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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Vi looked puzzled at Aedan's words, turning from him to Jack. "..Don't you know him?" she asked Aedan.

((I gtg.. =w= ))
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked at Cassie worriedly, before his eyes widened in shock at the sight of his parents, his mom was asleep and his dad was somewhere between sleep and conciseness, his costume was ripped in multiple places, and he slowly picked up his head, when he saw Ivory his eyes widened, "IVORY GO! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" Ivory breathed deeply, most of his energy went to keeping his composure, keeping his cool, he slowly walked towards Cassie, "Cassie I'm sorry about your Dad, I really am, I'm sorry you felt everyone was using you..." He looked away ashamed, "...I know I didn't do much to help that. But that's the reason you can't do this, because you have to honer your Dad's memory, because you're a hero and because... Because..." He broke down, tears began to slowly drip down his face as he tightened his fists to try to stop them, "BECAUSE I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE! IF YOU DO THIS I WON'T JUST LOSE MY LIFE OR MY PARENTS, I'LL LOSE YOU AS WELL, AND I'M DONE LOSING PEOPLE I LOVE, THAT'S WHY I HAD TO GET BETTER! SO PLEASE JUST STOP..." He closed his eyes and pushed his hands to the sides of his head, "Please..."
@sitanomoto[/URL] @LokiofSP
Cassie's. Heart stopped and she lowered her arm. "You... You loved me?" she whispered. She collapsed to her knees and dropped the gun at her grandfather's voice. "Grandpa.... Dad... Dad I'm so sorry for..... For everything..." she collapsed to the floor, heaving sobs racking her body as she apologized in French. Rapid French.
Pyosimros said:
"Yah that's the room," Peter said and he sat down and watched some TV.
"Thank you Mr.Parker." When Peter had gone and sat down he quickly walked down the hallway. At the door Perry had told him about he quickly looked around before he ducked into the room. He stood stalk still at the sight of the scattered boxes everywhere. He shook himself from his stupor and walked up to the first box. He quickly peeked through the boxes until he found what he was looking for. Quickly he stuffed the hat into a large inside jacket pocket before leaving the room. Quickly he stopped into Perry's room. He grabbed the first thing he saw which was a pair of socks and snatched them up as well as a watch that had been sitting on the dresser. He left the room and quickly put his shoes back on. He held up the socks and the watch in case Peter looked his way. "Thank you sir!"

He opened the door and shut it behind him before scurrying over to Perry. "Your parents are chill. My dad would have followed you and stood at the door of my room to make sure that was where you were going." He mumbled. He carefully pulled out the hat and showed it to Perry. "This the hat you were talking about?"
Aedan didn't look at Vi, but he didn't answer right away, he paused, and felt like he did know the intruder. "It doesn't matter... He's an intruder..." He spoke still glaring at Maniac, not answering his statement, but almost snapping at who he thought was standing before him. He hoped for his sake it wasn't him.

@labyrinthecho @The Regal Rper
"I'm standing here with a S.H.I.E.L.D agent here" he said gesturing towards Cassandra. "and you still put me on freeze" he said shaking his head. "Anyway let me go Aedan I got to fill you guys in on what's going on since you two left" he said

@Archangel Galdrael
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's. Heart stopped and she lowered her arm. "You... You loved me?" she whispered. She collapsed to her knees and dropped the gun at her grandfather's voice. "Grandpa.... Dad... Dad I'm so sorry for..... For everything..." she collapsed to the floor, heaving sobs racking her body as she apologized in French. Rapid French.
Ben looks on confused, but finally loses his battle against sleep and passes out. Ivory knew his parents would be fine, but he was more worried about Cassie currently, drying his tears and sniffing a bit he walks towards her and gets on his knees, and pulls her in for a tight hug, blushing a bit, "I care about you Cassie, allot, and even though you turned "evil" I noticed something, unlike me you never hurt anyone did you? You never touched any of the Avengers, any innocents, hell not even my parents." He broke away from the hug and put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes, "In my past 3 months of recent outside life, I've talked to about 4 girls, and out of all of them you have to be one of the most strong and caring, you are good to the core Cassie Stark, and even though you may not get a second chance at a family life, I know your Mom and Dad couldn't be prouder of what they raised."
"Yah, just gotta plug it into a machine in Parker Industries and we're good to go," Perry said and he looked away from his house. "We just gotta catch good ol' evil me but that'll be put on hold. Let's deliver some shawarma now," he said with a smile.

"I'm a government agent not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent..." Cassandra mumbled.
"Whatever" in response to Cassandra. "Now get me outta this thing you guys can tell me your story later right now you need to hear what I have to say" he said waiting
Aedan left quickly, with good reason. Connor was nearing the end of his patience, once gone he stifled a chuckle and looked back at Alex a little flushed. "He's never going to let me live it down. Let's get out of here, and no running off to Africa yet alright? I really don't want to have to go chasing after you through another country." Connor smirked at him before leaving the room. Aedan had already run off out of sight, Connor wanted off this thing. He was on his way to the exit when he heard Aedan's voice in a room, ducking his head in he had the intent to try and turn the tables on their earlier fun and poke at him.

However the look on Aedan's face had Connor dropping those plans for now, not to mention he noticed two people he didn't recognize standing in the room with hm and Vi. While they we're on a SHIELD vessel and most everyone was a stranger, Aedan wouldn't freeze just anyone. With that he stepped into the room with an amused look, "Am I interrupting?"

