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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Redd and phoenix followed you in, just in case anything went awry.)

(I meant to National)

sitanomoto said:
Obsidian striker whirled around and took off her mask. She grinned wide. "Hello, Ivory. Come to kill me?" she sneered. "I'm sorry, but it already happened." she pulled up the holgram of her "dead" self and laughed. "This is true to some extent," she said. "Cassie is gone. Obsidian Striker is the only one left in me."

This however, was not entirely true. Ivory's back to normal.... The sane part of her thought, and an expression crossed her face. One of recognition and love.

He had his chance! Striker growled back.

But.... Its Ivory....

Striker's will slammed down again and the expression on her face turned stony. "You're too late." she held up a gun. "Come any closer and I'll shoot you."
Ivory bit his lip, "Cassie...Please, put the gun down,let my parents go, lets head back to Stark Tower, the city needs you, our friends need you..." Ivory took off his makeshift spider mask to reveal a beat up face with dirt marks and caked blood everywhere, dirt was stuck in his hair, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, he looked at her pleadingly, "Please Cass...."
"You should do it, if my mom sees some guy that looks like Silver Samurai storm into her house she's going to stab me to death with those web stabby thing. I'll be outside the house though, and let me order some shawarma, we are there after all. Better order something to go," he said simply and he remembered what Finn said earlier. "Robot army? Well we'd better get in and out fast then."

"Arachnaughts, the main weapon. These are usually going to come in groups of three to five and they will vary in size. Equipped with so many lazers, missiles, and bullets that you can't comprehend. Mark my words, with this, New York City will finally be safe again," more encore. Cheering. Everyone was cheering, they were just happy to feel safe. Though these weapons would serve a different purpose.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan scoffed before moving his hand about in a slow circular motion. "Controlling them isn't the problem, the problem is making them more effective." He said mumbling slightly, before sighing. It was true, dealing with small inanimate objects was one thing sure, stopping a moving person was another thing. Especially a large, dangerous, moving person who had a non-physical power... Perhaps if he thought things through and used the environment more it would go better, or not.
@Archangel Galdrael

Seeker, was gone in a flash (superhero reference lol) and then came back to where marko and Dimitri was. She had something in her left hand, it was curled to a fist. But the energy source could of been....what seemed to be a powerful stone. Probably one of the infinity stones that thanos is trying to find. But, which one is it?
Striker paused, then cocked the gun so it was ready to fire. "No." she growled. "The city, our friends, they had their chance. They never cared about me. All they wanted was my tech expertise and leadership skills that I was sorely lacking." she pushed a button and his parents came up tied together from the floor. "You had a chance with your parents and you kept them a secret from me like you didn't think I would have cared about it." tears began t stream down her face. "I'll never get a second chance with my Father or Mother. They are both dead. You never really cared. No one did except them." she whispered. She clenched her teeth. "Now you will have to pay the price for the emotionlessness that you showed." she tightened her finger around the trigger.
LokiofSP said:
(I meant to National)
Ivory bit his lip, "Cassie...Please, put the gun down,let my parents go, lets head back to Stark Tower, the city needs you, our friends need you..." Ivory took off his makeshift spider mask to reveal a beat up face with dirt marks and caked blood everywhere, dirt was stuck in his hair, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, he looked at her pleadingly, "Please Cass...."
Phoenix walks in, and hid behind something big so he can not be seen. Redd then walks in, and stood behind ivory. "We have come to get our leader back. We need you back, master. I need you back." Redd said as he knelt next to ivory. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Marko nodded to Victoria "So I am guessing you also have a hold of a stone as well. Your father was created from the yellow one, correct? I am guessing you have the yellow one, if I am not mistaken" Marko looks at Victoria @InsaneKiller19

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Aedan sighed... "We should be landing soon... Two months in that frozen wasteland, I almost wish I'd have never gone. Wonder what everybody'll be like now. Me and Connor left at a terrible time..." Aedan said, wondering how they all dealt with the symbiote attack.

