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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Shall we just say she showed it again? I type it out and then you both post. adlfkajgfal lol)

Connor watched the broadcast, though he wanted to grieve. He couldn't, not until he'd seen the others, he didn't deserve it. Once it was over he looked at the ground, "Aedan I don't know what your plans we're when we got back...and I know I've taken the last two months from you...and it's selfish of me to ask. But I think I need you a little longer." He did have a think for running off, the first two times Connor had run into him the boy had left quickly both times. Though the third time he'd stayed by Connor's side longer and through more than he'd ever asked for. Right now he wanted someone he could rely on, a friend. He could rely on Alex but that was still...complicated.

@Archangel Galdrael @The Regal Rper
Aedan sighed fidgeting with his hands. He tried to be humorous, but it sounded empty, "You think I'd abandon you now? Well... I s'pose I can stick around for a while longer..." He said doubtfully, and trying to force a smile to Connor. Though it was anything but a happy expression. Aedan had no intention of leaving Connor yet, the two had been through a lot, now it seems it was time to face their sins head on. Their betrayal - as Aedan saw it.

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]((All ears Regal. Let's say what dumb thing Jack has done this time!))

(Well considering it's Jack, he probably dropped a nuke on Martians and then took Mars and slmmed it into Pluto, which is why Pluto is no longer a planet....Thanks Jack, you got rid of my favorite planet)
Kelai jumps in and slashes at the tendrils, breaking Justice free from her grip "Don't make me get angry cyber bitch" Kelai gets in his stance, ready to fight if need to

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LokiofSP said:
(Well considering it's Jack, he probably dropped a nuke on Martians and then took Mars and slmmed it into Pluto, which is why Pluto is no longer a planet....Thanks Jack, you got rid of my favorite planet)
Cassie looked at the floor with shame covering her face. "I..." she looked away and closed her eyes. "I can't go back..."
(No she'll fight Fist and depending on how things go he'll release her friends or if it's ok with you turn her into his puppet) @Archangel Galdrael
sitanomoto said:
Cassie looked at the floor with shame covering her face. "I..." she looked away and closed her eyes. "I can't go back..."
Ivory looked at Cassie with pleading eyes, "Please Cassie...Don't make me go back alone, don't leave again, I-I don't know what'd I'd do if you left again." He was the one crying now as he pulled her into another tight hug.
Allison took a few steps back then looked at Amelia. Amelia shook her head and Allison kneeled on the floor. "I don't need you killed." She said to her. "What do you plan to do now? Public execution?" ( I think the puppet thing for the whole squad would be cool. It would give me a reason to introduce the boss to the avengers. @sitanomoto would it be alright if Boss was a bit older like 24? @The Regal Rper @National )
A partial smile crossed Connor's lips at Aedan's words as he kept his eyes on the ground, no he didn't think Aedan would leave him. He was thankful, he knew Aedan was hurting as well and Connor knew it was his fault.

Connor was the one that went after Alex that night at Stark tower. Connor was the one who found Aedan, and convinced him to help at the satellite. Connor was the one who made a deal with the devil, that general, and again brought Aedan along. Connor was the one that left on the plane, and instead of doing the right thing, instead of sending Aedan back to help the others he'd let him come along. That was a moment where he should have taken the lead and made a decision, and instead he'd let Aedan choose. And now Connor was guilty, and he'd burdened Aedan with that same guilt. He'd do what he could to make this right, with all of them.

The blonde looked up at the stranger, name still unknown to him, planning to listen. "Make it quick. I need to go."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked at Cassie with pleading eyes, "Please Cassie...Don't make me go back alone, don't leave again, I-I don't know what'd I'd do if you left again." He was the one crying now as he pulled her into another tight hug.
Phoenix then tackle hugged them both, with him crying. "Pleassssse come back! You are the big sister I never had!!" Phoenix said with strong emotion. Redd takes control of his body, and then hugged them all in his arms. "We must go back..... As family." Redd said as he rumbles his throat happily.
National said:
(I'm hoping Cassie does another plot twist)
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(I can't handle any more plot twists man, we got this, then Justice to deal with, after that we got Joseph, by the time we're done the only one left will be Jack! and do you really want Jack to be the last Avenger?!)
(That's cool and alright then)

Justice kneels down in front of them and looks at the girls. "Now since you girls seem to have a relationship of some sort with the Avengers. You all will watch and tell me everything that happens. What they eat, what they do before they go to sleep. If Ivory trips and hurts himself I want to know. You tell me everything you can gather about their powers and also" he paused. "Tell me who your boss is" he said and waited for one of them to reply. "That's an order" he stated. @Archangel Galdrael
Aedan sighed before looking at Jack. "Let me guess, he's a villain we have to deal with..." He said not surprised, he wanted to say is that all? Since he and Connor really needed to face their... well , Connor needed to face his friends. Aedan simply needed to go with him. "Can we continue this later..." Aedan said, turning to Connor and his face showing exactly what he had in mind. What they needed to do. They needed to find Cassie... Then Dmitri.

@Crono @The Regal Rper
"Hehehe Justice let me take over" Axel whispered in his head.

"I've got this under control" he said out loud. "Looking back at Amelia, Allison and (forgot her name) ignoring Tanya. "Shut it" he said placing a finger on his lip and watched as their mouths closed and their lips remained stuck. "Listen to what I say before you talk". @Archangel Galdrael
Kelai watches them closely, his children blocking the influence of Justice. He watches them closely, ready to strike at any time

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