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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Now Connor wanted to hit him, call him a liar. Everything felt wrong, he was happy, he and Aedan we're returning home and they'd gotten Alex back and Alex had...and now this. It was all disorienting and no amount of mental preparation could have prepared him for this. He was ignoring the broadcast until he heard the screams, then he felt the Hellicarrier start to shift he was suddenly aware Aedan was doing this. He almost didn't care, but he could see he wasn't the only one hurting. Those men may have been family to him but clearly Aedan was feeling the guilt as well.

"Aedan..." The blonde said plainly, "Look at me." Connor moved inbetween Aedan and Jack. "Stop."
"Whatever you say," Perry shut his eyes. For around a minute, nothing really happened. Except his stomach growling from the lack of shawarma. "I don't really feel anything... You sure this actually works-" he cut off when he actually felt something. It was like a little mental shove. He started to wonder if this is what John felt when he gets that feeling that he needs to go somewhere to where other people are.
"I don't have a lot of things" he said. "Now Aedan I get your mad at me and everything, but let's face I didn't make it impossible for you to come back. You did" he said calmly. "Or am I wrong?"
"We're not against you, we're if you. So drop the magic or whatever you're using," Cassandra said. She could barely move, it was like time slowed down, except it didn't. And at this rate, she noticed that the helicarrier slowed as well, and it was falling.
Aedan was seeing mainly red, until Connor stepped directly in front of him, he discerned the words, and looked at Connor, and he knew he was right. This was their fault, Aedan immediately stopped, and stared at Connor, as if he was mentally saying: This was our fault... He didn't exactly know what to do now, so he just stared at the floor, realizing that this was all on them.
Walking up to Connor and Aedan Maniac patted them on the shoulder. "While this may not have been what you were expecting when you two got back that's what happened. You two cam give your consolations later" he said. "Now are we all good?" he asked Connor since he seemed more reasonable to talk to.
Cassandra paused the video and stuffed her phone back into her pocket. Then, she just simply waited for everything to settle down.
The smile he gave to Aedan as he calmed down was just instinct, he doubted he could smile at the moment with reason. "I umm... I need to find Dimitri and Cass. I mean..." Could he face them? What would he say, sorry? Sorry? That would never be enough, and for a brief moment Connor wished he was back in Siberia freezing his cheeks off, oblivious. Then the guy was patting him on the shoulder, he felt it, though numbly. "Yeah, I think I should just sit." He mumbled, taking a few steps back before sitting on a crate.
"I really care about your who did what. I know that he and you are working together so that makes you equally guilty." Amelia stated, stepping towards him. "So we can make this easy, without you resisting, or we can make this hard, where you possibly come out in a body bag. Your choice, choose wisely. Boss doesn't give second chances." She said.
Aedan didn't say anything, he didn't even care it was Jack talking to him, he simply nodded, and took a seat next to Connor, before watching the broadcast. Though eating at the back of his mind was that voice, telling him he betrayed the heroes. Which was the truth, they saved Alex, and Cassie, Dmitri, Pietro and Tony paid the price.
Justice sighed then stood up. "You government folk are all the same. Your all just the dogs of higher ups" he said. "Now please drop your weapons don't make me resort to force and surrender" he said still not facing them but staring out the window.

@Pink Gorilla

"Go ahead and show them the two" he signaled to Cassandra

"Oh, don't worry we aren't government. We don't like to deal with all those rules and regulations when you could just... Eliminate the problem ourselves." Tanya chimed in.

"Things don't have to get ugly if you would just surrender." Amelia stated, nodding towards Tanya. She began to make her doll dance behind Jutice's back to help influence his decision. @The Regal Rper
Justice shook his head. "Well either way I can't comply to your demands I've got something I need to do and I intend to do it" he said ignoring the doll. "Now all of you drop your weapons or things won't be in your favor"

@Pink Gorilla
"Oh, I am so afraid of a man that makes other people do his dirty work for him." Tanya retorted.

