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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Everyone's mind is being messed with by... Something, possibly a meta human, and Cassie was no exception. She made the suit lower her voice and she made the suit a bit bigger." He turned to Dimitri. "She wasn't a man, idiot!"
Connor gave Alex a sly smile, "Had a welcome home throwdown, no big deal." He whispered back with a shrug. Though it had been more than that.

He felt momentarily like he was being given the runaround about Cassie. Bigger suit. Turned into a man. Mind being messed with. Though it wasn't too difficult to put things together. "So what?" He started, a little annoyed. "She's out there doing...? And we're just sitting here." The boy sighed, everyone had been telling him things had gone down since he'd left, he was starting to realize just how much. He rubbed gently at his eyes with his right hand.
Amelia was flying around the Tower when she gave the order. "Fire." Amelia fired the missiles and her grenade launcher at the top of the Tower while Liona fired he rail gun that caused massive explosions to the Tower. Tanya and Allison stood back for the moment to wait for their orders. @anyone in the Stark Tower
((In plain view, shorts are easier for when he has to 'change', they make less of a mess lol))

Finn nodded. "Damn right you should have invited us along! Would have been better than sitting here with our thumbs up our asses!" He ruffled Connor's hair. "It's good to have you guys back." He added solomnly. "And don't worry about what happened two months ago. Who knows what would have happened if you guys didn't go after Alex. By the way, where did you guys go? One moment you were there and the next you were gone."

He glared Harry Osbourne's way. "So you're on our side now? Last time I saw you, you were trying to get the public to rally against us. I don't like you, I hope you know that right now. I don't trust you as far as I could throw you and trust me, that's pretty far." He growled. "If you want to get as much attention as you were before, maybe you should go join those other villains who're murdering people." He mumbled.

@Crono @Reaper @anybody else here
Harry moved closer to Finn. "I tried to create a way to make humans better. To create us stronger as a species. I believed I succeeded so I tried it, and you know what? It makes me a bit crazy sometimes. Sometimes I hurt people with the power I've gotten. Does that sound familiar?"
Using the comm he received from Amelia Justice speaks into and tells Tanya

"Throw in a smoke screen iin the room the avengers are in" he says teleporting in front of Stark Tower's entrance "I'm going to say hi " he said lifting up his hood and putting on his mask

@Pink Gorilla
Connor smiled at Finn and ruffled his hair back in retaliaton, "In short..Siberia, cold, HYDRA, super soldiers. We couldn't get an outgoing signal, couldn't contact anyone here. We we're being constantly signal jammed by something." Noticing the prosthetic leg Finn had Connor once again found himself inwardly frowning. There was alot for him to makeup for.

He admittedly knew very little of Harry Osborne but Finn's reaction was enough. He wrapped an arm around Finn's shoulders, pointing at him with the arm with the cast. "What he said. Minus helping our enemies though." And when Harry moved closer Connor narrowed his eyes at him.

The tower shook with the explosions and Connor found himself grinding his teeth in anger. Nothing had changed after all this time, the tower was still under constant attack, his friends we're still getting hurt, killed even...and the innocents we're in the crossfire. Nothing has changed.
Tanya used her telepathy to figure out which room the avengers were in. She opened the door and threw in a smoke grenade and stepped out again. She went back down to Justice. "It is done." Amelia and Liona ceased fire to allow Justice to get in harm free. @The Regal Rper
Mako gets up from his chair that he was sleeping in screaming "Wait no no no!" The explosions and smoke threw him off his chair and he looks around. He has a bad dream

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Finn winced. "That was a low blow." He turned away from Harry before he blew a fuse. He had the urge to smash him to a pulp right here right now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore both Harry and the explosions. "Can we not get a break around here." He grunted through clenched teeth.

After their two month break it seemed as if things were almost worse than they were before. More villains, more death, more destruction of this innocent building. He shook his head. "So what are we going to do?"

@Reaper @anybody else

((Check Out Of Character on the last page :) I gave you a little summary @Church Burning ))
Niki saw smoke pouring out a window at Stark Towers. She drove up and parked on the curb. She walked inside and followed the smell of smoke. She felt her other side straining at her leash but she barely contained him with a straight face. She saw some people and walked over casually. "What's going on?" She said, gritting her teeth in concentration on restraining her other side.
Marko fumbled over to Dimitri and Finn and the biker lady "Yeah what she said. What the hell is happening?"

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Harry went to the balcony and jumped off onto his glider, before flying up high. Dimitri zipped to the top of the building as well. He looked at his hands and tried to recreate the fire.
Niki's head whipped around the room, feeling another presence. Let me out, we will win!,said the Spirit of Vengeance. She grit her teeth and balled up her fists, trying not to let it out.
Harry and Dimitri we're gone, and then smoke was filling the room. He coughed as he swatted at the smoke in his face, spotting a girl, someone else he didn't know entering. He grabbed the shield off his back once again with a flinch, he wouldn't just stand around. He spotted a figure deep in the smoke, narrowing his eyes trying to make out if it was a friend or foe.
Finn was grinding his teeth together as Harry flew off. "Just like a villain, fly off at the first sign of trouble." He growled. "I hope he gets his skull bashed in." He shook his head. "That's not a very heroic thing to say." He turned towards Marco and the girl with the chains. "Hell if I know what's going on. My guess is that our friends at Villains Incorporated have corraled us in here and are planing on offing us." He closed his eyes again and took deep breaths, he was angry, and angry was not good. He thought about L.A. which certainly wasn't helping. He instead envisioned Harry repeatedly running face first into a sign board.

@National @Church Burning @anybodeh else
Niki couldn't hold back anymore and she let the spirit loose. She flamed up, and stood there, leather sizzling and her chain white hot. She turned to the figure and unleashed her chain, wrapping around his foot and bring him out.
Harry flew full speed at the attacker as the blades extended from the front of his glider. "And just who the hell are you??"
Marko flies up to the roof of the tower. He takes off his mask and starts to hum very very very very quietly, the vibrations shaking off the smoke from the tower around him

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Tanya followed Justice into the Tower after him. Liona, Amelia, and Allison followed Tanya, absolutely disgusted in what they had done, but they couldn't fight themselves to stop it. @The Regal Rper
Marko sees Justicelking to Fin and he fires a large energy blast straight into Justice's chest

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