nikki. He heard Dimitri talking back, and oddly enough he seemed much more calm than Connor at the moment.

Connor snorted, who in the hell did this Justice guy think he was? Attacking the Avengers? Tests? Plans to kill all Villains? He was a serious wannabe. "Don't think so pal." Connor said to the open air, assuming Justice could hear him. "Sounds like to me you are used to having your way. And when you don't get it you use your power of suggestion or whatever it is, to make sure you do. It's kind of like a toddler throwing a tantrum wouldn't you say? We're used to dealing with tantrums, and toddlers. We deal with villains, we don't kill them. And we won't let you do what you want either." Jack had said what Cassie and Dimitri had done, and he didn't blame them, but he stood by his ideals and he knew they probably regretted it.
Aedan clutched his head momentarily, as if he had an awful hangover which brought a vicious headache, before gazing about the room. And removing his power, since it was becoming far too difficult to keep up with... "What the hell?" He sneered at Justice's communication. "Your despicable! More villainous than most villains! And you call yourself 'Justice'? You're an embarrassment to all real heroes!" Aedan insulted, at Justice, knowing he was watching.
Niki bit her lip, knowing that the spirit of vengeance killed evil doers, completely contradicting what Connor said. She and the other knew they weren't going to join them, but continue as they were.
"Dmitri and Connor right? Well I agree you may see my antics as a toddler's actions but I can assure I've never had my way in this damn world I'm sure my old friend Jack will inform you that's true" he said walking towards the window and staring out at it. "I am doing what's best for all" he said in response to Aedan. "Has the government done anything to help you?" he asked the team of heroes. "When Massacre abd HYDRA attacked sid they send one chopper or military personnel to help you? Oh and when you lock up a villain and they break out attacking innocents those you care about you exact vengeance don't you?" he asked them waiting for a response
Cass pointed in the direction of Ivory's parents house. "That Way," she said. She stroked Ivory's hair as h slept, smiling. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep.
Marko growled "We exact vengeance, but that doesn't mean we kill them. We only killed Massacre because he was a massive threat that could not be contained. Justice my ass"

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"You can shut your damn mouth now, Mr. Psychic. We all know how 'great' and rightful you are so you can shut it now." She sneered. If we find them, will you let me out to play, Niki dear?, her other said. Sure why not, Niki thought back to her other.
Hypnas stood in the corner of the room, listening. "Potential villains?" she said out loud. "I wonder if he means me..." she walked over to Dimitri an then laughs at Mario's response. "Ello Mercury," he whispered in his ear to startle him. "How's my favorite hero?"


Reaper said:
"If you're a hero, then why attack us?" Dimitri asked. "And if you're so noble then why not join us, rather than the other way around."
Connor was grateful to be released from Aedan's power, though he might have fallen to the ground had Marko not been there supporting him. "Best for all? Sounds to me like your just looking to have your twisted version of fun." At the mention of the military and HYDRA Connor looked at the floor. It was true the general had lent a Null bot and a jet but no he hadn't sent them aid, hadn't told the other Avengers where they'd gone. He'd let Aedan and Connor deal with it, they'd used the general and in return he'd used them.

"We do the right thing. What the original Avengers did, what our parents taught us to do. There are no Heroes or Villains, there is just right and wrong. And what your planning is wrong. That's why we'll oppose you, and it's why we'll stop you."
Tanya began shaking slightly and she was developing a heavy headache. She closed her eyes to try to relax. Amelia looked over at her and then at Justice. "You have to hurry. The connection isn't going to last much longer. She can't hold onto it for that long." She stated.
"My friends since when has justice ever been fair?" he asks. "You call me a villain but others might say I'm a hero? Besides what have I done that's villainous you can't possibly tell me that killing a sociopath, a serial killer, a world class thief and a homicidal offender are crimes right? Are you telling me you'd prefer for them to wait out in prison till their death sentences arrived? If anything I did your so called system a favor by making their sentence earlier than later" he said calmly. "You say what I'm doing is wrong but when is anything someone does considered right to the outside viewer" he stated. Nodding at Amelia "I've got one final thing to say"

"Still as philosophical as ever huh Justice" a voice said. "Man getting in hear was harder than I thought can't believe SHIELD has a system that lets you interrupt telepathy like this" Maniac said
Alex was sitting, motionless. It was his reaction to the fact that he heard voices. After passing through different brain washing techniques, tortures and many beatings, his initial reaction was to stand still, sort-of locking himself in. "... If you kill Totenkopf... you have my support." Alex said, almost not moving. He then shook his head, putting a hand on his head, it starting to pulsate hard. "I want him to suffer... to see his life, passing before his eyes, begging for it to stop." Alex said, a grin appearing on his face. Something in the gulag broke him, and now, it was clawing itself out of Alex.
Dimitri was incredibly caught off guard by Hypnas. "Jes-... How do you always do that??" He said, spinning around. "Uhh... Hey, you know this band of evil dudes going around making a mess? You don't have anything to do with that, do you?"

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