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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Liona ran after Tanya and watched from a distance. Tanya took her armor off and placed it nearby and walked through the front door of the Tower. She didn't bother going over to anyone to ask them for their information. She went to the nearest computer and tried to hack into the Tower's database discreetly as Liona watched from afar.
Marko whispers to Aedan "I saw you light up a little when I mentioned Thanos. Well not really light up, more the opposite. I know we haven't met at all, but you can trust me. Besides, were avengers together "Marko didn't know if Aedan was or wasn't an avenger, so he just guessed that he was

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Victoria quickly got up and turned into Seeker, running off knowing they wouldn't probably care where she was going. Flying through the building, she finds Tanya and flies straight at her with much force of pushing her away from the computer
"Fist since the avengers have been ignoring you why don't you make yourself known" he said turning to him. "I'm sure your friend Marko would be happy to see you" he says with a smile "besides it seems Tanya is making progress provide a distraction so she is not disturbed" he said @National
Kelai grins, and he jumps out of the hotel window, and he runs to Stark Tower. He goes inside sneakily and sees Tanya being attacked by Seeker. He quickly intervenes and punches Seeker in the stomach "Back off"

Marko stands up "And Seeker also said she would-... Where did she go?" Marko looks around the room, confused. He swore he just saw her

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(When she attacked I was like "Cmon Seeker Cmon I was so close" @InsaneKiller19 )

Justice teleports to a building across Stark Tower sitting on the roof top he takes the other girls with him who are now also under his control. "Now Amelia tell me about this boss of yours" he asked her again leaning back with Binoculars watching the fight.
Tanya got up off the floor and looked at the Seeker. "Who the Hell are you!?" She screamed as she picked up a chair with her mind and threw it at her. "Mind your own business and leave me alone!" @InsaneKiller19
"Anyways cap, not that I mean to brag, but I tooootally mean to brag. Turns out I'm an inhuman and I can get all firey! That's right, be jealous.... Wait.... Marko, about that gas...."
Seeker dodges, and throws a table her way "I am Seeker, and you are trespassing!!" She growls, flying after her and attacks
Aedan shuffled in his seat. "It's suicide..." He whispered, not seeing how they could possibly defeat someone as powerful as Thanos, but was also less inclined to be interested in discussing it. The gems were here, it was too late. Thanos would find out, arrive, kill everyone and there was nothing they could do about it as far as he was concerned... He then shuffled once more at Marko's words. "I'm no Avenger." Aedan hissed. Returning to his previous stance and distancing himself slightly.
Amelia tries to keep her mouth shut but she talks through her teeth. "Our leader. She gives us all the jobs and leads against villains and criminals. She works from a secret location."

"I am allowed to come here, the Avengers and I are allies. What business do you have attacking me!?" Tanya screamed, deflecting the table away from her.
Marko nods "Oh it is suicide. I know" he whispers as Marko stands up "What about the gas Dimitri? @Archangel Galdrael

Kelai stands in front of Tanya "Hurry up and get the data. I'll hold off this flying chick" Kelai fires off several jabs at Seeker

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Seeker dodges and sees that it flies towards Tanya, she hisses "You are no avenger......you are only corrupted" She sends two blasts towards both they're ways. (( It's funny how she is fighting and everyone else is talking lol
He motioned to Connor. "Eh? Ehhhh?" He said, moving his eyebrows up and down, elbowing Connor. "Ain't no one deserve it more than this one."
Connor blinked at Dimitri, "Your what?...Congrats?" He could hear Aedan's low hiss from across the room though unable to hear what was said, he shot the boy a questioning look. Then the towers alarms started going off, and Connor jumped to his feet. "What's going on now?" He asked reaching for the shield on his back.
Marko looks over at Connor "Hmmm, the son of Captain America, a good candidate" Marko hears the alarms and he gets I'm a ready stance "What the hell?"

Kelai jumps over the blast and kicks and lunches at Seeker, aiming for her pressure points. He flips around and slides, dodging the blasts and attacking from every side

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Seeker dodges all that she could, some getting through. She gets up when she fell and attacks him. Sending another blast his way before another at Tanya
Kekai grunts as the attack slams into his chest and he flies back. He flips over and uses the force to propel himself forward, throwing a mighty uppercut at Seeker

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Tanya dodged the blast before finishing hacking into the system and saving the files on a flash drive. She threw another chair at the Seeker before shattering the window and jumped out, hovering before landing on the ground. (Night guys its like 2:15 am where I am)
Seeker grunts before stumbling, sending a round house kick but didn't finish as she soon gets knocked out by the chair and fell to the ground grunting. She tried to fly after Tanya before she got away fully, but she decided to get up and knock Kekai out instead
Kelai gets up steadily from the impact, his chi making sure he doesn't go out "Heh. You're doing pretty good girl. But I haven't even used my REAL fists yet!" Kelai grins as his hands glow in a ghostly black aura, the chi surrounding his fists. He fires blasts of chi straight at Seeker

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Seeker stops it, by standing her ground and sending her own energy blast back. The only thing was, it wasn't in full use, so she got sent back across the building and landing hard straight at a wall. Soon colliding with the ground with a thud, she groaned trying to get up

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