"Shut your mouth and come with us." Liona ordered. Amelia gripped her gun harder and Allison began closing in if anything were to go awry. (I feel as if this is goin to end up hem becoming prisoners) @The Regal Rper
LokiofSP said:
Ben looks on confused, but finally loses his battle against sleep and passes out. Ivory knew his parents would be fine, but he was more worried about Cassie currently, drying his tears and sniffing a bit he walks towards her and gets on his knees, and pulls her in for a tight hug, blushing a bit, "I care about you Cassie, allot, and even though you turned "evil" I noticed something, unlike me you never hurt anyone did you? You never touched any of the Avengers, any innocents, hell not even my parents." He broke away from the hug and put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes, "In my past 3 months of recent outside life, I've talked to about 4 girls, and out of all of them you have to be one of the most strong and caring, you are good to the core Cassie Stark, and even though you may not get a second chance at a family life, I know your Mom and Dad couldn't be prouder of what they raised."
Cassie sobbed into Ivory's shoulder and then looked at him. Her eyes were shadowed underneath from a lack of sleep. "I can't... Can't face anyone... Not anyone on the team.... Not after what I did...."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie sobbed into Ivory's shoulder and then looked at him. Her eyes were shadowed underneath from a lack of sleep. "I can't... Can't face anyone... Not anyone on the team.... Not after what I did...."
Ivory looked at Cassie, and gave her a reassuring smile, "What makes you think they're holding grudges? You didn't hurt anyone on the team, and you didn't hurt any innocent people. Cass, I saw you at your worst, your most evil, and all you did was mess with a few heads, and take it from a person who has personal experience with going to the dark side, no one will hold it against you."
"Weapons drop them" he stated and all the weapons they had fell to the ground stuck there. "What were you saying about me ordering others to do my dirty work?" he asked and before they could answer he said "Kneel". And watched as they slowly feel on the ground. "Underestimating your opponent is another thing that everyone seems to make" he stated

@Pink Gorilla
"You think you are bad? I almost killer ivory and Harry." H4D35 said. "I almost killed them, believing YOU were dead." He adds as he crossed his arms. "God dammit hades! That isssss not helping at all!" Phoenix shouted, coming out from behind a computer. "Seriously, do you honestly hate her that much?" Phoenix asked, with hades shaking his head. "I hate the evil actions of any human. I do not car who they are." Hades or H4D35 said. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
After the broadcast Maniac got up and sat across from Aedan. "So Aedan before I fill you two in on who we're dealing with why don;t you and I get this" he said pointing to himself and back to Aedan. "Out of the way because I don't want your anger issues with me screwing things up" he said

@Archangel Galdrael

(Let's see how this turns out)
Aedan could barely look in a straight line, he turned to Connor and could only imagine the pain he was feeling though. Though the difference was, at least Connor had a reason to leave, to save Alex. It was personal. Aedan couldn't say the same... He simply fled the massacre, and the city-wide invasion when the Avengers were most vulnerable. Two Avengers lay dead because of it, even worse, was neither of them were their to support the victims of the deaths... "C-Connor.." Aedan whispered, barely audible. "We..." Aedan paused, unable to finish the sentence, we failed them. The more he thought about it, the more sorrow he felt... Alex didn't need saving, him and the woman were escaping alone just fine... It took them two months to find them... It would have took the duo less than a day to finish the battle... Aedan glanced up at Jack, and didn't flinch. "Say what you will..." He mumbled, devoid of any resistance or hope. Hate had left his system, only guilt and self-doubt seemed to remain.

@Metaphysics @labyrinthecho

@Pyosimros @The Regal Rper
Amelia, Tanya, kneeled down and tried to get up but couldn't. They struggled and struggled but they didn't budge. Liona was forced lay down in her armor. Allison used her tentacles to grab Justice's arms and uncloaked in the process. "Let them go." She said enraged. @The Regal Rper

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