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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The blonde gave the two a wave and a nod. "You'll have to forgive me...and him." Connor's head nodding at Aedan. "We only just found out about Tony and Pietro." Saying the names stung, he hadn't even used the formal titles. "It's just...been a long day." Connor noticed Aedan's silence, it was disconcerting. Just earlier he was berating Connor about him and Alex. Connor supposed that he himself was probably acting out of the norm, maybe? Hard to tell, hard to think.
Marko smiles under his mask "Your dad is a nice guy Seeker, and I am happy he is okay with my plan of the Mega Vision. Once I get the rest of the stones.." Marko turns back to the two "Sorry about that, I should inform you a little. I am collecting the Infinity stones to create a mega vision to fight Thanos, who will be coming soon. I saw it in a vision" He looks at Connor, his tone serious

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Seeker nods at Marko's words, smiling a bit towards him before having her usual straight facing expression. She changes back into Victoria and still doesn't say a word, just listening to them is enough for her
Dimitri ran into the room and picked Conner up, spinning around. "Uncle saaaaaaaaaaammm!!! Oh my god it's been so long! You leave for a few months and everything goes to hell! Don't ever leave again!!!"
Connor chuckled at Marko's words, had he just cracked? No, he was fine. "So this Justice and his partners...and Thanos too? Anything else I should know?" He really needed to sit down again, and he did in a chair. He rubbed at his face with his right hand before running it through his hair. "Where are Finn, Cassie, and Dimitri? Do you know? Why is the tower empty?" Was he being rude? He wasn't sure at this point.

And as if on cue there was Dimitri, and he was spinning, and everything hurt again. "Ow! Put me down!"
Victoria watches before smiling a bit at the scene, she didn't know what to do. So she decided to look around, leaving them bringing utter silence with her along. Victoria really didn't mind
He dropped Connor on the couch. "We have a bit of catching up to do, buddy." He said, smiling. Something about Connor and the sight of his shield made Dimitri feel as if their odds were incredible, and he was silly for thinking he had something to fear.
Marko nods "Indeed we do. There is a lot that we need to prepare for. I have three infinity stones secured, and I need three more. But before Thanos comes, we still have Justice to take care of"

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Aedan resignated to sitting at a chair near the back of the room, and remaining silent, simply listening to the earth's doom be explained. Thanos. Did he hear that right? THANOS?! Seemed it was time to start counting their days, The Mad Titan could take a hundred earths combined... So why was everyone so calm? Did they have a plan to beat him? They must have had a plan... Did he hear right? INFINITY STONES? That's it, they were going to get the multiverse destroyed Thanos would come for those the moment he knew where they were.

Although Aedan was aghast at the revelation of Thanos. he was also stunned with the appearance of a rather... enthusiastic Dmitri, he was certainly happy to see the speedster was relieved, rather than angry at Connor's sudden appearance... he also began to get the slight nagging feeling of why he was here. Like many times before the old self hate cropped up, now Connor was among his friends, his actual friends, Aedan felt more empty, but didn't show it. But instead sat silently, forcing a genuine looking smile.
Being dropped onto the couch hurt, but it was a good hurt, kinda. He was happy to see Dimitri, happy that his first words weren't I hate you. though he technically didn't expect that from anyone, it was just in his head. "I promise, I'm not going anywhere..." Then he remembered his talk with Alex about Africa," ...for now."

He missed Dimitri's goofy smile, missed being called Uncle Sam, surprisingly. He almost didn't have the heart to bring up Pietro, but he had to. "Yeah I guess we do...listen" His tone changing to be more serious. "I'm sorry." He took a breath, keeping himself together. "I'm sorry I wasn't there Dimitri. I'm sorry about your father, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you afterwards..."
Victoria later came back, and sat in a corner curled to a ball sitting up while watching the scene unfold. She looked to one after another, and then again before turning into Seeker and decided to wait as she fell into a sleep as she really was looking through her files. She may look like She was asleep, but she wasn't
Marko comes up next to Aedan "So, you friends with Connor I am guessing?" He sits down next to Aedan, looking straight ahead of him

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He cleared his throat. "Thank you for your sympathy." He said, as if he was used to saying it every day. "I'm sure whatever you've been doing has been pressing. Don't worry."
(Everyone) Kelai watches her as she leaves "That must've taken some real convincing. What do we do with the other three? Kill then off?" he asks Justice, cracking his knuckles

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(Pretty much all the avengers except ivory Nd cassie)

Justice watches her leave then wakes up Liona who's now completely under his ccontrol. "Watch her and make sure she does not betray your team" he whispered into her ear. "Go"

@Pink Gorilla

"Actually go and watch see how things play out hhave some fun with them" he said. "This is a test after all" he said

Connor nodded, for a million reasons. He regretted alot but he didn't regret rescuing Alex and Vi. Connor wanted to continue with the apologizing but knew Dimitri probably didn't want to hear it. "I spent the last two months in Siberia freezing to death while hunting and fighting HYDRA to save someone...Alex,, don't know if you met him that night but...." He shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't making excuses, he wanted everyone know exactly what he was doing. They could each be the judge and jury on it. He was probably going to be telling this story multiple times. "It's why I disappeared that night, couldn't get in touch with anyone. It was just Aedan and me." Again he nodded over at Aedan across the room, with Marko now parked beside him.
Aedan simply nodded to Marko, "That's me..." He answered in response, with a lack of any other words to add. Also confused on why he was being bothered by Marko, who wasn't bothering Connor. When he heard Connor telling their beautiful tale of danger and adventure, Aedan perked up, and nodded back to Connor's own nod of recognition.
Victoria uncurls herself but continues to watch, she made a quick chuckle thinking of something funny 'I should of just called myself Ghost' She then sighs and curls up into a ball again watching them with nothing to say. How could she? She hardly knows anyone even if she could list off a few names

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