Seeker revealed in her hand was infact the yellow stone. "Father thought it would be best with the avengers, so he gave it to me to give to you guys." she replied solemly
Pyosimros said:
"You should do it, if my mom sees some guy that looks like Silver Samurai storm into her house she's going to stab me to death with those web stabby thing. I'll be outside the house though, and let me order some shawarma, we are there after all. Better order something to go," he said simply and he remembered what Finn said earlier. "Robot army? Well we'd better get in and out fast then."
Finn eyed the 'Silver Samurai' sitting in front of him and he nodded. "I can see the logic in that." He stood up and pushed his chair in. "Well if we're gonna grab some takeout let's grab 'er so that we can get going. Can your new tin can fly or will we have to take public transit?" He didn't really want to try and squish the poor guy onto the already crowded public transit but if they had no choice they would. He eyed up the suit again and pulled out his wallet. "Actually, I think I can cover a taxi if need be."
sitanomoto said:
Striker paused, then cocked the gun so it was ready to fire. "No." she growled. "The city, our friends, they had their chance. They never cared about me. All they wanted was my tech expertise and leadership skills that I was sorely lacking." she pushed a button and his parents came up tied together from the floor. "You had a chance with your parents and you kept them a secret from me like you didn't think I would have cared about it." tears began t stream down her face. "I'll never get a second chance with my Father or Mother. They are both dead. You never really cared. No one did except them." she whispered. She clenched her teeth. "Now you will have to pay the price for the emotionlessness that you showed." she tightened her finger around the trigger.
Ivory looked at Cassie worriedly, before his eyes widened in shock at the sight of his parents, his mom was asleep and his dad was somewhere between sleep and conciseness, his costume was ripped in multiple places, and he slowly picked up his head, when he saw Ivory his eyes widened, "IVORY GO! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" Ivory breathed deeply, most of his energy went to keeping his composure, keeping his cool, he slowly walked towards Cassie, "Cassie I'm sorry about your Dad, I really am, I'm sorry you felt everyone was using you..." He looked away ashamed, "...I know I didn't do much to help that. But that's the reason you can't do this, because you have to honer your Dad's memory, because you're a hero and because... Because..." He broke down, tears began to slowly drip down his face as he tightened his fists to try to stop them, "BECAUSE I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE! IF YOU DO THIS I WON'T JUST LOSE MY LIFE OR MY PARENTS, I'LL LOSE YOU AS WELL, AND I'M DONE LOSING PEOPLE I LOVE, THAT'S WHY I HAD TO GET BETTER! SO PLEASE JUST STOP..." He closed his eyes and pushed his hands to the sides of his head, "Please..."
Marko nods "The yellow stone. I remember how my father talks about how your dad was born. That was his power source. And with that stone, with the other stones, Thanos murdered galaxies and crushed planets with his hand. I can hold onto the stone until it is time Victoria. With the two stones, Thanos will surely want them back. All according to the plan"

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"Yes, I do hope he is making the right choice. But I have a feeling he is, and as well....we have 4 more stones that need finding. Like the power and reality stone, I know a few people who can get us the reality stone. But I don't know about the power one.."
"Nah, I can't fly. I can run fast though. Let's just walk it, it's not too far from here," Perry said and he stood up, and he went to order some shawarma. "Hey Finn! Can you say through your comm if anyone else wants any shawarma cause they all kinda left without any!" he shouted over to him as he ordered his food.

"Thank you all for coming and remember, together we will defeat any supercriminal with science!" Joseph said and he took a bow. Now that it was over, it was time to take his leave.
Marko grins "Oh I feel I know how we can get the power stone. But first of all Victoria, I feel that you and I right now know the most about Thanos. And my plan... Is to make another Vision

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Pyosimros said:
"Nah, I can't fly. I can run fast though. Let's just walk it, it's not too far from here," Perry said and he stood up, and he went to order some shawarma. "Hey Finn! Can you say through your comm if anyone else wants any shawarma cause they all kinda left without any!" he shouted over to him as he ordered his food.
"Thank you all for coming and remember, together we will defeat any supercriminal with science!" Joseph said and he took a bow. Now that it was over, it was time to take his leave.
(OH DUDE, You could totally have Joseph interact with Perry's Mom and Dad!)
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked at Cassie worriedly, before his eyes widened in shock at the sight of his parents, his mom was asleep and his dad was somewhere between sleep and conciseness, his costume was ripped in multiple places, and he slowly picked up his head, when he saw Ivory his eyes widened, "IVORY GO! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" Ivory breathed deeply, most of his energy went to keeping his composure, keeping his cool, he slowly walked towards Cassie, "Cassie I'm sorry about your Dad, I really am, I'm sorry you felt everyone was using you..." He looked away ashamed, "...I know I didn't do much to help that. But that's the reason you can't do this, because you have to honer your Dad's memory, because you're a hero and because... Because..." He broke down, tears began to slowly drip down his face as he tightened his fists to try to stop them, "BECAUSE I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE! IF YOU DO THIS I WON'T JUST LOSE MY LIFE OR MY PARENTS, I'LL LOSE YOU AS WELL, AND I'M DONE LOSING PEOPLE I LOVE, THAT'S WHY I HAD TO GET BETTER! SO PLEASE JUST STOP..." He closed his eyes and pushed his hands to the sides of his head, "Please..."
"And most importantly, my dear grandchild, what would he think if he was alive, taking his work for evil." Howard said through redd. "He maybe gone physically. But he is here in your hearts, all of you." He said as redd stood up. "Cassie, this is no way to be a Stark. And no way to treat family." @sitanomoto @LokiofSP

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