@Archangel Galdrael @labyrinthecho @The Regal Rper @Pyosimros
Aedan remained unmoving for a minute... Seething with silent anger as he felt his whole inner-being shake with rage, all the bad memories of what happened before Siberia poured into his head, and the reason - him. All of it was his fault, and now he had the nerve to come here again! Aedan looked up, almost pure contempt and rage in his eyed, as if he'd been possessed. "You..." He muttered, in a violent hiss. As he began to do something he'd never done before... He inverted Jack's momentum, speeding, slowing and stopping was one thing, but in his state of pure rage, he collapsed any momentum Jack had upon itself, which would be putting immense pressure onto him, almost like being crushed by a huge fist. "YOU!" He growled once more, staring Jack directly in the face.

@The Regal Rper @labyrinthecho @Crono @AnnoDomini @Pyosimros

(Hurrah for reunions and power development!)
Pyosimros said:
"Yah, just gotta plug it into a machine in Parker Industries and we're good to go," Perry said and he looked away from his house. "We just gotta catch good ol' evil me but that'll be put on hold. Let's deliver some shawarma now," he said with a smile.
"Okay so based on the coordinates given we should be close to where they are. I'm going to say that it's only a couple of blocks away. Now for this plan to be set in motion, will we need your actual body? Because we could possibly use some assistance with that, especially since he has an army of spiders at his call. Man I hope they're not real spiders." He grumbled, still not quite enthused with the idea of an evil spider army. He stopped in front of the building Marco said he would be in. "Before we go in there. I'm sorry, about earlier at the Shwarma shop. Saying that we'd all be dead and stuff. That was a little too far. I had no right to say any of that stuff."
Rage. It wasn't very healthy, especially for Cassandra. From the demonstration of the angry man's powers earlier she can tell that he isn't a person you should mess with. "Hey!" Cassandra said and she got in front of Aedan. "You need to get in line to kill that jackass."
Maniac buckled over under the pressure "Oh I see you've been working on your powers" he said from the floor. "And like I've said none of you can kill me. Anyway since you're gonna be like this I'll just talk. Tony Stark and Pietro are dead" he stated slowly lifting himself off the ground despite the pressure applied to him. "Massacre killed them, but dont worry Dmitri and Cassie finished him off" he said looking up at the shocked expression.

@Archangel Galdrael @Crono @Pyosimros
Aedan kept the grip, but buckled slightly at the mention of Tony's and Pietro's deaths... He didn't exactly see the girl right in front of him, and he only felt sympathy for a moment, before his clouded judgment and angry state of of mind got the better of him. "Maybe they'd be alive if you hadn't drove me away!" He shouted at Jack, applying even more pressure, which under any other circumstances he'd have marveled at. Everything was enraging him, he couldn't believe Jack had found a place amongst them, it sickened him, and currently, Aedan was using him as a scapegoat even for the shocking news of the elder Avengers death.

@Crono @The Regal Rper @Pyosimros
"Please stop, I don't want to report a death of a superhero under my watch to my superiors," Cassandra said with an edgy tone in her voice.
"Look guy I don't have time to argue with you" he said going back into a crouching position then holding his index finger up to signal to Cassandra to leave this to him. "I may have driven you away but you had many opportunities to come back Aedan" he said getting back up slowly. "Now Massacre is dead and an old friend of mine is causing trouble I'm not sure if you saw the broadcast but..." he signaled to Cassandra to show it to them in case they missed it.

@Archangel Galdrael
"The Spider guy or the one in L.A.?" Cassandra asked him. He wasn't sure which one but both of them were equally as bad, though the L.A. one seemed worse for the killings.
Connor was about to move into Aedan's path, he could see he was angry. He just hoped seeing an injured friend block him would prevent him from doing anything stupid. However the strangers next words hit Connor like a brick wall and he froze. What'd he just say? Connor nearly lost his balance, forgetting where he was.

Aedan's shouting popped the bubble he'd just been put in. "Your not serious?" Connor asked with a crack in his voice as he momentarly ignored Aedan and moved into the strangers view. "They couldn't have..wouldn't have."

(Late post, I got hungry, raided kitchen.)
"Alright, opening the L.A. broadcast," she said and she passed the phone to both of them. She still felt as though she failed since she didn't catch the two criminals. They pose as being good guys but they shoot unarmed men like it was going out of style, except for the fact that Justice mind controlled them to.

"Yup, real body," Perry said. @CasualDragon
Aedan scoffed... "You blind fool... I couldn't return! You made sure of that!" The momentum manipulation by this point was almost spiraling out of control, and he was no longer just stopping Jack from moving, but the whole Helicarrier was beginning to slow, as well as Cassandra. "Do you have no empathy you vile excuse of a human!?" Aedan questioned, as he struggled to notice the broadcast and even Connor, in all honesty, this was more than his hatred for Jack. Aedan was now feeling wrecked with guilt, at the fact that Aedan and Connor had run off, and essentially left Pietro and Tony to die, and betrayed the Avengers in their time of need, like cowards... He just couldn't accept it...

((Is nobody going to stop Aedan,the whole helicarrier will go down at this rate! Damn it Connor, do your job!))
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Pyosimros said:
"Yup, real body," Perry said.
Finn winced. "That'll be fun." He looked around and flicked on his comm unit. "Marco? You still here? I have your shwarma and an interesting proposition for you." He turned the microphone off and turned back to Perry. "Close your eyes for a moment. If this is what I think it is then you should feel almost like a little 'tug' this should be the call of your actual body. I'm not sure if that's a real thing or not as I have no experience with the body snatchers, but if you can feel it then that may be able to help us track down your bod once we're at Parker Industries. We won't have much time to manually search the place."


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