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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kelai thinks about going to finish her off, but he is here to only introduce himself in his own way. He climbs up the stairs, searching for more prey

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Seeker got up, trying to stand. She turned on her communicator and tried to contact Marko about the intruders and what was happening while having a pained voice. Trying to keep from blacking out
Getting the information from Tanya he goes through it. "Aedan has momentum manipulation hm? Having him under my control could prove useful" he thought going through each members power and abilities.
Marko walks down, searching for Seeker. He then sees Kelai "Shit what are you doing here?! Get out before they know who you are!" Marko hisses at him. Kelai shakeshi head "No can do man. I need to introduce myself to your friends anyways" Kelai cracks his knuckles "Move amigo"

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(( Funny thing is, Seeker isn't in the files lol

Seeker tries to fly towards the rest, only to see Marko and Kelai. She tried to say something, but didn't as she soon blacks out and falls. The pain really taking a toll, colliding with the ground was just as painful. She couldn't move or do anything, it was useless
(Everyone poofed so I guess I'm the prey. xD )

"Which floor friday!?" Connor called out, leaving his crutch and moving away from the couch. Maybe he shouldn't be fighting but he couldn't just sit around. "Stairwell." The A.I. replied and Connor entered, looking down he could see Kelai coming up, and recognized him from the broadcast they'd been shown earlier. "You!" He spots Marko nearby as well, "What is it with you guys and busting into the tower anyways?"
Marko raises up his hands "Wait no I'm not on his side!" Kelai grunts and runs towards Connor, punching at him.

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Seeker woke up, still sore but flies after the two and then takes the blow for connor as she stops him just in time to throw him away from where the two were
What did Marko say? Connor didn't have time to worry about it as he found fists flying at him from Kelai, immediately throwing up his shield. Until Seeker knocked him out of the way and took the hits. "Hey!" He called out, angry that she'd done it, he regained his composure and threw his shield horizontally at Kelai.
Kelai sighs as he grabs at a pillar and throws himself back at the three, grabbing the shield and throwing it at Seeker. He steps in close to Connor, where no one can interfere, and starts to attack him.

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Connor knew he was in a bad spot the moment his shield got grabbed. He grit his teeth as Kelai neared for the one on one action. Ignore the pain, focus! he told himself. He'd have to at this point, with no shield he'd lost his only advantage. The first punch Kelai sends his way he sidesteps and moves around, bringing a knee up towards the mans gut.
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Seeker catches it, and throws it to Connor to use. Soon landing besides Marko, leaning against a wall to keep from falling down and blacking out for sure
Marko catches seeker "Woah there. Kelai really did a number on you. In not surprised. He fights all the time. Its his life." Marko watches as Connor and Kelai fight

Kelai sees that there is no way for him to get out of the knee, so he brings his fist right to Connors Jaw

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Seeker held on an then nodded, not having the strength to speak but only watch. Her legs felt like they were gonna give out, but she steady herself
The small victory of landing the hit on the mans gut didn't last as he felt the fist hit his jaw, the blow was disorienting as he stumbled two steps back. He caught sight of the familiar blue blur of the shield heading his way and caught it, he tried to keep the motion going the best he could by spinning to the right with the catch on his good arm. The motion bringing the shielded arm towards Kelai's upper body, he was already feeling the effects of his fighting earlier that day, breathing harder than he normally would by now.
Kelai grunts as he feels the shield connect with his gut, throwing him back. He flips back up on his feet, grinning "That's more like it. But I feel that you are a bit tired Mr. WonderBoy" Kelai concentrates, and his fists glow with black chi surrounding them again. "I came here to properly introduce myself. I am Black Fist, Son and Murderer of Iron Fist" He charges at Connor and he throws his left fist straight at Connors head, keeping his right fist ready for a counter

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Seeker freezes in shock, someone killing they're own father?! Why would he..there could be reasonable explanation but that doesn't mean he should have done it. Sure it was his choice and she wasn't there. But still, Seeker started to see the place spin as she was becoming dizzy
Mr. Wonderboy? Connor couldn't tell if he was actually trying to be formal with it or if he was taunting him. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Connor smiled at him, playing it off. Connor saw the glowing fist and knew he couldn't take a hit like that, pulling his shield up he blocked it but the impact was enough to knock him off balance. "Killing your dad huh? Guess you can't go much lower than that." He must be in worse shape than he thought, starting to feel drained, so why was he taunting this guy? He kept his shield up high for protection as he went for a leg sweep.
Kelai grins as he locks Connors leg with his and tosses him Down to the floor, Kelai's right fist hovering over Connor's face "You could call it despicable, but until you know the full story, no half ass opinion will do much effect"

Marko sees Seeker spinning and he catches her "Hey you okay? I know he's a crazy guy but I didn't know he threw you in for that much of a loop"

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Seeker made an attempt to chuckle but only groans, "There was two...him....and another one. The girl. ...she got away with the files. I tried to stop them both...." She was having a trouble time speaking
Connor hit the ground with a grunt of pain, panting as he stared at Kelai's fist. "Fair enough. But you we're apart of that Justice guys execution, and your here attacking my friends. So I'm afraid my judgement is a bit biased already." Could he get out of this predicament? Should he? No, he still had things he needed to say to the others, things to try and make up for. He kicked one of his legs out quickly as a distraction as he threw his right arm with the shield on it up at Kelai.
Marko looks at Seeker "its okay. We can't get her now, she is probably outta here. The person we need to worry about is Kelai. If we don't take care of him now, we will all die

Kelai falls back as the shield hits him right on the chin, a small stream of blood spilling out. He gets up angrily and the chi around his fists start to form into the heads of tigers. He charges at Connor and fires two blinding punches at Connor. Suddenly, is pushed back as Marko tackles him back. Marko holds out his hand for Connor as he stares down Kelai "Alright man, you had your fun. You can now leave" Kelai laughs "Oh Wonderboy. You lucky bastard. If Marko wasn't there, more patriotic blood would a been spilled on this building." Kelai turns off his chi and does a mock salute before he jumps off the building and vanishes into the mist. "Damnit Kelai" Marko whispers to himself as he helps up Connor

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Seeker nods and watches before helping him out as well, she pulled away only to finally fully fall onto the ground and blacks out from her fight earlier. She just needed was some rest, and things to heal her afterwards. All she could feel was nothing at the moment, only darkness surrounding her as she floats around in mindless thought. Seeker didn't know what to do, as she was still floating around in her mind
For a brief moment Connor really did think that was it before Marko got involved. He told Kelai to leave and he actually listened, Connor wasn't sure what to make of it. And there was the death threat he was practically used to at this point, though he couldn't disagree in his current state. Marko helped him up and Connor eyed him a moment, "You two know each other or something?" He asked with a curiously raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. He is...was...is.. One of my best friends. We knew each other since we were born, and we were almost always together. Then, things took a change for the worst "Marko walks over and gently picks up Seeker and taking her to the couch nearby, gently placing her on the couch

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