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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Damnit dude! We were just getting to the cool stuff. Maniac, ivory is bound to do something stupid right now, he's chasing his girl as she turned into a hulking supervillain. How about you go help him out. Maybe stop him from killing himself. Again."
Seeker goes off to where Ivory was heading, she had nothing better to do AND he might as well get some help. She thinks he would be insane to do it on his own, might as well make use of why she was created
"That's not something I should get myself involved in" he said. "Ivory is the main cause of Cassie losing her marbles in the first place anyone else intervening in him trying to settle things would end badly. Also me helping him since the entire team seems to hate my guts isn't the best idea. Besides explain to me why exactly I'm not supposed to know this don't you think telling the entire team what you know would be better than hiding it? Especially if it means half the universe is going to die" he asked.
Marko sighs and looks at Maniac "There has been SK much stress for the team. They will know at some point, but everyone is at a different location. Ivory and Cassie are insane and probably going to China, Connor Aedan and Alec and Vi are in Siberia, and Perry and Finn and the other 500 spider people things are in the city. They don't need this news now." Marko points at Maniac accusingly "And YOU need to know privacy"

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"Where I grew up privacy was never an option" he said shrugging. "And cmon I could hear you guys when you got to the door so don't blame me for that one" he said innocently
"Look manny, I love ya but Marko doesn't like just anyone to know about his personal stuff. Maybe you should get going. We will catch up, I promise."
"Alright alright" pats Marko on the back. "I'll try not to invade your privacy" he says slightly surprised by Seeker popping out of nowhere. "Whoa"

(You guys I gtg it's like 3:30am here and I'm tired see you later)
Marko looks at Seeker "I can trust this one. Besides, she is the child of Vision. I can feel the remnants of the infinity stone from her "Before they could ask how he could feel the infinity stones, Marko holds up the Farseer Orb "A gallon of mist can then one human into an inhuman. Is that needed for your plan Dimitri?"

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Seeker hums a bit, "Hmm..." She was thinking, while having one of those expressions on her face. Seeker turns into Victoria and then she looked are in question
"It wasn't specified, but It would definitely help our odds. Who were you thinking we could give it to?" He asked Marko.
"My friend Kelai. He's a nice guy. He's also the child of the Iron Fist" Since Marko knew no one in the Avengers has seen Kelai or knows that he was the person who did the building massacre, he thought this would be a good way to introduce The avengers to him without posing a threat

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National said:
Marko looks at Seeker "I can trust this one. Besides, she is the child of Vision. I can feel the remnants of the infinity stone from her "Before they could ask how he could feel the infinity stones, Marko holds up the Farseer Orb "A gallon of mist can then one human into an inhuman. Is that needed for your plan Dimitri?"
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Victoria looks at Marko, "Yes I am, the names Victoria or Seeker. I saw you back when we were with Perry and Ivory before you left with him and Ivory." Motions towards Dimitri before looking at the stone in thought, "Have you collected any other infinite stones? My dad must have brought me to life, because the one named Thanos would be looking for them. And I won't let that happen"
"Yes. I hold the blue infinity stone. It is safe and,in my possession. I know Thanos, and I know that someday he will be looking for it. That is the plan"

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Victoria nods changing back to Seeker, "Well that is accounted for two infinite stones...unless the others are found before he could get to them."
(*Super nerdy voice* Um actually, they're called infinity gems)

Perry sighed. This was pretty usual now, everyone leaving randomly to do their own thing. The only ones who remained were Jaon and Finn. "So, what have you guys been up to lately?" @CasualDragon @The Unamed Character

(Wait what timezones are you guys in cause in EST it says you guys stayed up until 3:49 ._.)
Reaper said:
(Well this universe is (very) loosely based on the mcu. And I stayed up until 249 yesterday:D)
Pyosimros said:
(Cause I know in the cinematic universe they call them Infinity Stones and ._.)
(Really, becuase this entire time I thought we were just taking comic elements and stories and throwing in MCU spice)
(Yea,same thing. But there's a few names for them and since national introduced them he got to pick which:3)
Finn pulled out a chair and sat down. Shortly after his little rant it seemed as if most of the heroes had decided to congregate at the same shwarma place. Finn winced at the thought that they had all probably heard his little spiel but at the same time was okay with that. He reached up and flicked his comm off, not wanting that experience happening again. At the talk of temporary leaders, Finn leaned back in his seat. He wasn't exactly too sure who would be a suitable leader, he would leave that up to the others and trust their judgement. When Perry asked him about bioengineering he shrugged. "I have some knowledge. But if there's anything specific then I have some of my dad's old books and equipment in the basement at my place. Why?"

Conversation continued and as more people showed up the more lively the place felt. But that ended pretty quickly when everyone started taking off again. Slowly he leaned his elbows on the table and took his glasses off, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his hand. After their lovely talk about teamwork and leadership, it seemed they had all taken off on their own way. He shoved a large portion of shwarma into his mouth and chewed silently at the irony. At Perry's question about what they had been up to Finn shrugged again. "Not much. Engineered a prosthetic that could hold Smasher's weight, destroyed the streets of Los Angeles, came here for shwarma. That's practically all I've done these past two months. What have you been up to? You mentioned something about spiders earlier on is that what you need the bioengineering help with?"

"Other then mind-swapping nothing really happened. With the bioengineering however, another idea just popped into my mind. I'll probably sneak into my house and grab a device to swap bodies again. My dad told me about when this happened to him and when another supervillain tried to take over his mind he was wearing a helmet made of a cheaper alternative to adamantium to block off the attack. So he probably has something similar to block off the attack from a distance," the more Perry explained the more lost he felt himself. "Pretty much we plug him into a machine to get my body back, that's the short story. And since Cass is gone..." Perry had a silent sad moment for a few seconds until he continued. "I need you to do all the science stuff."
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